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2. Listen and underline the correct option. (Nghe và gạch chân tùy chọn chính xác)
1. Chris took black and white photos in the nineteen fifties and sixties / seventies and
2. The first photo is from 1980 / 1981.
3. The second photo is from 2015 / 2016.

3. Match the phrases for talking about periods in time (1-5) with the years. Then listen,
check and repeat. (Kết hợp các cụm từ để nói về các khoảng thời gian (1-5) với các năm.
Sau đó lắng nghe, kiểm tra và lặp lại)
1. the nineteen seventies  1970-1979
2. the end of the eighteenth century  1789-1799
3. the beginning of the twenty-first century  2002
4. the sixties  1960 to 1969
5. the nineteenth century  1800 to 1899

6a Famous faces
2. Read the article about faces and places on money. Match the paragraphs (1-3) with
the pictures (a-c). (Đọc bài viết về khuôn mặt và địa điểm trên tiền. Khớp các đoạn văn
(1-3) với hình ảnh (a-c))

3. Read the article again. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? (Đọc lại bài viết.
Những tuyên bố này đúng (T) hay sai (F)?)
1. George Washington was an American president. T
2. His face is on every ten-dollar note. T
3. Euro notes have famous faces on them. F
4. Some euro notes have pictures of cities. T
5. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera were artists. T
6. Their faces are on different Mexican notes. F

4. Look at the grammar box. Answer these questions. (Nhìn vào hộp ngữ pháp. Trả lời
những câu hỏi này.)
1. Are the sentences about the past or the present?
 Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going
to be happy in it.
2. What is the infinitive form of verbs in bold?
 Infinitive form of the verb "was" is "to be", and infinitive form of the verb "were" is also
"to be"
3. Which form do we use for you/they/we?
 For "you", "they", and "we", the appropriate form to use is "were" when referring to past
4. Which form do we use for I/he/she/It?
 For "I", "he", "she", and "it", the appropriate form to use is "was" when referring to past

1. George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. He was
born in 1732 and lived during the American Revolution. He died in 1799, but his face
wasn't on the US dollar until the nineteenth century. Now, his face is on the US one-
dollar note and it is famous around the world.
(George Washington là tổng thống đầu tiên của Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ. Ông sinh năm 1732
và sống ở Mỹ Cuộc cách mạng. Ông mất năm 1799 nhưng mặt ông không xuất hiện trên
đồng đô la Mỹ cho đến tận thế kỷ 19. Bây giờ, khuôn mặt của anh ấy hướng về phía Mỹ- tờ
đô la và nó nổi tiếng khắp thế giới.)

2. On January 1, 2002, there was a new currency in Europe - the euro. The new notes
were different from traditional money because there weren't any famous people on the
notes. Instead, there were pictures of different types of buildings from different times
and places across Europe.
(Vào ngày 1 tháng 1 năm 2002, có một loại tiền tệ mới ở châu Âu - đồng euro. Tờ tiền mới
khác với tiền truyền thống vì trên tờ tiền không có người nổi tiếng. Thay vào đó là những bức
ảnh về các loại tòa nhà khác nhau ở những thời điểm và địa điểm khác nhau trên khắp Châu

3. Frida Kahlo painted and studied art when she was young. On August 21, 1929, she
married the artist Diego Rivera and they lived and worked in Mexico City. During the
nineteen thirties ,they travelled around the world. Their paintings were famous in
many countries. Today, Frida and Diego's faces are on the Mexican 500-peso note.
(Frida Kahlo vẽ và học nghệ thuật khi còn trẻ. Vào ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 1929, bà kết hôn với
nghệ sĩ Diego Rivera và họ sống và làm việc tại Thành phố Mexico. Trong những năm 1930,
họ đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới. Tranh của họ nổi tiếng ở nhiều nước. Ngày nay, khuôn mặt
của Frida và Diego được in trên tờ 500 peso của Mexico.)

5. Chose the correct options to complete the text about Queen Elizabeth
The famous face of Queen Elizabeth Il is on many different notes. When she (was /
were) a child, she (was / were ) on the Canadian dollar. That was in 1936. By 1953, there
(was / were ) nine countries with her face on their notes but - surprisingly - the Queen's face
(wasn't / weren't ) on the British pound note until 1960. For a long time there (wasn't /
weren't ) any happy faces of the Queen on pound notes, but finaly, in 2002, there ( was /
were ) a happy face on the Scottish five-pound note

