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Division Citogenetica, Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas 'Clemente Estable', Av. Italia 3318, Montevideo,

Received October 30, 1979/Accepted April 15, 1980

C-, G- and Q-banding patterns of mitotic and meiotic togenetic studies in the same species investigated by
chromosomes of Lycosa malitiosa Tullgren, Lycosa these authors, which results will be published in a se-
thorelli Keyserling and Lycosa sp. were studied. ries of papers. The first reports the organization of
Small C-bands are localized in the centromeric re- heterochromatin in the chromosomes of three species
gions of the three species. Brightly fluorescent of the genus Lycosa." L. malitiosa TuUgren, L. thorelli
blocks were detected with Hoechst 33258 (0.5 Keyserling, and Lycosa sp. The main purpose of this
ttg/ml) stain, in mitotic chromosomes (centrome- work is to determine whether or not heterochromatin
ric regions). In only some chromosomes of one spe- is a discrete and constant component of the genome
cies, Lycosa sp. positive fluorescence was found at of these species, and to recognize the chromosome
their telomeric regions. G-banding is consistently regions in which it is located.
positive in L. thorelli. The chromomere pattern ofbi-
valents at pachytene and differential distribution in
the three species are discussed. Material and methods

Adult specimens (female and male), of the three spe-

Introduction cies of the genus Lycosa: Lycosa malitiosa TuUgren
(25 males), L. thorelli Keyserling (15 males and 10 fe-
The techniques for karyological research developed males) and Lycosa sp. (18 males and 4 females) were
in the last few years have permitted a more accurate processed. Taxonomic determinations of these spec.
knowledge of spider karyotypes (Brum-Zorrilla & imens were made by the staff of the Division of Ex-
Cazenave, 1974; Matsumoto, 1977; Postiglioni & perimental Zoology of our Institute (IIBCE).
Brum-Zorrilla, 1977). The material was collected in the field or raised in
Giemsa stain has been used to reveal a variety of laboratory cages. The females were injected with 0.1
banding pattems in eukaryotic organisms. However ml. of a 0.04% colchicine solution. After an exposure
this methodological approach has rarely been applied of 20 hours some drops of haemolymph were re-
to spider chromosomes. The interest in performing moved from the tarsal articulations, and dispersed in
studies in this field has been enhanced by recent re- 5 ml. of balanced saline solution (BSS) and centri-
ports including for instance the one by Benavente & fuged at 800 rpm for 10 minutes. Hypotonic treat-
Wettstein (1977), who studied the sex-determining ment (BSS/distiUed water 1:1) was performed for 20
mechanism in Lycosa malitiosa, at the ultrastructural minutes before inmersion in methanolacetic acid
level. Similarly the extensive ecological, ethological (3:1). Testes were removed and fixed after trypsin
and systematic research carried out by Capocasale & treatment following the procedure published by Drets
Costa (1975) and Costa (1975) on Uruguayan Lyco- & StoU (1974). In other cases testicular tubules were
sidae spiders stimulated our interest to perform cy- inmersed in hypotonic solution (BSS/distilled water,

Genetica 54, 149-153 (1980). 0016-6707/80/0542-0149 $1.00. 149

© Dr. W. Junk B.V. Publishers,The Hague. Printed in The Netherlands.
1:1), for 30 minutes. The suspension of the fixed treatment of Sumner et al., (1971), yielded effective
cells (3:1) was placed into 60% acetic acid, centri- results (Fig. 3). The chromosomes of the other spe-
fuged immediately and transferred to fresh fixative cies treated under the same conditions showed some
for 10 minutes. Each drop of the cell suspension was dark bands which can not be considered as G-bands
placed on a pre-cleaned slide dipped previously in (Fig. 4). This fact made it difficult to make a precise
70% methanol and then flame.dried. identification of the chromosome pairs.

Staining method C-banding

In order to stain C-bands, the Arrighi & Hsu (1971) For the demonstration of C-bands the chromosome
procedure was used as follows: (1) 0.2 N HC1, 10 preparations were denatured in NaOH solution accor-
minutes; (2) NaOH in BSS (1:3), 1 minute; ( 3 ) 2 x ding to the method of Arrighi & Hsu (1971). It was
SSC, 10 minutes; (4) 2x SSC at 65°C overnight. seen that the denaturation with a solution of NaOH
Slides were then dried and stained for 20 minutes in balanced saline solution (BSS), 1:3 during 1 minute
in citrate-phosphate buffered Giemsa solution at pH is a prerequisite for the optimal staining of hetero-
6.8. Several G-banding methods (Seabright, 1971; chromatic regions. Following this procedure, small
Wang & Federoff, 1971) were carried out, but the on- pos_itive blocks were detected in the Centromeric re-
ly One that yielded successful results was the one pro-
posed by Sumner et al. (1971). Hoeehst 33258
(0.05/ag/ml. and 0.5 ttg/ml, in Hank's solution at pH
7) was used to detect fluorescent chromosome bands.
Examination of slides was carried out in a Zeiss pho-
tomicroscope fitted with epi-fluorescence condenser
III RS (excitation filter BG12, barrier filter 50) and
photographed on Tri-X-film. C and G banded prepara-
tions were observed under bright field and photo-
graphed on Kodak High Contrast Copy.


