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ASRXXX10.1177/0003122413505588American Sociological ReviewLoughran et al.

American Sociological Review

The Returns to Criminal 78(6) 925­–948

© American Sociological
Association 2013
Capital DOI: 10.1177/0003122413505588

Thomas A. Loughran,a Holly Nguyen,a

Alex R. Piquero,b and Jeffrey Faganc

Human capital theory posits that individuals increase their labor market returns through
investments in education and training. This concept has been studied extensively across
several disciplines. An analog concept of criminal capital, the focus of some speculation
and limited empirical study, remains considerably less developed theoretically and
methodologically. This article offers a formal theoretical model of criminal capital indicators
and tests for greater illegal wage returns using a sample of serious adolescent offenders, many
of whom participate in illegal income-generating activities. Our results reveal that, consistent
with human capital theory, important illegal wage premiums are associated with investments
in criminal capital, notably an increasing but declining marginal return to experience and a
premium for specialization. Furthermore, as in studies of legal labor markets, we find strong
evidence that, if left unaccounted for, nonrandom sample selection causes severe bias in
models of illegal wages. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these results,
along with directions for future research.

criminal capital, illegal earnings, social capital, sample selection

A half a century ago, Becker (1962:9) noted conventional counterpart, however, theoreti-
the importance of “activities that influence cal and empirical development of an analog
future real income through embedded concept of criminal capital has been limited.2
resources in people,” or what is typically Several ethnographic accounts of criminal
called human capital. The notion that indi- careers illustrate that the accumulation of
viduals generate positive outcomes, such as criminal skills undergoes a process very similar
higher earnings, through investment in activi- to conventional human capital (e.g., Klockars
ties, such as education and training, has made 1974; Letkemann 1973; Sutherland 1937). Since
the study of human capital a long-standing these important ethnographies, however,
and widespread source of inquiry in econom-
ics, sociology, and education. Empirical eco- a
University of Maryland
nomics, for instance, has extensively studied b
University of Texas at Dallas
the return to personal investments in educa- c
Columbia Law School
tion. Beyond their theoretical importance,
these studies frequently generate popular Corresponding Author:
Thomas A. Loughran, Department of Criminology
interest and contentious debates.1 and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland,
Criminological discourse has also consid- 2220 Lefrak Hall, College Park, MD 20742
ered the theory of human capital. Unlike its E-mail:
926 American Sociological Review 78(6)

interest in criminal capital shifted from Giordano, Cernkovich, and Rudolph 2002;
explaining the process of accumulating crimi- Laub and Sampson 2003; Paternoster and
nal skills and experience to explaining varia- Bushway 2009; Pezzin 1995).
tions in the returns to crime (e.g., Matsueda The importance of understanding criminal
et al. 1992; McCarthy and Hagan 2001; capital, coupled with its relatively few empir-
Morselli, Tremblay, and McCarthy 2006; Nguyen ical studies, animates the present study.
and Bouchard 2013; Uggen and Thompson Guided by classic human capital theory, this
2003), resulting in a gap in the theoretical and article attempts to develop a more robust
empirical development of a more comprehen- theory of criminal capital by considering the
sive concept of criminal capital. nature of illegal earnings and how certain
Unfortunately, this gap in the criminal criminal productivity indicators may yield
capital literature is not without consequence. higher returns in the illegal labor market. We
The relationship between indicia of criminal then test these indicators using a sample of
capital and its monetary returns has not been serious adolescent offenders, some of whom
examined in the same detail as conventional earn income illegally. Our results suggest that
human capital, making it premature to make criminal capital is analogous to human capi-
connections between the two. Furthermore, tal: greater investment in criminal capital
studies that explore variation in criminal results in significantly higher illegal wage
earnings have found a substantial positive rates. Finally, we present strong evidence
association between indicators of criminal showing that, similar to studies of the legal
capital and aggregate criminal earnings labor supply, studies of illegal earnings suffer
(McCarthy and Hagan 2001; Uggen and from important sample selection issues that
Thompson 2003). However, these studies must be properly addressed to produce useful
have not adequately accounted for key meth- estimates on illegal returns.
odological obstacles that often arise in the
study of labor markets, resulting in poten-
Human Capital Theory
tially inconsistent estimates that substantially
reduce generalizability. Human capital theory posits that individuals and
Examining the factors that contribute to society derive economic benefits from invest-
criminal success is an important, underex- ments that produce “changes in persons that
plored avenue for both theory and policy. bring about skills and capabilities that make
Even though empirical support for the rela- them able to act in new ways” (Coleman
tionship between the threat of (objective) 1988:S100). Human capital, then, is an intangi-
sanctions and crime is relatively weak (Nagin ble stock of skills and knowledge and facilitates
1998), the association between perceived productive activity. Investment in human capital
rewards and crime is consistently positive and includes a variety of activities, such as health
strong, regardless of offense type or offender and nutrition (Schultz 1981), but the most
(see Cornish and Clarke 1986; Paternoster salient forms of investment are through educa-
and Simpson 1993; Piliavin et al. 1986; tion, including investments in formal schooling
Piquero et al. 2011). This suggests that indi- (Mincer 1974), informal education (Schultz
viduals are highly responsive to rewards from 1981), and general and specific on-the-job train-
crime. Stated differently, illegal rewards may ing that increases workers’ skills (Becker 1962).
have a positive impact on offending fre- Human capital has a rich history of theoretical
quency and overall criminal career length. and empirical development and an impressive
Shover and Thompson (1992) and Sommers, amount of scholarship devoted to its study (see
Baskin, and Fagan (1994) found that the Altonji, Blom, and Meghir 2012).
probability of desistance increases when Mincer (1958), Schultz (1960, 1961), and
offenders’ expectations for achieving rewards Becker (1962) have each made seminal contri-
from criminal activity decline (see also butions to human capital theory, in particular,
Loughran et al. 927