7. Number these time expressions in order from past to present.

a. when I was a child  6
b. yesterday  10
c. during the nineteenth century  2
d. the sixties  4
e. last Monday evening  8
f. before the eighteenth century  1
g. in 1799  3
h. this morning  11
i. last March  7
j. on January 1st, 2000  5
k. a week ago  9
10. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs (Hoàn thành câu với
dạng quá khứ đơn của động từ)
1 Barack Obama lived in the White House from 2009 to 2017
2 They studied English together university
3 The artist Georgia O’Keefe painted during the twentieth century
4 The composer Arthur Honegger died in 1955
5 The astronaut Sally Ride travelled into space in 1983
6 Angela Merkel worked as a scientist before she was Chancellor of Germany
7 I finished university last year with a degree in art
8 My parents started their business before I was born
11. Pronunciation -ed endings (Kết thúc phát âm -ed)
a) Sometimes -ed adds an extra syllable to verbs in the past simple. Listen to these
regular verbs and write the number of syllables. (Đôi khi -ed thêm một âm tiết vào
động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn. Hãy nghe những động từ thông thường này và viết số
lượng âm tiết.)
live 1 lived 1
paint 1 painted 2
like 1 liked 1
want 1 wanted 2
work 1 worked 1
start 1 started 2
play 1 played 1
visit 2 visited 3
travel 2 travelled 2

6b Visiting the past

2 Listen to part of a TV documentary and check your answer from Exercise 1. (nghe
một phần phim tài liệu trên TV và kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn ở bài tập 1)
3 Listen again and complete these sentences with a word from the documentary. ( nghe
lại và hoàn thành những câu này bằng một từ trong phim tài liệu )
1 The caves are in the Mustang region of nortern Nepal
2 Humans made the caves about a thousands years ago.
3 Many people lived in them until the fifteenth century.
4 The caves were warm and dry
5 Yandu Bista was born in a cave.
6 In the end, her family moved to the town, but she says, I like living
cave better

5 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verb. (Some verbs are regular
and some are irregular.) Then listen and check. (Hoàn thành câu với dạng quá khứ
đơn của động từ. (Một số động từ có quy tắc và một số động từ bất quy tắc) Sau đó
nghe và kiểm tra lại.))
1 Humans .....made....... ( make ) the caves about a thousand years ago.
2 Many people ......lived....... ( live ) in them until the fifteenth century.
3 They .....built....... ( build ) houses and ......moved........ ( move ) to
4 Yandu Bista .....was....... ( be ) born in a cave.
5 She ....grew up....... ( grow up ) here with her family.
6 They ....hadn’t...... ( not have ) water in the cave.
7 She ......went......... ( go ) to the river every day and .....brought........
( bring ) water up the mountain.

6 Complete the sentences with these irregular verbs. (Hoàn thành câu với những động
từ bất quy tắc này)
be get go grow up have leave
1 I .....was......... born in 1939. ( be born: sinh ra )
2 I ....grow up.......... in a big city with my brother and two sisters. ( grow up: lớn lên )
3 I .....went.......... to my first school when I was four years old. ( go to school: đến trường )
4 I ....had..... a bicycle from my parents when I was seven. (have a bicycle:có xe đạp)
5 I .....will get........... a job at the weekends. ( get a job: nhận việc )
6 I ......left.......... home when I was 16. ( leave home: rời nhà )

7. Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 6 so the are true for you. You can use the negative
form of the past simple and change other words. Then read your sentences to your
partner. (Viết lại câc câu trong bài tập 6 sao cho chúng đúng với bạn, bạn có thể sử
dụng dưới dạng phủ định thì Quá Khứ Đơn và thay đổi các từ khác. Sau đó đọc câu của
bạn cho đối tác của bạn)
1. I wasn’t born in 1939, I was born in 2000 (tôi không phải sinh năm 1939, tôi sinh năm
2000 )
2. I didn’t grow up in a big city; I grew up in a small town (Tôi không lớn lên ở một
thành phố lớn; Tôi lớn lên trong một thị trấn nhỏ0
3. I didn’t go to school when I was 4 years old ( tôi đã không đến trường khi tôi 4 tuổi )
4. I didn’t get a bike from my parents when I was seven ( tôi đã không nhận được một
chiếc xe đạp nào từ bố mẹ của tôi khi tôi lên bảy )
5. I don’t have a job on weekends ( tôi không có việc làm vào cuối tuần )
6. I didn’t leave home when I was 16 years old ( tôi không có rời nhà khi tôi 16 tuổi )
Grammar past simple questions
9/ complete this conversation with did or didn’t. Then listen and check
A: HI how was your weekend ?
B: It was great,thanks.
A: What did you do ?
B: I went to Birmingham .
A: oh, did you go shopping?
B: No, I didn’t. I went to the museum.
A: Oh right. What did you see there?
B: An exhibition about the lives of people from the fifteenth century . It was fantastic !
A: Did you go with anyone?
B: I Didn’t go to the museum with anyone but I met an old friend afterwards for lunch.

