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._---.- - - ....... ~ "

. ...

.a ......". 199ft

'JIKo .uri.lism under 5&alin-. dim:don _s i'KI' a

mudd or rcudal cummunfty. III fcatulft·.vcrr pater=-
"'illll, himlrrhir .... allc llruc:lurr. usc of a powerful
compulsion tnachinery. In Central Asian republin Ihe:
.iftoarrh,. erStali..', socialism jointd Ihr hirrarrhy oflhr
old frudal 1JIIrm. Inllilulrs oraradilionll sodct)· whirh
From Ihis poinl. lhe! ra.,mtna: or Asian coanlrift i, ofa SliD mnain aUrac:livt' for massrs. in Ihc C'pC)c:h of Sill·
C'nUin importan~ for drvt'lopin, smlll (in partie'lllar, "'lion bc:c:amc a aood amouOa,c for monry-arubbinl
COoOIK'nllivt't J«tor ia lhl' US.C;R. The m:anly .opatd and c:orrupIion. Forcibly sprnd . . . .C'vt'lIina.lso ron·
laM on Ihe I1llt enlrrprisc:. Ihe co-oprralioa and 1M &ribtllm to thr c:oascrvalion of IfIr feudal type rommu-
individu.1 labour ani.ilin mranl a kpl ae:knowlrcfac.'- nity. Thr ~i.. of ...... barrac:k-likr socialism was
..enl of lurh objrrti..: ralit)' as 11K! multMcctor naluno dote by ...Iurr to thr rftldal levellin, and thC'n:forr
orSoviri C'C'OI'Iom)" HOW\"¥l'I', Ihe: prR'llt'O)ica in amrral ca111y look MM in InISS consclm«.
his ItOI sh.ken 1M monopoly or Slale proprny, and Ihil APRICA, DIFFERENT ORIENTATIONS AN() possihle nqa&ivt' procna in economy 10 INW roMMON PROBLEMS, ON SOCIAL AND ECO·
dhoul hindranc:c. The: "lie: 1«101' Itilllla)'Sapart from NOMIC POLICY IN (-oUNTRJES OF AlTERNA·
aay nMI'Iprlition. Only ItCOndal')' roln arr lIill auiprd TIVEOR1ENTATIONS
10 co-opc:rativt Ind ~If<mplo)'td worke:rs. In Ihe:
caisti", c:ondilions Iflry arr ftOI able 10 orpni7e aay Vu.V. POT\'OMKIN
important prodUdion while: ~ralon c:ould SUCUSI-
rull, flllUrr. for inllarn:c:, I small-suits production of !kt'paic:ism &owards pouihililin "f soc:ialisl..,riC'nlro
lIIini-cl'ldon. mini-combinc:s. rledronie: equipment and policy in .~Iopina (taunt. in. whim became wid,'.
. .rocc:dlnical dc,·icn. IS ..~II Islhe: small mte:rprises spn:ad laldy amont Soviet rnc:an:-hm. is I ~,n uf
prrf_ Ihis func:lion in prac:lically .11 c:ounlrin of Asia. ftlmani"," mIc:Iion 10 IhC' O\'eR'Slimaltd n:alilj,'S in IIIl'
BUI lliis way is lIiII firmly hIocktd by a d«p.rc1Ot1.'d pall. lIowever, ""nsidl'rin, the eapitaiisl and Ihi'
..... in our C'ftnyicMlsnns lhat pnJdaimC'd thl' Slale tnc:ilhst oricnlalions of dc"'elopmenl _ should nUl
,....). au ht a prion Ihr IIftJht of ptrI'«Iion. eaaacralf thrir diR'tml~. whids is strict l'IMMIjth in Ihl'
poIilirallnd ickolotial rdd hul isn important in tin'
1Od1. and «OIIomie sphen:. This ia quill' naturnl.
-'lENT krause! lilt taskl .". Ovtmtminl hac.'kwardnl.'s"
M.A.CJUM(}V Gleed by dndapina C:OUltlrin aft! similar if not idenli,·al.
t'hdr rssencc is Ihr Kftkoralc:d elation of lhe: poIC'niial
. o.e ClNId not dca, Ihal Ihr buildi", or IOc:ialillll in tor Ihis ovcmJlqi.... an JIOSIiblr ~Iopmcnl orprodut·
IINIjarily or lOdalilt-onentC'd Main was ralizcd under
. . . . Inn~ or *
~ t!lpMeftCe whim was
."..Itd hr our aMari1l1 .. Ihr ..sic: MOdel of
liw fOK'l'l. boilS IIUltrrial and huma... Thil clrrumstantc
;.vi....,. 1I."CIlK'CS tilt lOCial and mMIOIIIic: ditrrn.'fttc
IIdwccn die lwo allfrnativt' linn 10 IIOM,nifiranl
. . . .ism. They wnMl" piles or warb pmendi", 10 aiw or
wrillions in praportionl certain aiml and methods or
.~ or aM IIOIIoCIpilalisc WI,. or dc:wIDpmcnl "'' "' f:OUnlrirs 01 hath ariett..lionl al tilt prcKnl
,('aenl' Asian SoftrI ~ ft'ClMIIItCndfd as a ...... . . . . Thillhnis iI cenlirmed i. lhe articfco tty • n:vicw
dard for YOUIII . .t o . ,he ........ flowna-, ... lhe policy 01 Afmn lIalrs on main prohil'ml dealing
;. I~ 1IIIORS wat' complctrl,· out of'louc:h with no.lily. wilh villi propIc's inlrrrsts. i.c. the cssrnlial. hllman
iporina raiSlinl prohkmt. and diO"ltUhies. RUll't'MI1ly. com~nl 01 pmduc:aiw fnrrrs.

