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Atlas of Ice and Fire ~ The geography and maps of

George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and other

fantasy worlds

A Map of Kara-Tur

04 Saturday Jul 2020

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Following on from my maps of Faerûn, Maztica and Zakhara, here is a new map of the continent of
Kara-Tur in the Forgo en Realms fantasy se ing.
A map of the continent of Kara-Tur. Please click for a (much) larger version.

Kara-Tur is part of the same landmass as Faerûn and Zakhara, but is considered a continent in its own
right, separated from those two landmasses by the towering Yehimal mountain range. It is located due
east of Faerûn, across the obviously-misnamed Endless Waste, and east and north-east of Zakhara,
across the Segara Sea. Overland travel and trade between Faerûn and Kara-Tur is lengthy but frequent;
trade with Zakhara is complicated by distance and geography.

Kara-Tur measures some 5,500 miles from the Land of the Snow Spirits – believed to be the local name
for the Endless Ice Sea – in the north to the Southern Ocean. It is around 3,500 miles wide at its widest
extent in the south. These dimensions comfortably make Kara-Tur the largest of Toril’s continents,
especially when the extensive Wa and Kozakura island chains (among others) are added to the
landmass. Kara-Tur is bordered by the Great Ice Sea, the Endless Waste and the Yehimal to the west and
by the Yellow Sea, Celestial Sea and Eastern Sea in the east.
A map showing the three principle trade routes between Faerûn and Kara-Tur. Please click for a larger

Trade Links with Faerûn

Faerûn and Kara-Tur enjoy regular travel and trade, and three great overland trade routes link the two

The northern-most route is known as the Golden Way in Faerûn and the Spice Road in Kara-Tur. It
extends from the port of Telflamm on Faerûn’s Inner Sea all the way to the Shou city of Chao Yang, from
which further highways extend to Kuo Te’ Lung, the capital city of Shou Lung. It is roughly 3,400 miles
from Telflamm to Chao Yang by road, with a further 1,600 miles required to reach the Shou capital. This
route is obviously the longest of the three, but also the most convenient for nations of Faerûn’s
Heartlands. This route was shut down by the Tuigan war of 1359-60 DR, but since the end of the war the
Tuigan have reopened the trade route in return for (so far) relatively modest tribute for crossing their

The central road is known as the Silk Route and extends from Dhaztanar, the port capital of Semphar on
Brightstar Lake, to the Shou city of Yenching. This route is considerably shorter than the northern at just
under 2,000 miles (with another 1,300 miles required to reach the Shou capital) and minimises the time
spent in the Hordelands, with only a relatively modest distance to be covered between Howling Gap and
the Alashan Pass into Khazari. However, this route tends to be the most expensive. Both Semphar and
Khazari tax trade goods passing through their territories to the point that the northern route may appear
preferable, despite being longer. There is also the issue of ge ing to Dhaztanar, which is already so far
east – to the east of Mulhorand and even Murghôm – that it doesn’t even appear on many maps of
Faerûn. To put this in context, the distance from Waterdeep to Dhaztanar is significantly greater than the
distance from Dhaztanar to the Shou capital.

The southern-most route, and the least-known, is the winding pass between the Katakoro Plateau of
Kara-Tur and the kingdom of Ulgarth in the U er East of Faerûn. This route begins at the port of
Suormpar on the Golden Water and extends north and east through the towering Katakoro Mountains (a
north-western arm of the Yehimal) onto the plateau. The road then winds eastwards along the Upper
Hungste to the Shou port of Mishan. This route is a relatively modest 1,600 miles in length and, since
Mishan on the wide and fast-flowing Hungste, one of the great rivers of Kara-Tur, provides much
speedier access to the Shou interior. However, the same problem applies here on much greater scale:
Ulgarth is in the far south-eastern corner of Faerûn and the time spent travelling to Ulgarth could be
be er spent just traversing one of the other routes. Ulgarth does have the benefit of being located on the
external ocean (the Great Sea, via the Golden Water), which means for traders travelling from Estagund,
Halruaa, Samarach, Nimbral, Lantan or even Calimshan, there are arguments for travelling by sea to
Suormpar and then overland. A counter-argument is that the pass through the Katakoro Mountains can
be unreliable, closed by bad weather or avalanches, and the stretch of road along the Hungste west of
Mishan is in unclaimed territory, with a dramatically increased risk of bandit a ack.

Another option is by sea, although this is both lengthy and costly. Experiments to open a northern sea
route to Kara-Tur via the Endless Ice Sea have ended so far in failure. Although routes around Faerûn’s
northern coast do open in the summer, they tend to be fleeting and a ship will do well to get from the
Trackless Sea to the Great Ice Sea before the routes close. There are no viable ports on the Great Ice Sea,
and Kara-Tur’s northern coast extends for a vast distance to the east, more than can easily be covered by
a single voyage.