the idea that investment in human capital is less of a rate of return but is a transportable
an inseparable part of an individual, which stock of knowledge and skills.
positively affects earnings. In his influential In summary, several fundamental features
piece, “Investment in Human Capital,” Schultz of human capital theory should be considered
(1961) argued that estimating the magnitude before researchers can draw a parallel between
of human investment is not a straightforward human capital and criminal capital. First,
task because qualities such as skills and human capital theory argues that investment
knowledge are considered both consumption in education is best captured by an increase in
and investment, thereby posing conceptual the rate of return. To be clear, specifying a
difficulties and identification challenges. For wage rate rather than aggregate earnings in a
example, obtaining a formal education has period provides a more informative measure
opportunity costs because individuals must of the returns to human capital. Second, the
forgo earnings while at school or when par- relationship between experience and wages is
ticipating in on-the-job training. Given these nonlinear—there are diminishing returns to
factors, Schultz (1961) argued that the best experience.3 Third, the main avenue of invest-
way to quantify human investment is by its ment in human capital is through education,
yield rather than by its cost. That is, the most which can take various forms, exemplified by
efficient way to measure human capital is Becker’s (1962) important distinction
through the increase in one’s earnings. between investments in general versus spe-
Mincer (1974) developed a basic function of cific training. Investment in both general and
the returns to education, known as the Mince- specific training should increase earnings;
rian function, that fits a function of log-wages however, specific training will have greater
by using years of schooling, years of labor returns for a particular job.
market experience, and its square as independ-
ent variables to determine the average rate of
Does Criminal Capital Exist?
return of schooling and experience. According
to Mincer (1974:287), “as more skill and expe- Does a criminal analog to human capital
rience are acquired with the passage of time, exist? McCarthy and Hagan (1995) first
earnings rise.” Mincer highlighted that the rela- coined the term criminal capital, mirroring
tionship between experience and wages does the definition of human capital. Inspired by
not rise linearly—rather, it follows an age- Schultz (1961) and Becker (1964), McCarthy
earnings profile in which experience increases and Hagan (1995:66) define criminal capital
wage rates at a marginally decreasing rate. as “a type of human capital . . . [that] includes
Hundreds of empirical studies have found sup- knowledge and that can facilitate successful
port for the Mincer earnings function, in the criminal activity.” Using a sample of home-
United States and in other industrialized socie- less adolescents from several cities in Canada,
ties (Borjas 1996; Willis 1986). they argue that crime-specific tutelage rela-
Becker (1962) is often credited for the tionships facilitate criminal skills and atti-
popularization of the idea of human capital, tudes, which increase the frequency of drug
and his ideas play an especially important selling and theft. Although they do not directly
role in the current study. In his treatment of consider monetary returns, they set the con-
human capital theory, Becker differentiated ceptual groundwork for the idea that invest-
between two types of job training: general ment in criminal training can be beneficial.
and specific. Generalized training provides Other studies allude to the concept of
useful knowledge and skills that can be criminal capital and its potential parallels
applied to various jobs. Specific on-the-job with human capital, suggesting that criminal
training is firm specific and tends to provide capital likely undergoes a process similar to
a greater rate of return only at a particular the accumulation of human capital. For exam-
firm. Investment in general training provides ple, Shover (1996:66) looked at the criminal
928 American Sociological Review 78(6)

careers of persistent thieves and observed that Thompson (2003) found a significant curvi-
“the knowledge and skills needed to earn a linear relationship between their proxy for
good living from stealing probably do not criminal experience and total monthly illegal
greatly differ from those required for success- earnings.
ful legitimate employment.” Ethnographic Offenders can accumulate criminal capital
studies illustrate that training and time go into through several mechanisms. Sutherland’s
the development of skills in thievery (Stef- (1937, 1947) work is perhaps the most nota-
fensmeier and Ulmer 2005; Sutherland 1937), ble, with his discussion of differential asso-
hustling and fencing (Klockars 1974), drug ciation and his interviews with a professional
dealing (Fagan 1992; Williams 1989), and thief. For Sutherland (1947:6), learning crim-
burglary (Wright and Decker 1994). inal behavior is no different from learning any
Similar to human capital, criminal spe- behavior: through intimate personal groups,
cialization appears to have important effects “when criminal behavior is learned, the learn-
on criminal outcomes. A series of studies on ing includes (a) techniques of committing the
offender decision-making found that some crime, which are sometimes very simple; (b)
offenders possess specialized cognitive abili- the specific direction of motives, drives,
ties. For example, Wright, Logie, and Decker rationalizations, and attitudes.” Through his
(1995), using an experimental design, showed interviews with a professional thief, Suther-
that active residential burglars outperformed land (1937) illustrated a process very similar
a control group when given photos of residen- to the acquisition of human capital. He
tial dwellings and asked to recall details of described a selection process through infor-
the dwelling and its surrounding areas (see mal social networks, indoctrination into the
also Carroll and Weaver 1986; Logie, Wright, culture of thieves, and tutelage of requisite
and Decker 1992; Nee and Meenaghan 2006; skills and techniques. Akers (1973) extended
Wright and Logie 1988). Although a number the notion of differential association in his
of criminologists have highlighted the value social learning theory to argue that people
of specialized skills (e.g., Cloward and Ohlin acquire and maintain behavior through imita-
1960; Decker, Wright, and Logie 1993; Shaw tion or modeling others’ behavior, definitions,
1930; Shover 1996; Sutherland 1937; Topalli which are expressions of values and norms,
2005), few have investigated the returns to and differential reinforcement contingencies
specialization (McCarthy and Hagan 2001). (rewards and punishments). In addition to
In addition to ethnographic accounts and a providing models, training, and reinforce-
few experimental studies, several studies ments for criminal behaviors, peers can be
have attempted to model the relationship valuable sources of information and opportu-
between criminal capital and returns to crime. nity that can make the returns to criminal
This work consistently shows that measures capital greater (for a discussion of various
such as criminal experience, specialization, mechanisms of peer influence, see Cloward
and tutelage are positive and significant pre- and Ohlin 1960; Osgood et al. 1996; Stafford
dictors of greater aggregate illegal earnings and Warr 1993; Warr 2002). Finally, Bayer,
(e.g., Morselli et al. 2006; Nguyen and Hjalmarsson, and Pozen (2009) explicitly
Bouchard 2013; Uggen and Thompson 2003). hypothesized that individuals can build crimi-
For example, using data from the National nal capital while in correctional facilities
Supported Demonstration Work Project, through exposure to peers.
Uggen and Thompson (2003) measured crim-
inal experience by the total number of times
Differences between Criminal Capital
an offender was arrested in the 36-month
and Human Capital
study period. They also included a quadratic
arrest term, because, guided by human capital Human capital theory provides a useful theo-
theory, they expected to find diminishing retical point of departure for exploring the con-
returns to criminal experience. Uggen and cept of criminal capital, but a closer comparison
Loughran et al. 929

