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NMAT REVIEW 2019 PSYCHOLOGY MODULE A DIRECTIONS: Select the best an: {allowing questions and blacken the your answer sheet. Answer in 3 ‘wer to each of the ‘appropriate space on 4 Someting that 5 requted phystlogcaly 1 cated adive 2.9001 ncenthe (a) need 2. Research on the relnforcng eects ns and reduction suggests hat >" & A Induction 2 nether ae reiforing bath may be relnforeng €. ve reduction Is necessary for rehvorcement 4. ve induction is necessary for reinforces 3, Research on aloha consumption has oun 2, a few nk produe deressan ound tat Bale can remove ear nana akc Yee! more pin fer they censure a few es 4. acoholsm is mest characterise of indus who fel thay hove conte! overt es 4, Research on sexual arousabilty has found that 3: repeated acts of intercourse increase soxual interest Dy the female sexual drive Is relatively stable introduction of a navel partner Increases the sexual Interest of an apparently satiated male d. females have stronger sex drive 5, Secretion which Is important In the sexual arousel of insects are 2, estromones b.eupimones pheromones. - . coputins 6. The goal ofeffectance motive Is 2, semal satisfaction €; competence Dinner satisfaction social influence 7. Which of the following Is NOT one of Maslows blerarchy of needs? 2, physiological esteem bi safety 4, novelty 8 Which of the fellowing does not characterize high ‘chievement motivation individuals? 3. they are more ikely to go to college »: they desire to enter high status occupations they are less creative than low achievement individuals they tend to be successful in business 9, Lesions and stimulation of the hypothalamus seems to: 2. increase aggressiveness. c. increase sexualy | reduce fear <. produce loss of emation 10. One universally recognized expression is that of ‘afar banger “Cchappiness dove 78 11, Which of the following is not an important factor in Berscheld and Watters theory of passionate love? 2 feelings of concern forthe other person sexual attraction €. physiological arousal 4, strong interpersonal attraction 12, Research on manifest anviety and conditioning has shown that manifest arety 2, increases conditioning . reduces conditioning does not affect condoning 4. facitates performance of complex task 13. The most common sexval arousal appears to be: 2, Visual eues ‘c smell cues i auchtory cues d. none ofthe above 14, Individuals who are high In achievement motivation prefer tasks that are 2 interesting of lw aficuky © of intermediate ciicuty 4. of high affeuty 15. The homes of high achievement motivated individuals tend to be characterized by a, (2) fathers with Independent, decision making jobs '. domineering fathers ©. punishment for falure 4. rane ofthe above Research on facial expression of emation has found that. 2 tis easy to judge actual emations bi the right side of aur face Is mare intensely emotional Ils easter to fudge emotions from the face than the 1 of the vokce 4, the ability to imitate facial expression comes about after age two 17, According to the Plaget, cognitive grovith isthe result of tension between the processes of. 2. over diferentiaton and over generallzation 1b, abstract reasoning and logical thinking ¢ assimlation and accommodation 1. emotionality and abstract reasoning 418, During the preoperational stage, children exh ‘imitation of absent models toga thought C. knowledge of the principle of conservation 4. an understanding of relational terms 419, Studles on the role of fathers In attachment have found that 2. children are more atached to mothers bi father absence has ite effect «. father absence is more detrimental F ft occurs after age five d, father absence Is related to poorer performance on 1Q tests LEARNFAST REVIEW AND TUTORIAL HUB ~ NMAT REVIEWER 20, The period of the aduit years that i characterized by ‘l-contentment Is ‘the young adult years C)matur by the middle adult years o old age 21, Object permanence Is an important accomplishment of the 2] sensory motor age ». preoperatonal stage stage of concrete operations 64 stage of formal operation 22. Studies on aging have found that. i ‘2, most people show a decline in mental abilities by age i many disabilities of cld age are the result of disease and poverty from