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The end of school means independence and beginning of adult life for millions of school-leavers.

opportunities are open for them: admission to institutes, colleges and universities, as well as the chance
to get a job. However, almost everyone has faced the problem of choosing a profession – you can only
choose one of millions of different jobs, and making a decision that can greatly affect your future is very
difficult for many students. Someone listens to their parents ' advice; others make decisions without
outside help, and some still cannot choose their profession after graduation.

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a spaceman, and this was the dream of almost all my classmates. But
then I realized that this is not a profession that I would like, and so I forgot about my dream and no
longer thought about my job. Nevertheless, I started to think about it recently. I don’t have any ideas
about my future profession yet, but I know what areas I want to develop in. I like Math, and I do well in
this subject in school, and I am also interested in computers and everything related to them. It is with
these two hobbies that my work should be connected and, of course, I should enjoy it.

I think the questions that students should ask themselves when choosing a job: What am I interested in?
What would I like to be? In which sphere do I want to develop in? When they find the answers, they will
know what kind of job they should get. They will also understand what they need to learn and how to

My parents didn’t say what they wanted me to be, and I don't think they will, because they think that
my choice is the most important.

Another problem that graduates may face is Russian National Exam. This is the exam, which all students
have to take after the end 11th grade. Usually this exam has difficult questions, so you need to prepare
for it hard. This exam is the most important for students, because pupils enter universities by the results
of this exam. There is also one problem: if you didn’t write the exam well, you will have to pay for the
education or you won't even be able to go to university because of results!

Also, do not forget about the army, in which you will be taken if you do not enter any university. Many
students try to get at least to some university, just to avoid being taken to the army for a year. In
addition, the problem of choosing a specialty is also there, but students will be able to change course if
they pass all the exams, so you should not worry too much if you made a mistake with your specialty.

Choosing a career is a very difficult and responsible decision for most students, so they should think
carefully before making it.

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