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1. Which of the following statements best describe organic compounds?

A. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon and oxygen only
B. Organic compounds are compounds that are produced by living things
C. Organic compounds are composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen
D. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon atoms only
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 131
2. Element X belongs to Group/Family 1. Which of the following best describes element X?
A. high electronegativity C. low electronegativity
B. high ionization energy D. a non-metallic element
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 117
3. What kind of chemical bond will form between two oxygen atoms?
A. ionic bond C. polar covalent bond
B. metallic bond D. nonpolar covalent bond
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 121
4. What will happen if ATP and NADPH are already used up at night?
A. Less oxygen will be produced. C. Glucose production will stop.
B. Less carbon dioxide will be used. D. Water molecule will split to form electrons.
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 86
5 .Oxygen is essential in cellular respiration. What is the role of oxygen in the electron transport chain?
A. It provides a high energy proton. C. It serves as the final acceptor.
B. It releases an electron. D. It forms water
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 85
6. Which of the following solute will make water a good conductor of electricity?
A. sugar B. oil C. wax D. monosodium glutamate
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 124
7. What bond holds the atoms of the elements in Groups 1and 2 of the Periodic Table?
A. nonpolar covalent bond C. metallic bond
B. polar covalent bond D. ionic bond
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 125
8. What kind of bond will result when two identical non-metallic atoms combine?
A. ionic bond C. polar covalent bond
B. metallic bond D. nonpolar covalent bond
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 121
9. When does covalent bonding take place?
A. It takes place when atoms share electrons with one another.
B. It takes place when the attraction between atoms is strong.
C. It takes place when atoms collide with one another.
D. It takes place when atoms attain stability.
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 121
10. How many orbitals are in the third principal energy level?
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 107
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. C
1. . When cells break down food into chemical energy it undergoes three major processes, glycolysis,
Krebs cycle and electron transport. Which of these processes provides the most number of ATP
A. Cellular Respiration b. Krebs Cycle c. Electron Transport Chain d. Glycolysis
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 87
2. Which of the following best explains why planting trees and putting up urban gardens can help prevent
global warming?
a. Plants produce oxygen during day time and perform transpiration.
b. Plants absorb carbon dioxide that contributes to the rising of earth’s temperature.
c. Plants perform photosynthesis.
d. Plants use up carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, release oxygen to the environment, and perform
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 93
3. The circulatory system is the life support structure that nourishes your cells with nutrients from the food
you eat and oxygen from the air you breath. The question is: What is the other name for the circulatory
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 11

4. Each time your heart beats, it delivers oxygen-rich blood to your body, which allows it to function
properly. Question: What do you call the number of times your heart beats in a minute?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 18

5. A blood group system in humans, the ABO system, is an example of a character governed by multiple
allelles. Question: What is the Genotype of Blood Type O?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 34

6. Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Observation of the human body cells shows 23 pairs of
chromosomes for both males and females. If the 23rd pair consists of sex chromosomes, what kind of
chromosomes consist of the rest 22 pairs?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 36

7. Principles of heredity can be explained through showing of illustration. What is the method by which
one can determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes when two parents are crossed?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 46

8. Genes located on the X chromosomes are called X-linked genes. What do you call of an X - linked trait
in humans wherein a person could die from loss of blood even from a small wound because the blood
either clots very slowly or does not clot at all?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 38

9. Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA consists of long strands of nucleotides and each of them contains a
pentose sugar called deoxyribose. Question: What are the components of the nucleotide?
REFERENCE: Science LM, pp. 42-43
10. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in an area. What is the equation or formula used to calculate the
Index of Diversity?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 87

1. C
2. D
3. Cardiovascular System
4. Heart Rate/ Pulse
5. Ii
6. Somatic Chromosomes
7. Punnett Square
8. Hemophilia
9. Phosphate, Base and Deoxyribose Sugar
10. Number of Species x Number of Runs
Index of Diversity = Number of Trees

1. Water pollution is one of the local and global environmental issue in our country today. What do you
call a major problem in lakes, rivers and ponds that when the concentration of organic nutrients that
comes from domestic garbage are thrown, there will be a rapid increase in water pollution?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 63

2. Carbon dioxide acts like a blanket over the Earth, holding in the heat that would otherwise radiate back
into space. What do you call the trapping of heat by gases in the Earth’s atmosphere?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 65

3. Fill in the blank. The greenhouse effect is a natural process. As carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
increases, greenhouse effect also intensifies which will lead to ___________________________
which is the increase in the Earth;’s temperature from the rapid build-up of carbon dioxide and other
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 65

4. In plants, photosynthesis primarily takes place in the leaves. What is the part of the leaves that contain
the most number of chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 74

5. The parts of a chloroplast include the outer and inner membranes, intermembrane space, stroma and
thylakoids. Where does stroma and thylakoids stacked and located?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 74

6. There are two stages of photosynthesis: the Light – dependent Reaction and the Dark Reaction. What is
the other term for the Dark Reaction?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 75

7. Carbon dioxide and oxygen were collected in the spongy layer of the leaves for photosynthesis. What do
you call the internal part of the leaf where these gases enter and exit?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 74

8. Photosynthesis is a process of food-making done by plants and other autotrophic organisms. Write down
the complete equation for photosynthesis.
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 78

9. In plant cellular respiration, the food must be digested to simple forms such as glucose, amino acids and
triglycerides. What are the three major steps in the breakdown of glucose?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 93

10. Scientists found out that it is not possible to know the exact position of the electron. Werner Karl
Heisenberg discovered that for a very small particle like the electron, its location cannot be exactly
known and how it is moving. What do you call this principle?
REFERENCE: Science LM, p. 105-106
1. Eutrophication
2. Greenhouse Effect
3. Global Warming
4. Mesophyll
5. Grana
6. Calvin Cycle
7. Stomata
8. Carbon Dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen
9. Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain
10. Uncertainty Principle

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