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Jazmine Ibarra

Sarah Thaller

Fire Cohort

5 February 2021

Week 3: Self Care Challenge

(2 Feb. 2021-5 Feb. 2021)

The first day didn’t go so well because I ended up going on my phone for like ten or

fifteen minutes looking at capybara plushies online. I don’t know why, but I did. However, the

one thing that went well is that I actually did get up and turn off my alarm at seven a.m. The

second day went well too, but the rest of the week, in terms of positivity, not being so hard on

myself, and following both my morning and evening routines, it went horribly. In fact, I didn’t

do it. I guess I’ve been losing sleep over researching hamsters. I want to get one so I’ve been

reading a bunch of articles, watching videos, and taking notes. Another thing was the math test

we had yesterday which I didn’t even get a decent score on, and now, my right foot hurts because

I moved a bookshelf on my own yesterday and dropped it on my foot. The negatives outweigh

the positives this week, it seems, at least for me. I felt really accomplished and happy with

myself the first two days. I know that I am also feeling horrible because I’m not taking very good

care of myself this week. My mom said my face looks smaller? I don’t think I lost much weight,

if any at all. However, I don’t really spend much time staring at my reflection. Anyway, I would

really like to get back to following both my morning and evening routines, and overall, getting

back to feeling like myself and taking good care of myself. I want to keep going with these

routines because I know that they will help me in the long run and I also want to be good to
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myself. I think it would be extremely beneficial to me, in terms of my mental and physical

health, as well as others because I will be able to give and be at my best if I treat myself right.

Morning Routine:

1. Wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning every day and turn off your phone alarm

2. Stretch and make the bed ~2 mins.

3. Move Chromebook and Airpods to your desk

4. Drink some water from your water bottle on the dresser

5. Use the restroom ~2-3 mins.

6. Wash hands, rinse your face, and apply face wash ~2-3 mins.

7. Remove your retainer and rinse before placing it in its case

8. Brush your teeth ~2-3 mins.

9. Rinse face thoroughly and pat your face dry with a towel ~2-3 mins

10. Remove pajamas, fold and put away ~1 min

11. Change clothes ~1-2 mins.

12. Check on plants! Check if the soil is dry. If so, water. If not, leave it be. ~2 mins.

13. Set up your workspace area and tidy up a bit if messy ~5-10 mins.

14. Go downstairs to eat breakfast or cook something yummy! ~5-20 mins. (Depending on if

you eat something already made, cereal, or if you cook something)

15. Free time (Doodle, play guitar, text family/friends, watch an episode of a show you like,

etc.) ~30+ mins

16. Go upstairs, go to class, and work hard until the end of the school day!

17. Get off the laptop at 4pm or 5pm. No sooner or later than that time. Whatever else you

have to do can wait until tomorrow.

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Evening Routine (Start at 7pm):

1. Call a friend or family member ~2 mins.-1 hr.

2. Exercise for half an hour or as long as you feel like using workout app on your phone

3. Take vitamins downstairs and refill your water bottle if needed ~3 mins.

4. Get your clothes ready for tomorrow ~2 mins.

5. Set your pajamas on your bed

6. Shower ~5-10 mins.

7. Brush your teeth and floss ~3-5 mins.

8. Apply vaseline on your lips

9. Put away your robe and change into your pajamas ~2 mins.

10. Plug in your electronics (Chromebook, personal laptop if used, Airpods, and cell phone)

at your charging station ~2 mins.

11. If you are still not tired, journal about the good and bad about today, what you can do to

improve the not-so-good things, and one-three things that you are grateful for...or

whatever’s on your mind ~10 minutes

12. Fix your pillows the way you like

13. Turn off the lights and sleep well:)

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