Chromosome complement

An identical karyotype was found in the three species

studied (Lycosa malitiosa, L ycosa thorelli and Lycosa
sp.): 20 autosomes with an X;X2 sex-chromosome
constitution were found in males and 20 autosomes
plus X1 X1X2X2 in females. All chromosomes (auto-
somes and sex-chromosomes) are uniarmed with a
terminal centromere. At somatic metaphase, the auto-
somes and the X's cannot be distinguished. In both
sexes all chromosomes have similar sizes and shapes
(Figs. 1,2).
Figs. 1-6. Mitotic metaphases ofLycosa sp. (1,5,6, sperma-
G-banding togonia), L. thorelli (2, 9 haematocyte; 3, spermatogonium)
and L. malitiosa (4, spermatogonium): -(1-2 Giemsa;- (3-4)
G-banding; - (5) C-banding, note positively heteropycnotic
In spite of several G-banding methods being used XIX2; - (6) Hoechst 0.5 #g/ml, arrows indicate centro-
(Seabright, 1971; Wang & Federoff, 1971) only some meric and telomeric fluorescent blocks, - Bars represent 10
preparations of L. thorelli treated with the G-banding ~m.

gions of the autosomes of all species. Figure 5 illus- meres which appear irregularly distributed. In Lycosa
trates a spermatogonial metaphase plate in which posi- sp. (Fig. 8) coalescence between chromomeres was ob-
tive blocks can be seen. This particular plate was se- served. L. thorelli (Fig. 9) was the only species that
lected on account of the X's presenting a strongly showed a large number of separate chromomeres,
positive heteropycnosis which does not occur in the with a regular distribution along the bivalents. When
autosomes. the pachynema cells are stained with Hoechst 33258
(0.5 /ag/ml) bright fluorescent blocks were observed
Hoechst 33258 staining (Fig. 10) corresponding to the positive chromomeres
observed with saline treatment.
As stated in the preceding chapter, two concentra- C-bands were visible in meiotic cells using the
tions of Hoechst 33258 were used to stain the meta- Arrighi & Hsu (1971 ) technique, under the same tech-
phase chromosomes of all three Lycosa species. It was nical conditions as mentioned above for mitotic cells.
observed that the fluorescence pattern of the chromo- Positive, small, heterochromatic blocks located in the
somes changed with the concentration of the Hoechst centromeric regions were detected. Figure 11 illustra-
33258. At a low concentration (0.05/lg/ml) all chro- tes a diplotene cell with these small positive blocks.
mosomes showed an intense and homogeneous fluo- After Hoechst 33258 staining (0.5 /~g/ml) non-
rescence, but at a higher concentration (0.5 /~g/ml) fluorescent bands in diplonema were found. At dia-
small fluorescent blocks were located in the centro- kinesis when the chromosomes are higllly condensed
meric regions. Lycosa sp. also shows telomeric
fluorescent blocks in some chromosomes of its
complement, with a higher concentration of the
dye (Fig. 6).

Meiotic chromosomes

The meiotic process follows a similar pattern in the

three species. At early prophase both X's (XlX2)are
easily recognized by their positive heteropycnosis.
They are close together and remain that way after
migration to the same pole at the first meiotic divi-
sion. At diplotene each autosome bivalent has one
chiasma, but occasionally two chiasmata could be
observed. A more detailed study of the behaviour and
evolution of the sex chromosomes system with sta-
tistical analysis is reported in the next papers of this
series (Postiglioni & Brum-Zorrilla, 1980).

Meiotic chromosome banding

At pachynema the autosome bivalents of these spe-

cies are characterized by the presence of chromo-
meres whose number and size are varied. When the
slides are treated for 3 hours with 2x SSC at 60°C, Figs. 7-12. Pachytene (Figs. 7-10), diplotene (Fig. 11) and
the two strands of the homologous pairs are clearly diakinesis (Fig. 12) in species of Lyeosa: (7, 10) L. malitiosa
recognizable and their chromomeres and interchromo- G-banding and Hoechst 0.5 ~g/ml, respectively; - (8, 11)
mere spaces are symmetrical. The distribution of the Lycosa sp., G-banding and C-banding, respectively, in (11)
one bivalent enlarged, arrows indicate positive C-bal~ds; -
clusters of chromomeres varies with each species (9, 12) L. thorelli, G-banding and Hoechst 0.5 t~g/ml,respec-
showing a different pattern. In L. malitiosa (Fig. 7) the tively, homogeneous fluorescence of all chromosomes. Bars
treatment accentuates the staining of certain chromo- represent 10 ~m.