The southern route is more doable, but is somewhat hazardous, requiring as does a skilled navigator to
pass through the maze of islands to the west of Zakhara (most of them uncharted, with corsairs and
pirates a common problem), then turning east through the well-named Crowded Sea, then across the
only-partially charted Segara Sea and then around Kara-Tur’s vast, inhospitable southern coast before
finally making landfall in T’u Lung. Faerûnian traders generally prefer the intermediary trade, of visiting
only Zakhara and then buying Kara-Tur goods or selling their own wares there, which depending on
demand and the goods in question can be more cost-effective.

A more direct route has been proposed, by circumnavigating the globe and travelling west to reach
Kara-Tur from the east. It was during a very a empt to do this by Captain Cordell and the Golden
Legion of Amn in 1361 that led to the discovery of the western continent of Maztica. Faerûnian explorers
and traders have go en caught up in the exploration of Maztica instead, but the original plan remains
valid, especially since a sea route from the Trackless Sea into the Eastern Sea via the Straits of Lopango is
known to exist. However, travelling to Kara-Tur by this method would entail a sea voyage of more than
20,000 miles across vast stretches of open, featureless ocean, which so far has daunted even the bravest
sea captain. There are also logistical issues, with no safe port known to exist between south-eastern
Maztica and Kara-Tur for resupply.

For the time being, adventurers and traders alike stick to one of the most trusted routes.
Political entities of Kara-Tur. Please click for a larger version.

Major Polities of Kara-Tur

If Faerûn is the land of kingdoms and city-states, Kara-Tur is the land of empires. Colossal nation-states
stretch across Kara-Tur, several of them so vast that they have provinces and even districts that could
swallow the largest Faerûn nations whole. Shou Lung’s Chukei Province, by itself, is far larger than
Faerûn’s entire Western Heartlands, whilst noble Cormyr is still smaller than Shou Lung’s smallest

Shou Lung
The Shou Lung Empire lays claim to being the largest, most populous and most powerful nation on
Faerûn. The first two claims are indisputable. More than 2,500 miles fall between the empire’s northern-
most and southern-most borders, and some 2,200 miles between the east and rest. The entire continent of
Zakhara could fit into the empire with plenty of room left over.

In terms of population, the sheer number of people living inside Shou Lung is staggering. It is said that
Shou Lung’s human population may exceed 100 million, which is more than the combined numbers of
humans and non-humans living on the entire continent of Faerûn (currently estimated at just under 80
million). A colossal amount of Shou Lung’s land has been turned over to feeding this vast population,
with immense rice valleys stretching for hundreds of miles along the major river-valleys, and fields cut
out of the side of mountains through engineering and magical feats unlike anything seen in the west.
Gigantic highways criss-cross the empire, which is defended by an army said to number more than a
million strong, although it is also sca ered across a vast swathe of territory, having to defend the
southern border with T’u Lung and the Warring States, the Dragonwall against the Endless Waste, the
western border with the lawless Katakoro Plateau and the eastern coast against naval adventurers from
Wa and Kozakura.

Shou Lung is divided into fourteen provinces: Chukei, Mai Yuan, Ching Tung, Sheng Ti, Wa K’an, Ti
Erte, Hungste, Kao Shan, Wang Kuo, Hai Yuan, Yu’ I, Arakin, Chu Yuan and Tien Lun. Its capital city is
Kuo Te’ Lung and its largest port is Karatin, both on the Hungste River. Its current ruler (as of 1371 DR)
is Kai Tsao Shou Chin, Lord of the Jade Throne.

T’u Lung

T’u Lung is Shou Lung’s more fractious neighbour to the south. It was originally part of Shou Lung, but
broke away 300 years ago when the empire was divided between two rival emperors. Shou Lung has
tried several times to invade and reclaim T’u Lung, but failed to do so; devoting the manpower required
to fully subdue the breakaway kingdom would endanger the empire’s other frontiers. T’u Lung has also
faced a bi er and bloody internal civil war, which only recently ended.

Despite these struggles, T’u Lung may well be the second-largest and second-most populous nation on
Toril, although it is more divided and fractious than Shou Lung. It also has more border challenges than
Shou Lung, having to hold its frontiers against Petan, the Warring States, the Kuong Kingdom, the hill-
tribes of the Purang and the jungle kingdom of Laothan to the south-east.

It consists of six provinces as follows: Joi Chang, Ausa, West Wai, East Wai, Bashan Do and vast Fengnao.
Its capital city is Wai (formerly Chia Wan Ch’uan) and its largest port is Ausa. Its current ruler is Wai
Yong, tenth Emperor of the Lui Dynasty.