Approved tor
. . AUG
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neFreedom ofI
ear i
orthedec l
releasedbytheU. S.Government&Mi l


_ , _ •• , 4 ..... '"

- "


A IIIOSI tJ«Uliar raturr orlh~ -ns is Ihc .inlcraction~_

or various reliJiouI and mylholosic:al lradilions. Sha-
A..~ ItASIZADE mank' lealS .re inllutnml by the Manich.tI" ~Iilion
While Olftk ~lIand the shualion aboul Turkry wt'~
(the runic fOrlUIiNdiina book,.
M.nicharan hymns are .,
. .;t;
created under the inRurnrc of Buddhism. The 1)'ftC'n:-
the dCaSion to proclaim Ihe dnctrinr. ils Glftk .nd tism of Manicharan .nd Buddhist ide .., and nolions
T.rtilh asprnl hawn" k-ca yet a special sabjrt1 of reach" lhe Ic¥CI where is idmlilied with Buddha.
• ud, ia our country. Hoa\"Ver. the Truman dorerine M.niChacism m:ciws as wt'11 an impatl or Chrillianily:
...JCd a crucial role in Amman·Tartilh relationl. in in Ihr pra,cr adcIrated to "\nael (.nd) Buddha"
die cIIaice .". Turke, of ill place in Ibr post...r world. lhe word equivalenl or ...qcI.... mean. also "'apostle....
. . tIIis i"RumeN. or count'. lhe Soyiet·Turkish reia- Turkie Chriaian lexts wt're inOucnrcd by sham.nilm
........ wt'IL The prinripln or the dorIrinr stiD ltay the (the rilual formula of tpKr deteripCion) and M.n-
. . . orbilatcral rcIi1tionl bctwcca T_cy and the USA. ictulcism which included in ill lum lOme fralu~ of
TIle MIhor Iried to ftC'Oftlider the Sovicl interpret.lion
.tlhc Truman doctrine. Now. when wt' review aur pall. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL VIEWS OF ADU·
it iI ....ulto show consequmcn of the wnma .pproach L·HASAN AL·MAWARDI (NEW TRENDS OF
.". LV. Sullin .nd hil assoc:iat" 10 Ibr Soyir. poIie, in STUDIES,
TIIf Sowict·Turkilh mal ions radItcf • hiah Irwi or
'asian durinl linl post...r J'Can. In course or Ihe Works crealtd by Ihis eminent Moslem nltdicvallawyer.
Il'COftII world ...r Turky tD in fatl .n:i-Soyid posi. exptrt 011 problems or lhe Iiale. have been studied for a
tionl. .nd .ner the war the Soyiet IOvcrnment Ion& time by orient.lislL Modem iIIamil'l intcrpret the
aOllMed the Treat, on friendship .nd neutralit,· hmlalc of...M....nli. this distinluilhed rhearisl or the