only a homogeneous fluorescence is visible along the with low (0.05 /~g/ml) concentration of the dye.
autosome bivalents, while the X's display a bright However, at a higher concentration (0-5/ag/ml) small
fluorescence along their entire length (Fig. 12). fluorescent blocks appeared in the centromeric re-
gions, similar to positive C-bands. Telomeric fluores-
Discussion cent blocks were found in some chromosomes of the
Chromosome banding complement of Lycosa sp. which were not revealed
C-banding with C-banding methods. This fact would suggest the
existence of more than one type of heterochromatin
The pattern of C-banding is similar to that reported in the chromosomes of these spiders. Gatti et al.
earlier in Lycosa malitiosa (Brum-Zorrilla & Cazenave, (1976) also found variations in the fluorescence
1974) and Polybetes pithagoricus (Olivera, 1978). It pattern of Drosophila chromosomes in accordance
is interesting to point out that the chromosomes of with the concentration of Hoechst 33258, which they
all spiders studied by us have a small amount ofhetero- ascribed to different types of heterochromatin. Fur-
chromatin. ther research on other spider species and/or use of
It has been postulated that while euchromatic re- other fluorochromes may help to clear this point.
gions of the karyotype remain conservative during the
evolution of mammalian species, a marked change
could be produced in the heterochromatic regions by In spite of the fact that the experimental conditions
deletion or addition of heterochromatin material (Hsu were similar in the three species studied, only Lycosa
& Arrighi, 1971; Pathak et al, 1973). It is possible thorelli showed consistent G-banding. G-bands have
that the small amount detected by C-banding in the been reported in the chromosomes of some inverte-
species reported in this paper, could act as a barrier brates including Diptera species: e.g. Aedes albopinc.
preventing chromosome recombination in interspecif- tus (Steiniger & Mukherjee, 1975); Heteropeza pig-
ic hybrids, thus preserving the stability of the karyo- maea (Fantes & Camenzind, 1975). In other groups,
type through evolution. such as the Orthoptera, reproducible G-bands were
One of the factors in relation to the production only observed in supernumerary chromosomes (Gal-
of C-bands appears to be the formation and further lagher et al., 1973; Webb, 1976). Comparing these re-
persistence of the chromatin structure in C-band suits it seems that the G-banding method does not
regions which provides sites of optimal dye binding give consistent results in invertebrate chromosomes.
absent in other chromosome regions (Comings et McKay (1973) postulated that a differential distribu-
al, 1973; McKay, 1973). A selective loss of material tion of chromosome material can be involved in the
from other non-C-band regions may be an other im- production of G-banding patterns. As different chro-
portant factor in determining the C-banding pattern mosome reactions were found in the three species of
(Comings et al, 1975). In our observations a deconden- spiders studied it can be inferred that a certain hetero-
sation of nonC-band regions was apparent after C- geneity exists in the distribution of chromosome ma-
banding treatment, suggesting that a loss of DNA terial. This inference is also supported by the differ-
may occur. However, in our experiments it is very dif- ences in the chromomere patterns of the autosome
ficult to draw any definitive conclusion on the nature bivalents at pachynema. A correlation between G-
of heterochromatin found with C.banding methods, band and chromomere pattern was demonstrated for
because there is, as yet, no information on the mole- mammalian chromosomes (Okada & Coming, 1974;
cular organization of spider chromosomes. It is neces- Pathak et al., 1976) and more recently for human
sary to effect a biochemical investigation of DNA in chromosomes (Hungerford & Hungerford, 1978).
these species ha order to interpret the role of hetero- The fact that Lycosa thorelli has shown G-banding
chromatin in speciation. and a consistent chromomere pattern suggests that
the condensation of chromatin (chromomeres)
Hoechst 33258 banding facilitates the detection of G-banding in these species.

With Hoechst 33258 banding no differential staining We thank Prof. R. Caiaocasale and Prof. F. Costa from
can be observed in any of the three species studied the Division of Experimental Zoology of (IIBCE) for

providing the specimens and their systematic classifi- somes from spider embryo-cells. Acta Arachn., Tokyo 27:
cation, Dr. R. Sotelo for critical reading of the manus- 167-172.
McKay, R.D.G. (1973). The mechanism of G and C-banding
cript and Mrs. A.M. Cazenave for her excellent tech-
in mammalian metaphase chromosomes. Chromosoma 44:
nical assistance. 1-14.
This work was supported by the 'Programa de De- Okada, T.A. & D.E. Comhlgs (1974). Mechanism of chromo-
sarrollo Cientffico y Tecnol6gico (OAS)' and Ministe- some banding III. Similarity between G bands of mitotic
rio de Educaci6n y Cultura, Montevideo, Uruguay. chromosomes and chromomeres of meiotic chromosomes.
Chromosoma 48: 65-71.
Olivera, G. (1978). Estudio citogen~tico en Polybetes pitha-
goricus (Araneomorphae-Sparassidae). XX Semana Uni-
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