reveals a number of ways these concepts while sharing some similarities to human
diverge. First, human capital and criminal capi- capital and wages, could be quite different
tal are both grounded in a rational choice frame- from legal supply models—specifically, ille-
work (Becker 1968), but the former is gal entry decisions are perhaps a function of
necessarily steeped in the concept of a future- both immediate illegal and discounted (or
oriented agent.4 In addition to its yield, another forgone) legal incentives. Indeed, some
way to measure human capital at the individual descriptive evidence suggests that legal and
level is through a cost-based approach that con- illegal work are not always seen as trade-offs
siders both investment costs and discounted (Fagan 1992; Freeman 1996; Reuter, Mac-
future income (Jorgenson and Fraumeni 1989; Coun, and Murphy 1990; Viscusi 1986).5 To
Kendric 1976). This method represents the measure criminal capital, one must thus use
familiar notion of delayed gratification on the an income-based approach, rather than cost-
part of the individual investing in human capi- based, which measures human capital through
tal. In the extensive literature on the legal labor productivity measures, that is, its rate of
supply and rational choice, economists have return (Mincer 1974; Schultz 1961).
articulated a range of concepts pertaining to A second, more fundamental distinction
agents making decisions in the context of the between human and criminal capital is the
life cycle, including intertemporal substitution role that social capital plays in acquisition
effects between work and leisure (e.g., Altonji and returns. Social capital, or resources
1986), preferences for increasing wage profiles embedded in a social structure that can facili-
(Lowenstein and Sicherman 1991), and rational tate action, was largely neglected in the con-
expectations regarding future earnings (Muth ceptualization of classic human capital theory.
1961). Accordingly, strong theoretical and Coleman (1988:S101) argued that the tradi-
empirical evidence suggests that legal earnings tional depiction of human capital was under-
reflect optimal investment in human capital socialized, and he suggested that social
over the life cycle (Ben-Porath 1967). structure could be incorporated into econo-
Conversely, in the criminal realm, it is mists’ principle of rationality: just as “human
unclear if there is a related delayed gratifica- capital can facilitate productive activity,
tion process or consideration of discounted social capital does as well.” For example,
future income. In fact, in contrast to economic groups whose members trust each other are
theories that assert current behavior is tied to able to accomplish more than groups with
expectations of future earnings, many criminal lower levels of trust. Similarly, Granovetter
investments are more likely motivated by a (1985) criticized a pure market approach to
heightened sense of present-orientation economic action and highlighted the impor-
(Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990). More spe- tance of social structure in the economic
cifically, illegal market entry decisions are analysis of human behavior. Most economic
more likely to be driven by the immediacy of actions occur within social networks (see also
criminal gains, compared to legal earnings McCarthy 2002).
that are usually delayed. Laub and Sampson Social capital exists in several different
(2003:179), for example, describe the influ- forms. It can be a collective resource that
ence of “fast money” as motivation for persis- facilitates mutual trust and informal social
tent offending in certain individuals. control (e.g., Sampson, Morenoff, and Earls
Criminal earnings are almost certainly 1999; Skogan 1990) or produces civic engage-
more transitory than legal earnings. The tem- ment (Putnam 2000). Alternatively, Bourdieu
porary status of criminal wages can cloud (1986), Burt (1992), and Lin (1999) illustrate
future expectations of illegal earnings and how individuals instrumentally develop and
introduce instability into decision making. mobilize social ties to secure their goals. Both
This inconsistency suggests that models of forms of social capital can contribute to
illegal labor supply and criminal capital, greater earnings.
930 American Sociological Review 78(6)

One compelling demonstration of the Traditional human capital theory inherently

importance of social capital is in migrant and necessarily draws attention to individuals
communities. Several scholars underscore the and their positions relative to social and eco-
importance of social capital in migration nomic institutions, but this strictly individual-
efforts (Garip 2008; Massey and Aysa-Lastra istic view of human capital only partially
2011) and in prosperous immigrant and ethnic translates to the complex intersection of
entrepreneurship communities (Aguilera social, structural, and individual factors that
2005; Zhou and Logan 1989). Through com- affect the tangible returns to criminal capital.
munity networks, members of immigrant We elaborate these concerns in our theoretical
communities have access to information, specification in the following sections.
start-up financial capital, and a dedicated
labor supply (Portes and Sensenbrenner
1993). Similarly, social capital can contribute The Present Study
to prosperity and cohesion among criminal The current study builds on previous work in
networks (Browning, Dietz, and Feinberg several ways. First, we simultaneously con-
2004; Portes 1998). In terms of criminal capi- sider multiple measures of criminal capital,
tal, social capital facilitates both accumula- designed to capture general and specific
tion and greater returns.6 experience, using a sample of serious adoles-
One can accumulate human capital through cent offenders for whom we have detailed
social capital; criminal capital, however, is information about illegal wages and partici-
arguably more reliant on criminal social capital pation activity. Second, unlike previous stud-
because of the informal social nature of most ies that consider total wage volume, we
criminal enterprises. Unlike legal labor mar- model the outcome of wage rates to capture
kets, the illicit economy has no formal schools criminal productivity returns. We hypothesize
of crime to facilitate the acquisition of criminal that participants’ wage rates will increase as
skills or knowledge, nor are there formal ave- their criminal capital indicators rise; with
nues to advertise or disseminate knowledge. respect to experience, this increase will occur
Much of the transmission of criminal skills at a marginally declining rate. Third, we
takes place through informal social networks address the problem of sample selectivity bias
rather than through structured opportunities, in estimating the returns to our criminal capi-
economies, or institutions. Castells and Portes tal indicators and attempt to correct for it
(1989) draw distinctions between formal and using multiple strategies. We consider the
informal economies to argue that the differ- classic, widely used solution offered by
ences lie not in the goods themselves, but in Heckman (1979)—a two-equation model
the manner in which goods are exchanged in where selection can be treated as a form of
the absence of state regulations: the informal omitted variable bias. Although this estimator
economy is dependent on social ties, trust, and is sometimes criticized for over-sensitivity to
mutual obligations for effective functioning distributional and functional form assump-
(see also Portes and Haller 2005). Therefore, tions, as well as general misuse in crimino-
embeddedness, or ongoing social relations in logical research (Bushway, Johnson, and
criminal social networks, likely plays a crucial Slocum 2007), the strength of our results rests
role in both investment in and returns to crimi- on our use of multiple exclusion restrictions
nal capital. Indeed, prior studies show that (i.e., variables that are important to explain
criminal embeddedness positively contributes selection, but given productivity characteris-
to greater illegal earnings (e.g., Levitt and tics, do not explain illegal wage rates) that
Venkatesh 2000; McCarthy and Hagan 2001; mitigate these concerns. Furthermore, we
Morselli et al. 2006). exploit the fact that our data reveal more
These studies underscore important differ- about the individual selection process beyond
ences between human and criminal capital. the binary participation choice, namely, the
Loughran et al. 931

total amount of time engaged in illegal proportion of time each individual was not
income-generating activities. This allows us locked up in a secure facility (exposure time).
to modify the standard Heckman estimator Research shows life-event calendars are reli-
and reduces our reliance on the nonlinearity able tools in studies of criminal offending
assumptions in the standard model. (Morris and Slocum 2010).7