bctWftll the two countrin. siped in in 1925••nd . islamic I I bcina purely Ihtoeralie (0,,-
-.acaed to pftPIIl'C • _ trat,. H~. $oviC!l ftPt.
propoaIllhal followed. .....valed even more liar bilat·
era! rdalions. contributed to the wtSIt'm oriealation of The 8OIion of ""COncord" ("u;.) Iak" • key plaff in his
TIIfltr; With .ppmval of Stali•• Ofcqia .ac' Armeni. C'OIICl'pllimcd .t Jivina explanation 10 lhe ~JLillmtt and
... illilaims 01\ 1M adjKtnl pal'ls of Turkish amiIO!,)'. runtlionina of 1OCict)'. This -C'OfttOf'd"" is atenSlty for
.. tM of Ihe diplom.tit dilftlllion 011 Ihe qirnr people 10 r«eivc ....mcient mailer or lheir lifc'" in Ihe
at *'IIId Sea lllaill bctwt'Cn USSR. USA. Great
";Ia. . . Turkt)'. 1M Sovitt pal'l, aI., ..iad claiml
QMII'IC or oodnelopmcnt or the world"" (ill''''''), HUnlan
1Otid)' is considcrcd by 1M medieva1 thronll to be
~ Corlhe Tum. which raulltd in drawi.. up
lanett)' difl'errnlillted: -.nil), in dilfcrma:" is •. pre·
condilion or ..un..... (I'rl",ft or propJr pcrforntin& yare
at. ~mcm Brilish·AlIk'I'il'an·Turkish posilion. ious (unraions i. the procell of ""dcvcIopnlml of Ihe
SYN(1tmSM OF IlWGIOUS AND MYTIIOI..OO. world'" (Ii....... llanclimft ek.) .nd Ihcrd"ort MCdin,
K'AL ("nNC'EI'TS OF ..IlE....OSl..f~ tURK.4i oar .nother.
I.V. STEULHVA MUlual hasdlil), illhr~.1 in propk' h)' MIU", R"quirl's
Iht csiSlcntt of' power 10 C'OIItoOIidal.... this uni"n usin, thc
~ arlk1r ",11i with illlUfficirnt1y ellplnn:d problem of
.. m;,.oas ..,1INtInti....
"'rclilio,,'" A..M....nli rl"('Onsidl'B Ihe: nnlinn or
wild func\taMd
1 prc-Islam S)'SIl"nlS
Turki«: ,"'Pin ar ('mlral Asill •
"'Mi,ian'" interpminc il as an)' ... nr SOL..'"I)·....rpni/in~
1Iltmlt> and rulft. indudin.....''l'i'i "di<J,nnt'5lf' (k;~'n ,fn---

. i .. · ...
• . .k~''..:: ; • .!~ 'Io:.i:JJ


.. .'
.1 J ....11 1990

. ...... &he runction or witi., ~r. Norms or she

........ inlcrprctcd ill lliiswa, II1\' obIiplory IMMIt for
tIIIItjcm alld tilt ID'ICICip c...nil. Ihr IUpmIIf: ruler
::,,,,~,~" take ....... a 10 CIIIIIrt lilt t'O'IIIIIIIlIil, 1M.
Participants: N.A. IVANOV. M.F. VIDYA-'iOVA, LS•

