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Nowadays there are many ways to buy things. On top of traditional shops
that we have in our town and cities, we can also buy online and have
products delivered directly to our door, which is very convenient. But, do
we need everything we purchase? Personally, I believe there are several
points to consider.

It’s true that everyone leads a busy life and deserves a treat now and
again, even though some people might think that these purchases are
unnecessary. However, a luxurious item doesn’t have to be expensive and
will give us a boost and make us feel good.
There is no doubt that most teenagers want to fit in and to be fashionable.
There is a great deal of peer pressure to have the latest must have item,
which teens put a large amount of importance on.

Another point to consider is where the money comes from that we spend.
If people spend more money than they earn and use credit cards or loans
to buy things, they will get into debt. This can have very serious
consequences and lead to family arguments and the breakdown of
relationships, not to mention possibly losing their home.

All in all, I believe that we have to be sensible with our money. If there is
something we really want, we should save up and buy it to avoid debt.

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