11. Write six short sentences about what you did yesterday ,using the past simple from
of these irregular verbs .
(get up) I got up at six o’clock.
(go) I last went to Da Nang in 2023 .
(meet) I met my best friend at the library yesterday
(have ) He had a good time at the party
(buy) I have bought this phone for 2 year
(take) I took a shower then have breakfast and go to school
12/ word in paris . Ask and questions about your day. Find out what was th same and
what was different
A: Did you play soccer at seven o’clock yesterday ?
B: No, I didn’t . I play soccer at six o’clock .
A: Where did you go ?
B: To the play basketball.
6c Liffelogging

1) Look at the sentences about what someone did last week. Complete the sentences with
these verbs. Then tell your partner which sentences are true for you. (Nhìn vào các câu
về việc ai đó đã làm tuần trước. Hoàn thành câu với những động từ này. Sau đó, hãy nói
với đối tác của bạn những câu nào đúng với bạn.)
1 I wrote my diary. (Tôi đã viết nhật ký của mình.)
2 I took photos and shared them with friends. (Tôi chụp ảnh và chia sẻ với bạn bè.)
3 I wore fitness tracker and went running. (Tôi đeo thiết bị theo dõi sức khỏe và chạy bộ.)
4 I made a video with my phone. (Tôi đã quay video bằng điện thoại của mình.)
5 I posted comments on social media. (Tôi đã đăng bình luận trên mạng xã hội.)

2) Do you write a diary? Why? / Why not? Tell the class (Bạn có viết nhật ký không?
Tại sao? Tại sao không?)
Yes, i do! Because writing a diary helps me clear out the messy thoughts in my mind. I often
write in a diary at night before going to bed, I write down things I'm grateful for, things I did
well and didn't do well during the day and organize my thoughts into lines.

3) Read the article and match the paragraphs (1-4) to the topics (a-d). (Đọc bài viết và
nối các đoạn văn (1-4) với chủ đề (ad).)
a. the first ‘lifelogger 3
b. the diary of Samuel Pepys 1
c. people who write a diary today 2
d. lifelogging today and in the future 4

4) Read the article again and answer the questions (Đọc lại bài và trả lời câu hỏi) / Lên
bảng viết câu trả lời.
1. When did Samuel Pepys write his diary?
 Samuel Pepys began write the diary in 1660
2. What did he write about
 Pepys wrote about important events in the history of England and about the lives of
famous people
3. What percentage of people write a diary nowadays?
 In a recent survey of 500 people, 23% said they wrote their diary regularly
4. Who writes a diary more – men or women?
 Women write diaries more
5. Who was the first ‘lifelogger’?
 Gordon Bell became famous as the first ‘lifelogger’ in 2000.
6. How often did his camera take a photograph?
 He wore a camera around his neck and the camera automatically took a picture every 30
7. How do many people record and share their lives nowadays?
 Nowadays, everyone is a lifelogger – we take photos of what we had for breakfast, post
comments on social media about the news, and make videos of events in our lives.
8. In the future, why will people look at our photos, videos and comments?
 Just as today historians read the diary of Samuel Pepys and learn about life three hundred
years ago, maybe historians in the future will look at our photos, videos and commnets and
learn about our lives in the twenty-first century.

5) Look at these expressions with write. What type of word comes after write in each
expressions? Is it a preposition or an article + noun?
1 write about history  preposition
2 write a diary  an aritcle + noun
3 write to your grandparents  preposition
4 write down a word  an article + noun

6) Work in pairs. Answer these questions. (Làm việc theo cặp. Trả lời những câu hỏi
này.) / Lên bảng viết câu trả lời.
1. What things do you write every day or every week?
 I write a diary every day and blog every week
2. What do you write about?
 I write a diary about daily topics, things happening around my life such as at home and at
3. Who do you often write to?
How do you write to these people?
 I often write a diary for myself and blog for my friends
 I write blog for my friends through social media
4. Which new words did you write down in your English class today?
 The new words I wrote down in English class today are: diary, lifelogging, lifelogger,...
7) Read these comments about lifelogging and social media. Which comments are for
(F)? Which are against (A)? (Đọc những bình luận này về lifelogging và phương tiện
truyền thông xã hội. Bình luận nào là ủng hộ (F)? Bình luận nào là chống lại (A)?
1 You can share photos with family and friends. (F)
2 People spend all their free time looking at their phone. (A)
3 Fitness trackers make people do more exercise. (F)
4 It’s interesting and fun to look at your past (F)
5 Sometimes people write bad things about others (A)
6 Historians can learn about people from their photos and videos (F)
Question( Câu hỏi)
1. Who is on the $1 dolar bill? ( Người trên tờ 1 đô là ai?)
 George Washington.
2. What century was George Washington printed on the $1 dolar bill?
(Từ khi nào ông ấy được in trên tờ một đô?)
 The nineteenth century
3. When did human made the cave? (khi nào con người tạo ra hang động)
 A thousands years ago
4. When did human stop living in cave?
 The fifteenth century.
5. When did Sumuel Pepys write a diary?
 1960
6. When did Gordon Bell become famous as the first life ‘loggers’?
 2000

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