D. 1tondTaWe COIICft'III .......n.. or dcYcIoprnrnt "r


~ ,," - .' r:':' .
• ," . '::",~1imcIc aiIIJ .. _Mnilip .r ~ ,IIItC\'OMlllC lIisIory ofdle East illlhf USSR. TIle .rticle
.,' '?-." .' ,. . . . . ID .weft....... WC'IIot...,.1I traidc . . . ,.,. AM: ~ "New Tills or ~I ~ .nd
" ~ ~ .,•••1CripI is bpi ill . . NII.iaul Libra,), III f'aril, IoaIt' NaIcriaIs lOr ShId, eI Econom~ "lIIory of Ille
.>(;:..~., ~ • :~: ............, alln"buacd III ........nli. . &II" Ct~.'. No 2, pw rile '.0 .he PI'fICIII discussion.
';? ~: ~ . .rtlCqllUlb ... lilt qunliOll: ..... illhe Jason or
&U.... ,...... .., *
..: t ' .'
.:.~: Q~·rOF--""-UFTI".E ..............'orIN rteld (laillDIJ ortcOllOftl,' whim ....
W::.. "'»~fiiJ- ~".....
! ,{,~ ~ ,.lLUNa OF HISTOItICAL PltOC'ES.'
... ill
""u_',,,,'" _III" ,';-Witioun, cI.Ii:kIW .., de Icinc:e as •
'-~' ,",,",11 " ...... or talulionl is ~Ied. In Ihe
~':" !~,,, ";" . ,. ................. ..e or ""'i"I'~ mdhods would
.,~;. ,~o.s.fOMERA.NTS . . . 1D1'fjccc_ . . . . . . . .ichMCdlObe~.
1':' .'''''' ',' , c... lhc . . . . ofthe .......... ' .. orthe&".uSOUlUor
.........ily or· imliouli.y or Ille .islory depends 10 • primIlf)' npi..'isI IImIftiulltion. The ft'OIIomic back.
C!DIIIidcrabl~ exlml 011 Ih~ lICIIir appIinilo il. nis icka . .nlnClS or 1ft Easl .... fint or .11. • mull or the
was put rmwanl ill 17'" by E. Kant who noted alk- aMICI IIOII-abiliay 01 dllCist eeonomy 10 ens,," ahe.. ealrnckd-
10 aII-worfd political .njfit'Alion. F. 5ch......I. itaninl RPf'OCIuction. and nul ..... of aile ""C'OIoni.1 robbc:ry.··
, _pOll the Indi.n "~. lIIucd lhal lheft were 110
.........,. time: nch IfCIII alilure wtnl thf way &om A Mpliw inOuencc 011 lhe Eall. cacrlcd by thr Wesl •
.malion 10 rational conltructiDIIs lcadina to • loss of was ralher dial the East activcl, rejected all .-ellern
crcaliw impulse .nd '0.
ckdine. ne macklln' Klnt. in
die fi ........,)'Iis. can be lr'IIcCd baclt 10 AUIUseus and
clemen.., bc:coiniq more .nd mDl'f .rch.ic. HUM:ver.
one should not consider lhal moderniz.tion or Ihr
Jewish promise Mmiah, and ,he modd by Schfeacl- eulern CCIDftOmJ is iMYilably 10 lead 10 Ihe dt'Alh or
to die IIICIooEuropeu mJlholopm of roar ftIllurin lI'IIdilional llrudurc:s. preoindUilri.. civilization. Thr
....en. silver. capper .nd iron). These models .rt not lIudy or economic hiliOf)' of ,he Eall would help under·
_tuelly eacludi.... Toeal historical IIIDVCmml has • ..ndi.. economic probIeml Ihe or ussr...
CIOIDpiell illller Ilructure indudina a number 1nOYC- or
"'11, each or ahem bei.a rYidenl on • certain scak or ,RClUIIS ofdac study oI'economit' hmOf)' could be .pplied
. .billion of hilloriad dIM and lipan:. '11tr .rtick
distinauilhn five scales or Ihe lime and the lime
IIIIIIlbcr or IC'IIes for lhe: atllural span:. On lhe 1Upt't'·
for rorecasti", 1rcnds in the rollDWinl 1iC'lds: "obal
Iludin or economic arowth .nd .nal)'Iil or