age 30 to 70, lung capacty decreases by 10 percent 4. from age 30 to 70, nerve velocity drops by 50 percent 23, Research by Horlow on attachment in monkeys has found that ___. ‘doth mothers can serve to reduce fear B. doth mothers. which “reject” the monkeys reduce attachment wire mothers wich provide mik produce attachment . only oth mothers that’ provide milk produce attachment 24, Studies of sexrole stereotyping have found is does not occur on TV By ts occurs more incildren's books than on TV such stereetypes do not occur unl about age 10 6 females are characterized as problem-sovers 25, The object moral orientation a isa mature stage of moral development ». voles Judging acs in terms of intertions :lmvohes judging acts in terms oftheir consequences, 6. develops around age 7 26, According to Kohibera's theory of moral development, the stage at which Indvideals evaluate acts In terms of thelr approval by others i the level of morality. 2. postconventional © conventional , pre-conventonal 4. none of these 27. On the basis of studies on IQ's of twins raised ‘separately, one can conde that 2. their 195 remain hight similar ‘thelr IGs become quite diferent thei IQs stay similar in similar environments 4. none ofthe above, the rest are in doubt 28. Which ofthe following members of the family should have the highest inteligence level? 2. the fst bom «the last born bythe second bom the twins 7 29. Ifthe tems on a test are representatives of the skits ‘oF knowledge tis designed to measure, ithas —_- 2. face validity ‘, predictive valiity i. content vaidty concurrent vabdity elements 30. When psychologists are dealing with how the elerer ‘of personaity ft together, they are concemed with personality. ‘ynamics structure '. content vality 6. none ofthe above 31. The psychoanalytic theory of personality was developed by —__ ‘2.Rogers ByFreud Erikson _d Sheldon 32. The level of consciousness that contains al! the ‘thoughts and oesires of which we are unaware isthe: unconscious '. precensclous Projection 8, Parents might be reassured to know that children who pull ings off fies and jab pins in the dog may eventually ‘ind ther riche in the areas of dentstry or surgery. 2 Displacement «¢ Rationalzation| Repression {d)Sublimetion 82 9, Mike Is always tying to Impress is pals with how strong and Incependent he has become. However, when Mike nas social or emotional problems, he stil wants his ad to figure aut the solution. ‘2. Reaction Formation _c, Regression Projection 4. Rationalization 10, A student forgot that his dreaded final exam in (geometry was scheduled for Friday, This seemed unusual 23s the date ofthe exam had been marked on his calendar for several weeks, 2, Projection Displacement «Rationalization 4; Repression 11. A boy will sometimes react against the strong sexual attraction that he feels toward girs by becoming = confirmed "weman hater.” '2. Reaction Formation 'b. Rationalization «Repression 6. Projection 12, The majority group of 2 culture may blame all the Various is of socety on a small minerity group. This is 3 process termed *scapegosting” and Is 2 fector in racial {and religious prejucce. (2, Displacement «Rationalization ’b, Projection <. Regression 13, The individual who actually likes to have others do things for him may be quck to cricze cther people For big dependent and any. ‘Reaction Formation (Projection i, Sublimation 6, Rationalization 14, James Riley has. suffered heavy fnenclal losses Tecenty whe playing the stock market. Upon trading his ‘ig hncury ear for an oid smal car, James informed is associates that he bought the cheeper carte do his part in {he battle against alr polation 2) Rationalization «Reaction Formation ’, Subimaton | 4. Displacement 15, David Waters recently lost his executve position in 2 large corporation Rather than seek a new job, David finds comfort and escape through crnking, as alcohol helps him forget the detalsof being fired. 