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ENTREGA: 19/10 (fecha límite)

DEVOLUCION: hasta 23/10 (corrección + comentarios)

Was the PAST better?

Todo tiempo pasado fue mejor?
1. Look at the photos. Which show the world: (Mirar las fotos. Cuál
muestra el mundo hace 100 años y cual ahora?
- 100 years ago?
The first photo, the one in black and white, is 100 years ago.

- Now?
The second photo, the one in color is from now.

1 2
2. Find these things in the pictures (encuentra estas cosas en las fotos)

Young people 2 happy children 1

A modern place 2 old clothes 1

New rollerskates 2 simple toys 1

3. Match the opposites (unir los opuestos)

Young Old

Modern Unhappy

Rich Complex

Simple Old

Happy Poor

Beautiful Hot

Cold Ugly

4. Think of and write (piensa en un ejemplo y escribelo)

a. a cold country: Canada , Rusia.

b. a happy person: Carlitos Balá.

c. a simple book: Caperucita Rosa.

d. a modern city: New York.

e. an old famous person: Mirtha Legrand.

f. a beautiful woman: Megan Fox.

g. a rich country: Japón.

5. Read these sentences about life in 1900

In 1900
…there weren’t any televisions.
… most women were housewives.
…there weren’t any women at university.
…aramburu and frondizi were presidents in argentina.
…Moscow wasn’t the capital of Russia.


Singular + St Petersburg was the capital of Russia in 1900

- Moscow wasn’t the capital

(was not)

Plural + Most women were housewives

- There weren’t many women at university

(were not)
6. Complete the sentences using WAS or WERE (completar las oraciones)

IN 1980…

a. Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of Britain.

b. There were 4.4 billion people in the world.

c. The Olympic games were in Moscow.

d. The Football World Cup was in Uruguay.

e. Tom Cruise was 18 years old.

f. West Germany and East Germany were different countries.

g. ”The Elephant Man”and “Friday the 13th were popular films.

h. Gabriela Sabattini was a very famous tennis player.

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