. . . scale of'lndian mytholo&Y. thr hillory in Fnrral is

a.. musion
.nd only dm'lily is real. On • aloball.. UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS (UFU, IN
De accumulaaed chanen (&rowlh ofprOducth-e (Ortn., ANC'lENT CHINA
or population. difTrrfIIlia.ion of 1Ode1)' .nd inldl«1; , A.D. DIKARYOV
....,.u., .lieqlion. ecolnait'A1 lension Clt'., II1\' firsl and
1Omnos1. A middle alobIl Il'IlIt! dismm wavr ftIO\'C!'-
..... ,he "Clem.1 return." 'he rnival or rea·
The proc:ess or emancipalion or thoushl in China in
bam in abe Middle Aan and or ,he dauics in the 1.101 il particularly impl'fllive .fter the spiritual
..cuum orlbe epoc:h or"cultural revolution," The thirst
"pressed by .n
MOdern history. I" Chincsr hilloriolraphy this is
alaernation or dyna.tin 'j" and , ..". On
I ...lddle local scale ,he moll importln, art CJdcs or rise
or Ihe wIIoIe toriCIy ror bowledae based on thr
nomie morml, ..Itn in • number of tiles Ihr rorm or
. . ~ ofYUbuscultllrc:s. Thac mD¥cmeldr.. . .ilc 1IIIOfru:ia11denc:e. An nam. . or sueh orpniralions is
Iller art difTrrfIIl cnouah. can be caasidmd .. bein, the ICienlifac lOCictics or UFO lillicirrs wilh com-
tpOndilll periodicals • die revue "Fcidic T.nsuo" .
......1. eDily 1lIOCkDed. They art opposed to dplolive ("Studin or FI)'iaa SallCeft"" The efTort. by CbiftCSl'
. .,enilClllldirectcd by • charismatic leader (N. W*') ildentisu 10 fiad ill ladenl Chinese IlOUrc:eI "historical
_. poup of"pusionaries" (LN. aumil,.",). Hm:_ry
~rphous leale is possible. There .rc no In-
or or
ftidc:nC'CS" UFO' aiSlCftC'C arc partitular inlrt'CSt
... SillDlo&ills and nperts in tc:iCac-c or~. The
.... 10 explain MonaoIian canqunll besides thoR i.ler-
laced .. Oenais Khan's penon.lil,. II is imposu'" 10 IIdmlin or a4hcrcaII or this . . tcientiflt' trend in
-..ace .... 1 . . . . . .uiolwy.. (Hitler. Khomcini, will
Oina dftnonllrate IIIdhocloloty and IaIks the Oli. or
rn.l'IIlC .11 plans of IDher-mindcd pcoph:. Ilownft'. 1M 1ICte hiSloricalldcncc i1I FMfIII.

';- .. tile Iotic: or......,

_ or lim.: smooIhts away lraces or eaplosionl and
is I'CIlomt 10 iIs ri&hb. Tk article 'consider. I ..umber or
c:onerdr mod"rn
wrsion. or in'erpret.'ion or lIi.orinl m.terials on
ftaraonliu')' flJinl phcnomma. A .umlk-r of' wtn.....
aOUNDTABLE mlid7in. Ihr ...empts 10 plaer • hi.loriral basis under
Ihi, I'nth'rm... a rule. clots not dispute lin' nlain
FUTURE OF E(YiNUJ>.U(' 1II~'TnKV OF Tim r~ST mcldemalllCq)tortfR.aulpnMluct or alit."n-mind.--

~ ,/ t '" ~

. . . \ ',:" ' '.,. .. ,"'" . . ,'I ,",

t ,. , ,. • ... I ... " , 'til " , • ,-,' • - I : J;"" ....... ;1
' ..... , ' ..... ")4~'" ~L .. ~' ,. ~... • I . , 1 I I, .,. l., ..,. .. ,,' ..",,~
J "\ •

.-. . -~' .............
. ":;Ct..

