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 A galaxy is a large collection of stars, interstellar gas, dust, and an
exotic matter called as the dark matter, all held together by gravity.
 The size of galaxies depends on the number of stars in it: from dwarfs
with few hundred million stars to giants having one hundred trillion
 Scientists and astronomers estimate that there are about two
hundred billion to two trillion or more galaxies in the observable
 When the Hubble Space Telescope observed a tiny patch of a
seemingly “empty” sky for one million seconds, which is almost 12
days, the team observed approximately 10 000 galaxies. This is
known as the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field.
Spiral Galaxies
 They are are disk-shaped galaxies.
 They have curved arms that make them look like a pinwheel.
 These types of galaxies have a greater concentration of stars near
their centers.

Elliptical Galaxies
 They are generally round but stretched longer along one axis.
 Some are so elongated that they resemble a cigar.
 Some are circular and may look like a snowball.
 Although there are numerous stars in this type of galaxy, new ones
may be scarce.

Irregular Galaxies
 They are galaxies which are neither spiral nor elliptical.
 These galaxies assume no particular shape.
 The lack of distinct form of these galaxies is a result of the
gravitational influence of other nearby galaxies

Superstitions and Beliefs on Celestial Bodies

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Superstitions and Beliefs on Comets
 Celestial bodies were once believed to be omens and bearers of bad
 Romans, considered the passing of a comet a sign of divinity of Julius
Caesar as his death was marked by a comet.
 Upon the return of Halley’s comet in 1835 to 1836, people believed
that the comet caused a large fire in New York.
 The Zulu massacre in South Africa and the Mexican slaughter at
Alamo were also believed to have happened because of the passing
of Halley’s comet.
 The appearance of a comet also signified the coming of war, famine,
hardships, pestilence, and death.
 In the 17th century, Europeans thought that comets affected weather
and they helped produce superior wines.

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Superstitions and Beliefs on Meteors and Meteorites
 People from Europe, Asia, and North America in making wishes upon
seeing falling stars. This belief is speculated to be a result of people
believing that gods occasionally opened the dome of heaven
releasing a star.
 Peasants believed that meteorites possess powers. Some believe
that inside these rocks are gold or silver. Therefore, meteorites
should be treasured.

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Superstitions and Beliefs on Meteors and Meteorites
 In Switzerland, people considered meteors as rocks possessing the
power of god and could ward off pestilence and hemorrhage.
 It was seen that meteors signified the occurrence of serious injuries,
death, rebellion, and fall of kingdoms.
 In the late nineteenth century in Swabia, people believed that a
person who sees three meteors in one night is doomed to die.
 In some Roman Catholic communities, people believed that shooting
stars are human souls explaining their sins or just wandering.

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