Data Outcome Variable

We analyze data from the Pathways to Illegal wage rate. We calculated the illegal
Desistance study (Mulvey 2012), a longitudi- wage rate by dividing an individual’s total
nal investigation of the transition from ado- reported illegal earnings in a month by the
lescence to young adulthood in serious total number of weeks worked across all ille-
adolescent offenders. Study participants are gal jobs. We calculated the number of weeks
adolescents who were found guilty of a seri- by multiplying each week a participant worked
ous offense (almost entirely felony offenses) by 1.3 to account for the fact that all months
in the juvenile or adult court systems in are not exactly four weeks long (52 weeks in
Maricopa County (Phoenix), Arizona or a year divided by 12 months in a year = 4.333
Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. A total of weeks per month) and summed across all
1,354 adolescents were enrolled in the study, types of illegal work in the recall period.8
representing approximately one in three ado- In total, 496 respondents out of the 1,354
lescents adjudicated on charges in each locale total sample reported earning illegal wages in
during the recruitment period (November at least one period (around 37 percent). Of
2000 through January 2003). The study sam- these 496, more than half reported earning
ple contains mainly non-white (44 percent only illegal wages in one period (n = 265).
African American, 29 percent Hispanic) Pooling all individual observations together
males (86 percent) who were, on average, yields a total sample size of N = 883 observa-
14.9 years old at the time of their first peti- tions of illegal wage rates (out of a total
tion, with an average of three petitions prior pooled sample of N = 7,399). Due to missing
to the baseline interview. data issues detailed below, our select sample is
In this analysis, we use data collected at reduced to N = 833 for model estimation. As
six consecutive follow-up interviews corre- is standard in wage models, to deal with skew
sponding to six-month observational periods we take the natural log of the illegal wage rate
over 36 months for a total pooled sample of as the dependent variable. Figure 1 displays
N = 7,399 (which represents over 91 percent histograms of the untransformed and trans-
retention). As described below, not every formed rates. We explore a descriptive sum-
individual reported involvement in illegal mary of this outcome in more detail below.
income-generating activity in all periods (this
is the selection problem). In each period, for
Criminal Capital Measures
each individual, we have the number and
types of income-generating crimes they Criminal experience. We measure criminal
reported committing, if any, along with their experience as an individual’s cumulative fre-
age, income risk perceptions, and drug quency of participation in 10 illegal income-
dependency. Additionally, we used a life- generating activities, derived from a common
event calendar to record detailed information self-reported offending (SRO) measure
regarding the number of weeks in which par- recorded in each period (Huizinga, Esbensen,
ticipants were engaged in legal and illegal and Weiher 1991; see Thornberry and Krohn
activities and the total amount of money earned [2000] for a summary of the usefulness and
from each activity each month. The life-event validity of self-reported delinquency meas-
calendar also allowed us to determine the ures in criminological research). In each
932 American Sociological Review 78(6)

A. Reported Illegal Earnings per Week

2.0e-04 4.0e-04 6.0e-04 8.0e-04

0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Illegal $/Week

B. Ln(Illegal Earning per Week)

.2 .1

0 2 4 6 8 10
ln(Illegal $/Week)

Figure 1. Histograms of the Illegal Wage Rate

period, individuals were asked whether they Because cumulative income offending fre-
had committed each of these 10 crimes in the quency is skewed, we created a vector of
past six months, and if so, how many times.9 categorical experience variables using the
We summed these values to arrive at a total quartiles of the conditional distribution of
period frequency and then cumulative fre- cumulative frequency based on participation.
quency, providing a cumulative measure of We then subdivided the lowest category in
general experience with income-generating two to better capture variation among nonpar-
crimes.10 ticipants. This yielded five unique experience
Loughran et al. 933

categories: low (0 to 2 cumulative crimes Rochester Youth Study (Thornberry et al.

reported), moderate (3 to 20 crimes), high (21 1994). According to Hagan (1993), criminal
to 110 crimes), very high (111 to 213 crimes), embeddedness involves connections to delin-
and extreme (more than 213 crimes). Besides quent peers as an indicator of opportunity
dealing with the skew problem, this strategy structure. Hagan used a similar measure of
allows us flexibility in detecting potential criminal contacts, as did Granovetter (1985)
nonlinear marginal returns to criminal experi- in his discussion of employment contacts. It is
ence (Murphy and Welch 1990). also probable that, through the context of
Of the original N = 883 observations, 88 social learning theory (Akers 1973), embed-
cases (9.9 percent) had missing interview data dedness functions as an indicator of learning
in at least one time point prior to the relevant and training in illegal skills. We computed an
period, meaning we could not observe offend- individual’s score as the mean rating of the
ing frequency for the missed period. We were prevalence of friends who engaged in 12
thus unable to calculate a total cumulative types of delinquent behavior (e.g., “How
frequency score. Of these 88 cases, we could many of your friends have sold drugs?”). The
safely conclude that 38 fell into the extreme subscales had very high internal consistency
category based on observed experience that (α = .93).12
already exceeded the top threshold regardless Panel A of Table 1 reports descriptive sta-
of the missing values. To use the remaining tistics for the two criminal capital/productiv-
50 cases, however, would have required us to ity measures as well as embeddedness. Notice
make an untestable assumption about the that when comparing illegal wage earners to
nature of the missingness. We therefore nonearners, the distribution of experience is
excluded these cases to bring our estimation very different, and each indicator has impor-
sample to N = 833.11 tant mean differences (all p-values < .001).

Specialization. Here we consider the

unique number of crime types reported by an Model
individual in the observation period and gen- We wish to estimate the parameters of the fol-
erate an indicator equal to 1 if the individual lowing illegal wage rate function, specified as
reported engaging in two or fewer unique an analog to a traditional Mincer equation:
crime types during the observation period and
0 if otherwise. We define specialization as ln ( iwi ) = β0 + β1expi + β2 speci + β3 embedi + ε i (1)
two or fewer instead of one or fewer because
certain pairs of crimes are natural comple- where ln(iwi) is the natural log of the rate of
ments (e.g., stealing and selling stolen goods). reported weekly illegal earnings; exp, spec,
Among individuals reporting illegal wages, and embed are our measures of criminal expe-
56.7 percent were specialized. Importantly, rience, specialization, and criminal embed-
there was variability in specialization among dedness, respectively; and their coefficients
nonmarket participants (or else it would be a can be thought of as the returns to these capi-
perfect predictor of participation). This is tal indicators. If we could observe the illegal
plausible because some individuals engage in wage offer for every individual in the sample,
crimes like stealing but do not generate mon- then the model parameters could be estimated
etary earnings from the activities. simply by using Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS). However, we are challenged by a key
Criminal embeddedness. We measure methodological issue that pervades all empir-
embeddedness in a criminal social network ical earnings research—sample selectivity,
through the degree of peer delinquent behav- which requires an alternative estimation strat-
ior, a subset of similar measures used in the egy to produce consistent estimates.
934 American Sociological Review 78(6)

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for Explanatory Variables

Panel A. Criminal Capital

Indicators Mean s.d. Med. Q1 Q3  
Specialize? .16 .36 0 0 0  
Embeddedness 1.76 .77 1.08 1.67 2.17  
Experience (total frequency):  
 Overall 41.9 102.2 0 0 16  
  Illegal wage earners 162.3 177.6 20 110 213  
 Nonearners 26.1 74.4 0 0 6  

Illegal Wage
  Total Earners Nonearners

Panel B. Exclusion Restrictions Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d.