-. . . .:. -
t,ol ....

",.. .

',,, ::c. .

IIriIIIIDI;cs or
tolar . ,'.
' ..
• &hey
............0 •
. . .IrIII ....ft' or
~::=~i or...s dic:Ullcs
~'-Iyiil ~"'lh~
"""'.1 or
...........,.IM 1Iftd
fClllIfi~ IIwMsdvcs-si1l1.'C
"'!di1I11P~~~ IIIIk "Ulion. i. il
e. • CIOt'ftd . . . . . .ilude
ftOW beeomc: laqled in
problems and. on the
a deepmin, our nolionl
_ ..lid ~lalion. linee our.. 'Ormer.~..__ .

".WIII" unrrilical appnNlCh IowIard So"i...l

COIdinncd by lif~. .;~
.: t dial lite probiemJ racin, !he :''iI
aad Kaukh"a. 10day a~
the dill"tathles dial che dc¥clopin,
IOrcip Orient 1ft capericndn, (al
na.II~.IIIIII~U'" to ,he CiOUIlIrics .... hawe chosen the
api.,ciill de¥eIopmcBl palh IS well).
aelldenlic;s IIad Iricd to C'Oft¥i~ .. 'hal .he deYl.'I-
,.t"or Ihc Oriental republics 0( Ihr USSR
.....icany fram lhe C¥OIulion of the tocialilol-
orienled co.nlrin or the Crimi. Acule connit1S of •
Mliou). economic. political and cull ural .aluft' ha"e
hccn detected lOday. however. lhal a~ • const'qul'ntt of
proI'oand pmc:c!_s thai _ h.YI.' su«nsl'ully clURd ..J.f
10 0¥Cr Ihis who'"
lime. Some economisls ha\'~ / ,;
Kknowkd&t Ibal Tajikislan. for example. is a . .:,
~~1Pi11& rcpubiic wit.. pmbitms lhat .ft' tommon to
. TIle ~I quanlil)' 0( new mllerials They include a hiatt hirch rail'. i.e. a
eee =1 lUe 10 raan:hcn and lilt _ _ unllv POIlUlaitipn all_ion. Ind 1hl' prohll'm or a surplus 01
_ . . . , . and hoIacsdyand "''''1'1'''' lhal is ___.ialcd wilh il. IS .11 as the
Iapics .... were doled bd'~ tnldilioul 1OCk1)' rOllnckd on Ihe feu·
. . . . . .,rtlthc views Oft ~-I""!_.-."
... . die *\IIIophtt .....rics
.YJlfitllill_ rtI _ _mall. :~~::l=r.: 10 modmt
MIdII times
.ruct.~ anda lhe
"'In entry
iIIaes ..~ ftftoa ..istd ill the
~:.: ~~ ~ faileDtIe
~.. !;.,.
. . that
of'tIIe ICiaIliIt;Inlllfd
~ IIaw Iakce ~ in Tajt'lcillan. ..... NYI.' hccIIldlfdcd itt


... Clllftu. Ie '11M: a.t1UI,",
. .,.. h ..n.Iisc ft'WI....,. .
• IIt'W lCtlitty is *,mniftcd -a1orRo"1~·

. . . . 0111- . . . . ,""ark..1 "'lh~11It'
0ft'faII _, be ..·"....._ ..~fti\.
..moct and the" ....... h_~.l.. li"udati"tn
.:uplinc .hi!. pClint crt ,..... in
4ift't1IM ft'IIIkr." altntlinn In C1ft\' or
......... ,. .

• I

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