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Assalamualaikum wr wb, before I tell abaout my story let me introduce my self.

My name is

Amelia kusuma, you can call me amel. I was born in Denpasar, January 12 th. According to

Zetsu shin teory, he said the tongue can describe a person’s personality. I think my tongue is

pointed, After, I read the article I read on the internet, the article explained “You know what you

want and are not afraid to say the truth. You often say whatever first arises in your mind without

thinking, and sometimes it hurts the person you are talking to. You also don't like anyone

blocking what you want to do. But you can be trusted and loyal to your friends, friends and

family. You also respect the interests of others.” a few points from the article, more or less

describes my personality.

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