Age 18.28 1.40 18.31 1.35 18.28 1.40
Legal job .39 .46 .34 .47 .40 .49
Exposure time .64 .43 .66 .36 .64 .44
Income risk perception 6.04 2.93 5.03 2.93 6.15 2.91
Drug dependency .21 .41 .46 .50 .18 .39

The Problem of Sample Selectivity in reservation wage. Intuitively, a reservation

Modeling Illegal Wages wage is the lowest wage rate for which a
worker is willing to accept a job. The higher
Illegal wage data suffer from incidental trun- one’s reservation wage, the less likely one is
cation, or sample selection that occurs because to enter the market ceteris paribus. This issue
we observe the illegal wage offer only for often arises in the study of female labor sup-
individuals who participate in illegal markets; ply (Heckman 1974), where the wage offer is
otherwise, their wage offer is unobservable observed only for women who choose to
(not zero). Furthermore, it is very likely that enter the labor market, a nonrandom subsam-
the selection mechanism is endogenous. OLS ple of the population. Estimates of returns to
in this case would yield biased estimates of productivity characteristics for such a sub-
the true model parameters, that is, those gen- sample thus lead to biased estimates for the
eralizable to the population of serious adoles- entire population. Various scholars have dis-
cent offenders, the sample being considered cussed the identification issue in the context
in the current study. of sample selection (see Berk 1983; Bushway
This complication is also a direct analog to et al. 2007).
another standard problem in labor economics— To our knowledge, only one study on ille-
modeling a wage offer based on labor force gal earnings addresses issues of sample selec-
participation, first considered by Gronau tion. McCarthy and Hagan (2001) explore
(1974). Ideally, a rate of return to investment whether specialization in drug selling is asso-
in education, for example, should be based on ciated with greater returns. They first used a
a representative sample of the population. probit model to estimate the probability of
Gronau’s model of labor supply suggests that participating in drug selling in the first wave,
an individual will choose to participate in the and then employed a tobit model to assess
labor market only if the wage offered is drug selling income in the second wave.
greater than the ratio of the (negative) mar- However, this strategy essentially treats the
ginal disutility of working to the marginal zeros as being censored at zero—which is
utility of income, a quantity known as one’s unrealistic—as opposed to being unobserved
Loughran et al. 935

due to selection. Furthermore, this does not term can be included as an additional regres-
allow for an examination of the magnitude of sor in Equation 1, which yields the following
the bias that would have occurred had the conditional expectation:
problem been ignored altogether. In sum-
E ln ( iwi ) | si = 1, expi , speci , embedi  = β0 + β1expi + β
mary, sample selection issues likely plague
studies of illegal ( iwi ) | swhich,
E lnwages, if ignored, 
i = 1, expi , speci , embed i  = β0 + β1expi + β2 speci + β3 embedi + ρε , νσ ε λ (δz i ) (3)
will lead to biased estimates. Unfortunately,
very few studies adequately consider this The model can be estimated using a full
issue, making previous estimates on criminal maximum likelihood procedure, which by
capital indicators difficult to generalize. accounting for the λ term will yield consistent
The problem of incidental truncation estimates of the β parameters. This procedure
requires an estimator designed to correct for will also provide estimates of the selection
sample selectivity bias. To employ Heck- equation δ parameters from Equation 2 via
man’s (1979) estimator, we must observe the probit. Notice that the coefficient on the λ
productivity characteristics for illegal market term in Equation 3 is ρσε (where σε  denotes
participants and nonparticipants in the sam- the variance of ε), meaning that failure to
ple, even though we cannot observe the wage reject it is equal to zero implies ρ = 0, which
offer for the latter. is the same test of H0.
Dealing with sample selection requires a
second, selection equation:
A Tobit Selection Equation
si = 1 ⋅ [δz i + υi > 0] (2) Because we have more information available
on the selected sample beyond binary partici-
where 1·[ ] denotes a binary indicator func- pation, specifically concerning level of par-
tion; si = 1 if the individual participates in an ticipation in the illegal market (i.e., weeks),
illegal income-generating activity during the we can exploit this in selection correction. We
observation period and 0 otherwise; and zi is still wish to consistently estimate the param-
a vector that includes all of the regressors in eters of Equation 1, but now we may rewrite
Equation 1, as well as variables that, by the selection equation as
assumption, predict selection into illegal mar-
ket participation, but given one’s capital/ hi = max (0, πz i + ηi ), (4)
productivity characteristics, have no impact
on the wage offer. These assumptions are where hi is the amount of illegal weeks sup-
known as exclusion restrictions, because they plied; ln(iwi) is observed only when hi > 0; the
are excluded from the wage equation, and vector z again contains exclusion restrictions;
they are crucial for identification of the model and π is the parameter vector. We make very
parameters. We return to them shortly. similar normality assumptions to the standard
The Heckman model assumes that the Heckman model, except now we assume the
error terms, εI and υi, are jointly normally relationship between εi and ηi can be written
distributed with correlation ρ. Under the null as E(ε | η ) = γη, where γ is a parameter to be
hypothesis H0: ρ = 0, selection is exogenous estimated. Now the selection equation can be
and Equation 1 can be consistently estimated estimated by tobit, and using the residuals
using OLS. Rejection of H0 implies a selec- from this model, the new conditional expecta-
tion problem, and we will need to correct for tion function becomes
it. The parameters in Equation 1 can be con- E[ln ( iwi ) | hi > 0, ηi , expi , speci , embedi ] = β0 + β1expi + β2 s
sistently estimated by first estimating Equa-
E[ln ( iwi ) | hi > 0, ηi , expi , speci , embedi ] = β0 + β1expi + β2 speci + β3 embedi + γηi . (5)
tion 2 using probit, and then using these

first-stage estimates to calculate the inverse Thus, including the fitted residual values h i and
Mills ratio, λ(δzi), for each individual.13 This using OLS will produce consistent estimates
936 American Sociological Review 78(6)

