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Tusseryl® Oral Solu-on

100 mg/ 5 mL Oral solu1on

Guaifenesin (Tusseryl) Oral solu1on containing 100 mg within 3 hours as the demethylated metabolite. O-
guaifenesin in every 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) of oral solu1on in demethylase appears to be the primary metabolic enzyme of
orange flavor is used as a treatment for cough through guaifenesin. The primary metabolites of the substance are β-
loosening the clearance of mucus. (2-methoxyphenoxy)-lac1c acid and the demethylated
Chemical Name: 3-(2-methoxyphenoxy) propane-1,2-diol hydroxyguaifenesin, which are both inac1ve moie1es.
ATer administra1on, guaifenesin is metabolized and then
largely excreted in the urine. The mean clearance for
guaifenesin is about 94.8 L/hr (CV=51.4%)


Acute toxicity
The LD50 following a single oral dose of guaifenesin is 6810
mg/kg body weight in mice, 1510-3690 mg/kg body weight in
Formula-on rats, 2550-3160 mg/kg in rabbits and over 10,000 mg/kg in
Each 5 mL of Guaifenesin Oral Solu1on contains: dogs.
Guaifenesin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 mg Chronic and subchronic toxicity
Alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Rats aged over 90 days survived following oral doses of up to
2,000 mg/kg body weight. The development of calculi was
PHARMACOLOGIC PROPERTIES observed in all organs of the urinary tract.
Pharmacodynamics Mutagenic and carcinogenic poten-al
Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It enhances the output of Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity studies in animals are lacking
sputum and bronchial secre1ons through decreasing the therefore, the risk of this type of ac1vity cannot be accurately
adhesiveness and surface tension of these secre1ons. determined.
Guaifenesin increases the flow of viscous gastric secre1ons Reproduc-ve toxicity
that promote ciliary ac1on, which can cause dry, unproduc1ve Insufficient reproduc1ve toxicity studies have been conducted
coughing to become produc1ve and less frequent. on guaifenesin and animal studies have shown that the drug
Pharmacokine-cs does not have teratogenic ac1vity. Risk of embryo-fetal
Absorp-on development has not been observed in humans.
Guaifenesin is well absorbed along the gastrointes1nal tract
aTer oral administra1on. INDICATIONS
Distribu-on Guaifenesin is an expectorant used as a remedy for cough and
The apparent volume of distribu1on of guaifenesin in healthy conges1on caused by common colds, bronchi1s, and other
adult subjects is 116 L (CV=45.7%). Informa1on about plasma b r e a t h i n g i l l n e s s e s . I t i s u s u a l l y n o t g i v e n fo r
protein binding is not readily available. ongoing cough from smoking or long-term breathing problems
Metabolism unless prescribed by a physician. Guaifenesin works by
ATer the oral administra1on of 400 mg guaifenesin, it is loosening mucus in the airways, clearing conges1on, and
immediately hydrolyzed (>60% of the dose hydrolyzed over a making breathing easier.
range of seven hours) with β-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-lac1c acid
found as the major urinary drug metabolite yet no parent drug DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION
was detectable in the urine. Guaifenesin also undergoes For short-ac1ng oral solu1ons for cough:
oxida1on as well as demethyla1on and is hepa1cally Adults - 200 to 400 milligrams (mg) every four hours.
metabolized hepa1cally through oxida1on to β-(2- Children 6 to 12 years of age - 100 to 200 mg every four hours.
methoxyphenoxy)-lac1c acid. It is then demethylated by O- Children 4 to 6 years of age - 50 to 100 mg every four hours.
demethylase in the liver microsomes to an extent wherein Children and infants up to 4 years of age - Use is not
about 40% of the administered dose is excreted in the urine recommended .
Guaifenesin has an onset 1me of 30 minutes and a dura1on of depression. Rare reports have also proven urinary or renal
4-6 hours. Guaifenesin is intended to be taken with plenty of calculi in pa1ents who have consumed large quan11es of
fluids to help loosen the mucus in the lungs. It may be taken guaifenesin for long periods of 1me. Gastric lavage and
without food or with food if it causes an upset stomach. Liquid suppor1ve and suppor1ve treatment are recommended.
doses must be measured using a specially marked spoon or
container. If a dose is missed take it as soon as possible. Skip INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND HANDLING
the missed dose if it is almost 1me for the next dose. Do not Use a specially marked spoon or container to measure your
take double or extra doses. dose. Do not take more than 6 doses in any 24-hour period.
Adults and children 12 years and over: (2 - 4 ) tsp every 4 hours
CONTRAINDICATIONS Children under 12 years: Consult a doctor
Guaifenesin is contraindicated with individuals who are allergic
to guaifenesin, sympathomime1c agents, tramadol, ephedrine STORAGE
analogues as well as opioids. Store at temperature between 20°-25°C (68°-77°F). Keep away
from light, heat, moisture and freezing. Keep out of reach of
Guaifenesin should not be taken by individuals who have an
overac1ve thyroid gland, diabetes, closed angle glaucoma,
significant uncontrolled high blood pressure, enlarged DOSAGE FORMS AND PACKAGING AVAILABLE
prostate, decreased func1on of the adrenal gland, asthma, low Guaifenesin (Tusseryl®) Oral Solu1on is available in 1 x 60 mL
blood pressure, severe liver disease, acute pancrea1c Orange Flavored Oral Solu1on
inflamma1on and/or kidney disease.
Ask a doctor before use if you have cough that occurs with too
much mucus or a chronic cough such as cases that occur with
smoking, asthma , chronic bronchi1s or emphysema.


It is not known whether Guaifenesin can harm an unborn baby
during pregnancy. Consult with your physician before taking Manufactured by ASTERĒ PHARMACEUTICALS
this medica1on if you are pregnant. 100 Tordesillas St., Salcedo Village, Maka1, Metro Manila,
Lacta-on Philippines
It is not known if guaifenesin is excreted into breast milk. Date of First Authoriza1on:
Consult a physician before taking this medicine if you are Date of Revision:
breasgeeding a baby.

Gastrointes1nal side effects include vomi1ng, stomachache or
aTer taking higher than recommended doses.
Rare: vomi1ng , diarrhea, abdominal pain
Dizziness and headache were the frequently reported adverse
effects aTer intake of guaifenesin.
Rare: Dizziness, nausea, headache
Immune system disorders
Hypersensi1vity reac1ons include difficul1es in swallowing,
edema of the face, lips, tongue or throat and strong itching
with rash or swelling of the skin.


Mild or moderate overdosing can lead to dizziness,
gastrointes1nal disorders, nausea, vomi1ng or decreased
muscle tone. Very high doses on the other hand may produce
symptoms like excita1on, trouble breathing and respiratory

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