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Honesty Is The Best Policy.

Everyone is familiar with the stories of Pinocchio and the boy who cried Wolf.
While Pinocchio’s nose elongated every time he told a lie, the boy in the other
story met with a brutal fate, upon lying to the villagers. These stories are an
attempt to teach children the importance of being honest. They depict the
consequences of lying. But what they do not throw light on is the fact that, being
dishonest to others is being dishonest to oneself.

Honesty enables a person to be the best version of them. It shows that they are a
genuine person, with nothing to hide. It allows them to fully be at peace with who
they are and not feel the need to lie or hide anything. Moreover, those who are
honest are trustworthy. Such attributes make them a likeable person. Benjamin
Franklin’s quote, “Honesty is the Best Policy.” is a plain truth of life. Honesty is
one of those roads, that may not always be easy, but once taken, they simplify your
life to a great extent. Those who are honest have fewer things to worry about.
They are known to have stronger relations with people. Lying, on the other hand, is
a negative habit. It’s like quicksand, in the sense that once you start lying, you are
caught in a trap. You end up lying more, as time goes by. It creates a bad
impression on people. And bad impressions are difficult to get rid of.

Regardless of your intentions, honesty is usually the best tactic to a healthier

lifestyle. There’s no greater good you can do than be honest with yourself about
what you believe and want out of life. It brings together the body, mind and soul
and establishes a sense of balance.

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