of the β parameters. A rejection of the null reported illegal market participation in the
hypothesis H0,1: γ = 0 using the t-statistic period was 18.31 years, slightly more than the
from OLS implies there is a sample selection mean of 18.28 years for individuals who did
problem (Vella 1992). not participate.
Amemiya (1985) refers to this correction
procedure as a type III Tobit (T3T) model. Income risk perception. Research
Wooldridge (2002) offers two key benefits of shows that an offender’s subjective risk per-
this model over the standard Heckman esti- ception is generally negatively associated
mator. First, using more information in the with offending decisions (Nagin 1998), par-
selection equation will result in a more effi- ticularly when considering income-generating
cient estimate. Second, and more importantly, crimes (Loughran et al. 2011). Specifically,
any frailty of a valid exclusion restriction is offenders’ reservation wage, and by extension
less of a problem here, as there will be varia- their participation decisions, should be
tion in the tobit residuals just based on varia- directly related to how much risk is involved
tion in weeks of participation. in the illegal activity. However, once the deci-
sion to participate in an illegal activity has
been made, one’s own subjective risk percep-
Exclusion Restrictions
tion should have no impact on the returns
Recall that we impose multiple exclusion generated by the activity. Perceived risk was
restrictions on Equation 1, that is, we assume measured in each period by asking respond-
that some variables appear in the selection ents how likely it is they would be caught
equation but not in the wage equation, imply- and arrested for the following four income-
ing that, conditional on the capital/productiv- generating crimes: robbery with gun, breaking
ity characteristics, these regressors have no into a store or home, stealing clothes from a
additional impact on the wage offer. Absent store, and auto theft. Response options range
such assumptions, identification of the model from 0 (no chance) to 10 (absolutely certain
is entirely due to strong functional form to be caught). We took the average of the four
assumptions, the failure of which can be risk perceptions as the total measure. The
highly problematic (see Bushway et al. 2007). mean risk score for respondents who reported
Here, we consider five variables we argue illegal earnings, 5.03, is lower, as expected,
have proper theoretical justification as joint than the mean for those who did not, 6.15.
exclusion restrictions: age, sanction risk per-
ception for income-generating crimes, Legal employment. Employment in a
employment in legal work, drug dependency, legal job should be negatively related to ille-
and proportion of time during the six-month gal market participation, because research
interview period the individual was not in a consistently shows that legitimate employ-
secure detention facility (exposure time). ment aids in the desistance process (Sampson
and Laub 1993; Uggen 2000). Also, Grogger
Age. Age is perhaps the best predictor of (1998), in an analysis of the National Longi-
crime participation (Farrington 1986; Hirschi tudinal Survey of Youth data, found that
and Gottfredson 1983), and it is particularly increases in legitimate wages reduce partici-
relevant for nonparticipation (i.e., desistance) pation in crime. There is thus no discernible
in the current sample of serious offending reason to suspect that involvement in the
adolescents (Sweeten, Piquero, and Steinberg legal market should influence one’s returns in
2013). Yet, any observed wage premium for the illegal market. Our measure is an indica-
older offenders would likely be due to the tor generated from the life-event calendar
correlation between age and experience, as equal to 1 if an individual reported having
opposed to age itself. A subject’s age was legitimate legal employment at any time during
coded continuously at each follow-up inter- the observation period, and 0 otherwise. Among
view. The average age of individuals who illegal market participants, 34.5 percent
Loughran et al. 937

reported legal employment, compared to 39.6 2007). Individuals who reported illegal mar-
percent of nonparticipants. ket participation during a period had a slightly
higher average exposure time than did non-
Drug dependency. Uggen and Thomp- participants (66.2 versus 64.0 percent).
son (2003) found drug dependency was the The number of exclusion restrictions is a
most important indicator of illegal wage vol- strength of our analysis, because it means our
ume, suggesting participation in the illegal model is over-identified. Thus, the failure of
market is necessary to generate the types of any one should not be fatal. Importantly, we
funds needed for drug procurement. Moreover, tested our model with various specification
additional motivation due to the prospect of combinations of fewer restrictions and found
substance use likely lowers one’s reservation the results to be generally robust. Descriptive
wage. Importantly, Uggen and Thompson’s statistics for these excluded variables are
analysis considers total monthly illegal earn- summarized in Panel B of Table 1. Finally,
ings, not wage rate. If, for instance, the desire note that in all reported hypothesis tests
for illegal earnings to purchase drugs throughout the remainder of the article, stand-
increased the amount of time one chose to ard errors are cluster corrected at the indi-
participate in illegal income-generating activ- vidual level. This is important because we are
ities (which is likely because these individu- using pooled data, so the error terms are
als probably have a lower reservation wage), likely not independent, and without such a
then volume of participation could explain correction, the standard errors are underesti-
this result, rather than the notion that drug mated by as much as 30 percent.
users’ illegal wage rate should be higher. Sub-
jects were asked to report on several indica-
tions of drug dependency in each recall Results
period. Respondents who answered affirma- Descriptive Statistics on Illegal
tive to one or more symptoms were consid- Wage Rates
ered drug dependent and coded 1. Subjects
who did not report any symptoms of depend- Table 2 reports descriptive statistics for the
ency were coded 0. Respondents who reported illegal wage rate. Overall, the mean reported
involvement in an illegal market reported illegal wage rate (conditional on reporting) is
considerably more drug dependency than did $929/week. This is about 320 percent higher
nonparticipants (45.6 versus 18.4 percent). than the mean reported legal wage rate in the
sample of $290/week. This expected pre-
Exposure time. This measure is the pro- mium reflects, among other things, the inher-
portion of time during the six-month recall ent risks in illegal wage activities as compared
period an individual was not in a secure to legal wage activities, which would increase
detention facility and was thus on the street. one’s reservation wage. Of course, as is the
We expect that an individual’s exposure time case with any wage distribution, there is sub-
should be positively related to participation stantial skew (s.d. = $1,491). Still, a compari-
purely through increased opportunity. Piquero son of the median rates reflects a 78 percent
and colleagues (2001) demonstrated that indi- premium for the illegal rate ($422/week ver-
vidual offending patterns changed between sus $245/week). Finally, the illegal interquar-
models that did and did not include controls tile range extends from $102/week to $1,000/
for exposure time. Beyond this, however, week, suggesting there is considerable vari-
one’s exposure time should otherwise have no ability beyond just the outliers.14
relation to illegal returns. To calculate this Table 2 also reports how the average wage
measure, we included only stays in settings rate varies with our criminal capital measures.
without access to the community (e.g., jail or First, the mean wage rate is generally increas-
prison; see Mulvey, Schubert, and Chung ing as a function of cumulative experience (as
938 American Sociological Review 78(6)