Khazari is an intermediary kingdom on the Silk Route, located east of Semphar and west of Shou Lung,
high up in the Katakoro Mountains. It is sometimes counted as part of the Hordelands, rather than Kara-
Tur. Khazari is a land of trade and religious piety, but is divided by corruption and internal politics.
Khazari’s capital city is Skarou, with the town of Alashan guarding the Silk Route west to Semphar. The
fortress-town of Manass watches over the Hordelands to the north. The nation’s ruler is Prince Ogandi, a
canny ruler who took advantage of a threatened Tuigan invasion in 1359 to consolidate power and
authority under his banner.


Ra-Khati is a secretive and almost unknown country located south and west of Khazari, deep in the
heart of the Katakoro Shan. Unlike Khazari, which lays in a vast bowl of open land between the
mountain peaks, Ra-Khati winds between the mountains and lakes. Towns and villages are built around
the rivers, streams and lakes of the country.

Ra-Khati’s capital city is Saikhoi. Its ruler is the Dalai Lama (high priest) Tsenya Garbo. The kingdom
was invaded and conquered by Ambuchar Devayam, the Necromancer Emperor of Solon, in 1360; the
nation was liberated in 1362 when Devayam was slain in Khazari and the rule of the Dalai Lama


Tabot is a large kingdom located on the eastern flanks of the Yehimal, the tallest peaks on all of Toril.
The mountains tower a staggering 35,000 feet or more above sea level and few who have tried to climb
them have ever returned.

Tabot consists of two immense valleys separated by the Peerless Mountains but joined by the Lokar Pass.
The kingdom is decentralised, with authority shared between the great monastery-fortresses and local

Tabot’s cultural and trading capital is U’Chan Gompa (formerly Koko Nur).


Petan is a small country located south-west of T’u Lung, along the lower Fenghsin u River (T’u Lung’s
greatest river network) and the Rendah, north of the Intan Mountains.

Relatively li le is known of Petan, save it seems to be relatively peaceable but fierce in its independence.
Its capital city is Penting.

The Warring States

The Warring States are a small number of pe y-kingdoms, bandit principalities and tribelands located
east of Petan and south of T’u Lung, in the jungles north of the Malatran Plateau. Li le is known of the
States beyond their unrelenting hostility.

The vast but secretive Kuong Kingdom is located in the jungles of south-eastern Kara-Tur, south of T’u
Lung and Purang, east of the Warring States and south-west of Laothan. The Himasla Mountains form
the southern border of the kingdom and the vast Malatran Plateau forms the western.

Kuong is a strongly unified country whose people obey their rulers unquestioningly. The nation has a
strong army and a strong economy, thanks to a well-developed system of internal markets and trade
with surrounding nations. Kuong’s remoteness and its apparent primitivism hides its true strength. The
T’u like to think of the Kuong as a primitive and barbarian people, although their generals are less
relaxed about the network of strong Kuong fortresses located along their mutual river border.

Kuong is ruled by the Priest-King Vishnan VII from the city of Ranguri, located on the Kunong River,
deep in the jungle. The kingdom’s largest port is Marabaya on the Eastern Sea.


The Purang Hills form a complex highland landscape extending almost from Bukai Lake to the Laothan
and Kuong jungles, around the headwaters of the Henai. The tribes of the hills are a mixture of friendly
and the decidedly militant.

The Purang do not recognise a single capital, although Kumok is their largest se lement and the White
Monkey Tribe who control it are the friendliest and most open to external trade. The unrelentingly
hostile Twisted Palm tribe, which controls the southern hills near the jungle, is best avoided.


Laothan is a large kingdom stretching along the south-eastern coast of Kara-Tur, south and east of T’u
Lung, east of Purang and north-east of the Kuong Kingdom. The Laothan nation is actually an alliance of
tribes known as the Seng; the Thok are the largest and currently most dominant tribe of the Seng. The
Seng people se led down some centuries ago and are currently transitioning to farming and trade as
their main sources of income rather than migratory wanderings.

Laothan’s capital is Cheinang. Its current ruler is Thok Lian.


Malatra is not a political entity, but a geographic one. The term “Malatra” is used in Shou and T’u Lung
to refer to all the jungle lands to the south, although this is inaccurate. Malatra proper is the name of a
vast plateau in southern Kara-Tur. Almost a thousand miles across, the plateau towers a thousand feet or
more above the surrounding lands. Access to Malatra is extremely difficult, with some believing it is
protected by magical and religious forces as well as simple geographic inaccessibility.
Those who have managed to enter Malatra report a land dominated by the so-called “Living Jungle” and
divided into regions by savannahs, rivers, volcanoes and mountains. Remote and mysterious, Malatra
daunts even the most dedicated explorers.