2) Reoression €, Projection ‘Reaction Formation d Sublimation 16, Tory Is apt to become annoyed when he recalls his featter conviction a8 a Peeping Tom. Tory has teft his sordid past behind ard row Is a busy photographer for Playboy magazine, 2. Projection », Displacement «Rationalization & Sublimation 17, Joan has discovered an amazing coincidence in relation to her attendance at school. Every time a test in Spanish is schedule, she overseeps and arrives at schoo! too late for this class. a, Reaction Formation (6. Rationalization «Sublimation 4. Projection LEARNFAST REVIEW AND TUTORIAL HUB — NMAT REVIEWER Bees ea ee see em eo om wae pe sae cheer od pes Be ae an 1. acter ha eae 9 Cn ches chs end of an “A au of weespead rarer Kw ston eae te semble I ev ia echt subjects. aan ‘a, Displacement Sheresen ‘Rationalization 4. Regression 20, The young wife, after a biter conflet ith her husband, gives up her marriage as 2 failure and returns to the home of her parents. She again takes on the role of the dependent chid who expects unlimited love and Indulgence. 2a, Displacement 'b, Reaction Formation ‘Regression 4. Repression 21. The high school teacher was eine by the prin {or having 8 dsrptve cass When the teacher oot home tha rig, he aged with Ns wife and eked he dog, Displacement Projection B.Ratnaizaton 4. Suthmaton 22, Aduts who were sexually molested during cithood often report that all the tals of te painful episore have been forgotten. 2, Regression {© Repression ', Projection 4. Intoyecton 23, Is possible that smokers have graduated from earlier ‘tages of thumb-sucking and penci-chewing, neither of ‘which would be acceptable behavior in adult society. ‘Smoking Isa socaly acceptable outlet forthe oral need. 3) Rationalization °. Identification «Reaction Formation 4. Sublimation 24, The woman with a strong sexual drive may fee! that most other women exhibit flitatious behavior oF wear revealing dothes. a Insojection «Regression Projection «.Rationalizction 25, After John was rejected by the atmissions office at Yale, he caimed that he wouldnt enjoy attending such 2 large school anyway. Besides, he might receNe higher grades ata smaller loca college. 3. Identification 'b, Rationalization 4. Subimetion 26, Mary has secretly dsiked her mother since she was a {young chid. As these feelings arouse arity, Mary usualy telsiends tat she loves her mother very much. ‘Reaction Formation Repression . Ratonalzation . Regression 83 27. Roger isa heavy drinker but has managed to Keep this behavior a secret from his friends. He is sure that most people actully dink as much as he does. 2. Projection ‘Reaction Formation b. Displacement 4, Rationalization 28. One psychological theory lds that the desire for ‘eal gratification, if frustrated or blocked, | may feventualy find expression in painting or the writing of )subimation 6. Projection poetry. 2. Rationalization i. Identifcation 29, A number of psychologists believe that social ‘crusaders who advocate various forms of socal control may in realty be struggling with thir own unconscious deshes. 2. Displacement Repression «Regression 4, Reaction Formation 30, A 6-year-old child, who gave up bed-wettng at the ‘age of 3, moves with his parents to a ew neighbouring. During the stressful period of adjusting to his new hore, he again wets the bed for several nights. ‘a, Regression “Displacement '. Repression 4. Identification 31. The git who was not ivited to the school dance tle het fiends that she would not have attended if asked, She ‘seid that her teachers had assigned more homework than sual and. thet she was simply too busy for any ‘unimportant social functions. ‘a. Intojecion ‘Rationalization by Reacton Formation. Sublimation 32, 1 typical for the person who is most difiit to oivince in an argument to say that everyone ese stubbom. 2, Rationalization Reaction Formation ¢. Projection 4. Repression 33, When a new baby arrives in the famiy, the older chi ‘wil sometimes cry more than usual and be more insistent about receing caresses from the parents. 2. Projection ¢. Reaction Formation i Neentfcation 1. Regrssion 34, Billy always teases and annoys his younger brother ‘after he himself is discpined by his parents. 2, Rationalization Displacersent b. Sublation <. Regression 235 Me, Matin canied around a letter in his coat pocket for weeks. The note, which he somehow neglected, maling, was an invitation to his mother-in-law to vst the fommiy for several montis. ‘ ‘a Repression b. Intojection Displacement 4. Regression LEARNFAST REVIEW AND TUTORIAL HUB — NMAT REVIEWER

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