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Illegal 1,400 $1,221

Wage Rate (All Values in $/Week) $1,152

Overall   1,000 $824

 Mean 929 800

 Median 422 600 $441 $439

 Q1 102 400

 Q3 1,000 200 1,491 0
low moderate high very high extreme
Experience Category
Conditional on Experience  
 Low 441
 Moderate 439 Figure 2. Mean Illegal Weekly Wage Rate
 High 824 by Experience Category
  Very high 1,221
 Extreme 1,152
exceeds a certain threshold. Yet, there also
Conditional on Specialization   appears to be a diminishing marginal return
 Yes 1,034 to experience, which is a perfect analog to the
 No 834 returns to experience predicted by human
capital theory.
Conditional on Embeddednessa  
We also find a 24 percent higher premium
  Change per unit increase 149
(t = 1.99, p = .046) for the mean rate of spe-
  Change per standard deviation 127
 increase cialized ($1,034/week) versus nonspecialized
($834/week) individuals. Finally, criminal
The value for embeddedness is a bivariate OLS embeddedness is also strongly and positively
related to illegal wage rate (t = 2.28, p = .023).
Specifically, a one standard deviation increase
in delinquent peer activity corresponds to a
shown in Figure 2). Moreover, this relation- $127/week increase in mean wage rate.15
ship appears to be nonlinear. The mean It appears that illegal wage rates are related
reported illegal wage rate for the low experi- very strongly to our indicators of criminal
ence group is $441/week, and the mean for capital. We now consider estimating the
the moderate group is almost identical, $439/ returns to the measure more rigorously.
week. However, there is a large premium
going from the moderate to high experience
Selection into Illegal Income-
group (F = 8.28; p = .002), for whom the rate
Generating Participation
is $824/week (a 91 percent increase). Simi-
larly, there is another large increase in wage Table 3 reports estimates from the first-stage
rate between the high and very high levels of selection equations for both the probit and
experience (F = 5.05; p = .025), increasing to tobit selection models (Equations 2 and 4,
$1,221/week. This represents a 48 percent respectively). In both models, each excluded
increase over the high rate, and a 178 percent regressor has a statistically significant impact
increase over the moderate rate. Finally, there on selection, with the lone exception of age in
appears to be no premium for the extreme the tobit model. Again, although we cannot
experience group; in fact, the mean wage rate explicitly test if our exclusion restrictions are
actually decreases slightly, although we can- valid, this set of results is highly congruent
not reject a null of no difference between the with our assumptions.16
extreme and very high rates (F = .20, p = In all cases, coefficient signs are consistent
.655). This set of results suggests there may with theoretical predictions. Individuals with
be a return to criminal experience in terms of a higher proportion of street time and those
a wage premium, at least once experience engaged in drug use were more likely to
Loughran et al. 939

Table 3. Parameter Estimates for Selection Equation, Binary and Censored Selection

Probit Estimates Tobit Estimates

  Illegal Participation (Y/N) Hours Worked Illegally

  est. (s.e.) t p-value est. (s.e.) t p-value

Moderate .441 4.80 .000 7.098 4.52 .000
  (.092) (1.570)  
High 1.113 13.27 .000 17.336 12.43 .000
  (.084) (1.395)  
Very High 1.379 15.88 .000 21.949 15.39 .000
  (.087) (1.426)  
Extreme 1.108 12.49 .000 19.166 13.04 .000
  (.089) (1.469)  
Specialize? .658 10.41 .000 9.471 9.86 .000
  (.063) (.960)  
Embeddedness .143 4.82 .000 2.512 5.30 .000
  (.030) (.474)  
Proportion Street Time .297 4.18 .000 6.641 5.51 .000
  (.071) (1.205)  
Income Crime Risk Perception –.042 5.05 .000 –.785 6.02 .000
  (.008) (.130)  
Age –.028 1.38 .168 –.054 .16 .871
  (.021) (.330)  
Legal Employment? –.253 4.10 .000 –5.098 5.25 .000
  (.062) (.970)  
Drug Dependency .719 11.98 .000 11.397 12.86 .000
  (.060) (.886)  
Intercept –1.834 4.87 .000 –38.107 6.05 .000
  (.377) (6.302)  

N 7,399 7,399  

select into illegal wage-generating activity using pooled OLS, Heckman, and T3T estima-
and to participate for more time. Conversely, tion. The OLS results show that when consider-
older individuals, those with legitimate ing all of the criminal capital indicators
employment, and those with higher risk per- simultaneously, returns to each indicator are
ceptions for detection were less likely to strong and positive. As was the case with the
select into illegal earnings activities and par- conditional mean wage rates, there appears to
ticipated fewer hours or weeks. be little to no wage premium for moderate
These results from the selection equations experience (relative to the low base category),
strongly support our theoretical predictions but returns increase with more experience (the
and point to a problem of sample selection reported F-tests show these incremental
bias. We next consider results from the main changes are statistically significant). Returns
wage rate equations to test this formally. level off for the extreme group, again showing
the same pattern of increasing (once a certain
threshold is passed) but diminishing marginal
Returns to Criminal Capital
returns to criminal experience. For instance, the
Table 4 reports estimates of the parameters of coefficient on the high experience category
the main wage equation (Equation 1) generated implies that going from low to high experience
940 American Sociological Review 78(6)

Table 4. Estimates of Returns to Capital Indicators


  OLS Heckman Type III Tobit

est. est. Change est. Change

  (s.e.) p-value (s.e.) p-value from OLS (s.e.) p-value from OLS
Moderate .069 .406 –.166 .298 –139.7% –.244 .206 –253.0%
  (.289) (.313) (.297)  
High .740 .003 .181 .307 –75.6% .130 .328 –82.5%
  (.259) (.359) (.290)  
Very High 1.444 .000 .774 .023 –46.4% .753 .006 –47.9%
  (.247) (.387) (.293)  
Extreme 1.427 .000 .856 .007 –40.0% .880 .001 –38.3%
  (.247) (.347) (.270)  
Specialize? .474 .000 .276 .025 –41.8% .233 .032 –50.8%
  (.120) (.141) (.126)  
Embeddedness .155 .008 .081 .106 –47.8% .076 .116 –51.0%
  (.064) (.065) (.063)  
h –.026 .000  
Intercept 4.323 .000 5.712 .000 5.672 .000  
  (.249) (.623) (.367)  
ρ –.343 .019  
ρs –.537 .019  

βmod = βhigh (F-stat) 10.88 .001 2.20 .138 3.45 .064  

βhigh = βvery high 19.59 .000 12.99 .000 15.61 .000  

βvery high = βextr .01 .905 .27 .600 .73 .394  

Note: N = 833. Standard errors are cluster corrected for individuals. P-values are reported for one-tailed
tests. Base category is low experience.

results in a 110 percent increase in the expected selection correction models, while similar
illegal wage rate.17 We find wage premiums for between the two models, differ in magnitude
specialization (around 61 percent) and criminal considerably from the OLS estimates. In fact, it
embeddedness (a one-unit increase in embed- appears as if OLS results on the select sample
dedness corresponds to a 15 percent increase in severely upwardly bias the returns to criminal
the wage rate). capital indicators, which follows because selec-
Still, results from both of the selection cor- tion into illegal income-generating activity is
rection models suggest the presence of strong likely positively correlated with higher earn-
selectivity bias in these prior estimates. In the ings. Estimates from the selection corrected
Heckman model, we can comfortably reject H0: models reveal a 76 and 83 percent reduction in
ρ = 0 (p = .019). In the T3T model estimates, the the magnitude of the coefficient on the high
t-ratio on the fitted residuals term is −4.43, group for the Heckman and T3T estimates,
meaning we can reject H0,1: γ = 0 (p < .001). respectively. All other model coefficients have
But the best indicator of selectivity bias is much between a 38 and 51 percent reduction in the
more intuitive: coefficients from the two magnitude from the OLS point estimate.
Loughran et al. 941

