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Aimee G.



Write your reflection on the experiences of a person with compulsive buying disorders and
describe how you can develop yourself to become a wise buyer.

The main character of the movie “Confession of a Shopaholic 2009” Rebecca

Bloomwood has a compulsive buying behaviour. She tends to buy everything that caught her
eyes, whether she needs it or not. She loves to shop and spends a lot more than what she earns to
the point that she became highly indebted. She values fashion so much and if there are items on
sale, she would rush off to the store and would compete to other buyers just to buy what she
likes. This uncontrollable habit of hers has done no good in her life as it only led her to ‘debts-
over-debts’ instead of paying off such debts.

As a college student who lives separately from my parents, having to live and manage my
expenses on my own made me value money even more and live in thriftiness. Though I’m not a
type of person who buys everything I want. Living with my parents before, I tend to ask
permission from them before purchasing something, be it a necessity or nonessential stuffs. We
were taught not to spend money on unnecessary things. Being a wise buyer requires not only
being clever but also disciplined. One must discipline himself as a consumer in selecting items to
purchase. One must know how to allocate enough money for his daily expenses. Financial
planning is essential as it would help anyone to manage well his expenses and achieve one’s
goal, be it an investment or big-time or lifetime purchase. However, being wise buyer would not
end at financial planning; it must be carried out with discipline. Since I started living on my own,
I keep track of my daily expenses. I have set my mind that I should have spent until at a specific
amount only so that I could avoid overspending. Moreover, I see to it that my allowance was
spent only on my daily essential needs such as foods. I don’t bring large amount of money at
school to minimize my expenses on unnecessary things. Moreover, as a consumer, I choose high-
quality products but not expensive, this way I could avoid buying stuffs over and over again due
to its poor quality. Low quality products may seem appealing at first due to their lower price
point, but they often end up costing more in the long run because they are less durable and
require frequent replacements. By taking the time to invest in higher quality items, you can save
money by avoiding costly replacements and repairs.

Saving money is a priority for many people in today's world. It can be difficult to know
where to start when it comes to cutting costs, differentiating your needs from wants, making a
budget plan, and strict adherence to such plans. Saving money instead of spending too much is
essential for protecting yourself in the event of an unexpected financial emergency. In addition,
saving money can also help you meet your long-term goals such as buying a house, starting a
business, or taking a vacation. By setting aside money each month, you can ensure that you have
enough to cover any unexpected costs and to achieve your long-term financial goals. Saving
money can be difficult, especially when there are so many temptations in the world. But with the
right strategies and discipline, it is possible to save money and achieve your financial goals.

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