The Tribes of Ama Basin

Ama Basin is located north of Shou Lung, beyond the Koryaz Mountains. The basin is colossal,
stretching for two thousand miles from east to west and almost eight hundred from north to south. The
central part of the basin is dominated by a marshy swamp, easily the largest on Toril, with extensive
forests surrounding it.

The forests are home to powerful tribal groupings, at least three of which are strong enough to be called
nations: the Pazruki in the west, the Issacortae in the central region and the Wu-haltai in the east. These
three tribal nations are secretive and keep to themselves, but are somewhat open to external trade; the
Wu-haltai have permi ed the building of the great coast road linking Shou Lung to Koyro.


Koryo is located on the peninsula of the same name. The peninsula is slow to reach by land, as the only
existing road goes right around the far northern coast of the Yellow Sea and requires negotiating passage
across Wu-haltai lands and various tribes who control the northern part of the peninsula. Most travellers
visit the country by ship instead.

As the north-eastern-most nation on the main landmass (an impressive seven and a half thousand miles
due east of Waterdeep), Koryo is remote and relatively li le-known. It is an alliance of three formerly
independent kingdoms: the island nation of Saishu, the Koguryo Peninsula and Silla, the heartland of
the kingdom. The three nations were forcibly united by the King of Silla, but subsequent rulers have
tried to integrate the three kingdoms more peaceably.

Koryo is a heavily defended nation due to the twin threats of barbarian invaders from the north of the
peninsula and the constant threat of invasion from Kozakura. Koryo has thrown back multiple invasions
from Kozakura but has also launched assaults itself, once invading the northern island of Shinkoku
before being driven back into the sea. The enmity between the two kingdoms is such that no Kozakuran
citizen is permi ed to set foot in Koryo and Kozakuran currency is not accepted. Koryo does enjoy
strong relations with Wa and distant but cordial trading relations with Shou Lung.

Koryo’s capital city is Xi Hulang. It is currently ruled by King Wanang Sun.


Off the southern tip of Koyro lies a huge archipelago of sizeable islands. The archipelago is divided
between two powerful empires, Wa in the west and Kozakura in the east.
Wa consists of the islands of Tsukishima, Shidekima, Paikai and Machukara. Wa also claims the Outer
Isles located to its south-west, not for territory but to protect outsiders from them. Hidden amongst these
islands is the Isle of Gargantuas, home to beasts of titanic size, each capable of comfortably destroying
entire cities by itself.

Wa is a peaceful nation under the rule of law. Wa has enjoyed a longer period of peace than any other
nation in Kara-Tur and has pursued a path of mercantile trade in recent centuries, with its ships trading
from Koryo to Zakhara. Aside from occasional border naval clashes with Kozakura, Wa has not engaged
in warfare for centuries and its policies are around continuing the current status quo. How long this is
practical, especially as there is some evidence of growing internal dissent by the peasantry, is unclear.

Wa is ruled from the city of Uwaji by Shogun Matasuuri Nagahide. On paper, the Shogun is merely the
military governor of the nation and rules at the pleasure of the Emperor; in reality, the Shogun (the most
powerful of the daimyo or warlords) holds the true power in Wa and the Emperor rules merely as a


Like Wa, Kozakura is a sprawling island empire. Unlike Wa, Kozakura is a land of constant, bi er
struggle which has been in a state of constant political intrigue, occasionally spilling into open civil war,
for decades. Kozakura has unified several times for a empted invasions of Koryo, the failures of which
have sparked further internal dissent.

Kozakura sprawls across the islands of Shinkoku, Tenmai, Mikedono and Hinomoto. Shinkoku is the
largest island and the site of the imperial capital.

Kozakura is ruled from the city of Dojyu by Emperor Gonijo, who took the throne at a young age. As is
his tradition this did not happen upon his father’s death, but upon his “retirement.” Retired Emperor
Gokammu still lives and provides advice and assistant to his former heir. As in Wa, the Emperor’s
power and influence is less than it was, although the Kozakuran Emperor is perhaps not quite as
powerless as his western counterpart. The Kozakuran Shogun, currently Hojo Kawakubo, commands
the empire’s armies and wields considerable authority, but he also has to work harder to maintain the
loyalty of his daimyos.


As with my other maps, this one started with the base map from the Forgo en Realms Interactive Atlas
(1999). However, in this case there was an error in the base map, as the Malatran Plateau had been
placed in the wrong place based on misinformation. As a result, Malatra as depicted in the original map
was far, far too small compared to the original maps (from the Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition
“Living Jungle” campaign) and the text descriptions.

As a result, I deviated to follow the solution proposed by mapmaker Markustay a decade ago, of moving
Malatra to the south-west and expanding its size to compensate, which worked very well.
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