In the Heckman and T3T model estimates, Among a sample of serious offending adoles-
we find no returns to either moderate or high cents, we found that criminal capital operated
experience (both models show a small wage similarly to conventional human capital, to a
premium for high experience, around 14 per- certain extent, as it appeared that greater
cent according to the T3T results, but these investment in criminal capital productivity
estimates fail to approach any conventional characteristics likely yielded greater returns
level of statistical significance). Very high in the illegal activities markets.
levels of experience, however, have large and Specifically, we found that once a certain
statistically significant returns (an increase in experience threshold was passed, there was a
wage rate of around 112 percent). Again large, marginally declining wage premium for
though, the incremental change from very experience, a direct analog to results from
high to extreme experience is null (although Mincer earnings equations derived from
the change in point estimates is now positive), human capital theory. The illegal earnings
suggesting increasing but marginally declin- literature has seldom considered this possibil-
ing returns to criminal experience. Again, this ity. There are a number of reasons why the
suggests the existence of an experience rate of return to investments declines over
threshold prior to a wage rate increase. In time. At higher levels of education, the reward
terms of a specialization premium, the Heck- structure tends to be smaller and have less
man and T3T estimates imply increases of 32 income inequality. Moreover, human capital
and 27 percent, respectively, in wage rates. A is most abundant at higher levels and there-
one-unit increase in the embeddedness meas- fore the premium is not as high (Psacharo-
ure yields a small return (around 8 percent), poulos 1987, 2006). Similar logic would
although in both models this result is only seemingly apply to the illicit economy, which
marginally statically significant. These mag- also has strong market features and important
nitudes are substantially smaller than the OLS competition among some high-volume earn-
estimates. Finally, note that estimates from ers. Future research should continue to
both selection models are generally in close explore the illegal earnings–experience pro-
agreement, which is a good robustness check. file to better determine the point at which
These results reveal, as is the case with returns to criminal capital begin to decline, as
human capital, increasing but marginally it is an important consideration for policy-
declining returns to criminal experience, a makers.
wage premium for specialization, and per- We also found important wage premiums
haps a small return associated with criminal for specialization in certain crimes, and to a
embeddedness. Moreover, we find strong lesser extent, criminal embeddedness. The
selection effects that severely bias OLS esti- premium for embeddedness, even after con-
mation of returns to criminal capital. trolling for experience, suggests there is an
important socialization aspect to illegal
returns and makes the case for the relevancy
Discussion of criminal networks. Taken together, these
In this article, we assessed whether it is theo- results suggest that, through investment in
retically and empirically reasonable to draw a one’s own criminal productivity characteris-
direct parallel between human capital and tics, an offender likely earns more through
criminal capital. We considered a number of illegal means.
fundamental concepts associated with human Furthermore, our results reveal strong evi-
capital theory and mirrored them in the dence that bias from sample selectivity, if left
criminal realm. In doing so, we attempted to unaccounted for, dramatically affects the
develop a more theoretically and method- inferences one draws about the nature of fac-
ologically comprehensive way to assess tors that contribute to illegal earnings. Spe-
returns to investments in criminal capital. cifically, using only offenders who report
942 American Sociological Review 78(6)

illegal earnings may constitute an endoge- life course theories of desistance, which are
nously selected subsample of a larger popula- grounded in the concept of human agency and
tion of interest. We employed standard posit that humans plan and make choices that
modeling techniques typically used in empiri- construct their life course (Elder 1994; Laub
cal labor economics to show that ignoring and Sampson 2003). For instance, Sampson
such selection biases greatly overstated the and Laub’s (1993) age-graded theory of infor-
magnitudes of the relationships between mal social control argues that turning points
wages and important predictors. Going for- such as marriage and employment strengthen
ward in the study of illegal wages and labor conventional bonds and aid in the desistance
supply, we advocate for increased methodo- process. Stronger bonds likely positively cor-
logical and theoretical rigor borrowed from relate with increased opportunity costs and
the rich and well-developed field of labor one’s reservation wage for illegal participa-
economics. tion, along with other factors such as age and
Substantively, these findings have impor- higher risk aversion (see also Lochner 2004).
tant implications for sociological theories of Because our results reveal an ostensible
crime. Descriptively, we find large amounts threshold level for returns to criminal experi-
of important variability in the distribution of ence to become apparent, it is possible that
illegal wage rates, and we note that average some low experience offenders might find
wage rates, as well as the amount of variabil- that, with a higher reservation wage, illegal
ity, are considerably higher for illegal activi- income generation is no longer a desirable
ties as compared to legal jobs. This finding endeavor, even though their expected rewards
suggests that individuals vary in their ability have not diminished. Conversely, offenders
to earn money from crime. Tremblay and who, through agentic action, have built crimi-
Morselli (2000) explored the idea of an effi- nal social capital and have made investments
ciency ratio and found that a small group of in training and specialization, might find that,
offenders have much higher payoffs per crime even though their reservation wage has also
than do others, although they did not assess increased through the same developmental
the factors that contributed to the higher pay- progressions, the returns from offending are
offs. Our findings suggest that, as in legal actually high enough to offset this. For exam-
work, investment in time, training, and spe- ple, Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005:55) note
cialization contributes to higher wage rates. that a group of “high criminal capital offend-
This evidence is contrary to Hirschi’s ers” do exist. Hence, this small group of
(1986:115–16) contention that “the criminal highly capital-invested offenders will con-
career does not appear to be one of increasing tinue to persist in offending. This underscores
in skill and sophistication but the reverse, a the importance of differentiating high criminal
career that starts with little of either and goes capital offenders from chronic offenders who
downhill from there.” We find that similar to persist in offending for vastly different rea-
the importance of social networks in access- sons. Again, we draw an analogy to the legal
ing legal work, criminal capital is a function labor market, where, for example, an individ-
of embeddedness in offender networks that ual may be dissatisfied with a certain profes-
supply the training and opportunities to sion, but the investments made in training,
increase the returns from illegal work. education, and job experience make the wage
Our results also imply that the reward offer too attractive to change professions.
incentives from crime and the criminal capital Furthermore, a much larger proportion of
investments one makes may actually be an our offending sample continues to participate
important mechanism in the processes of in legal employment, for substantially lower
desistance from and persistence in crime. wages. This reflects the centrality of the res-
Moreover, we speculate that the concept of an ervation wage in the problem context. Impor-
illegal reservation wage may be useful in tant determinants, such as having a legal job,
bridging criminal returns and contemporary risk perception, and drug dependency,
Loughran et al. 943

strongly predict which individuals will select criminal embeddedness. Future research
into illegal income-generating activities. might look into the role institutions play in
These findings provide important considera- criminal embeddedness and their impact on
tions for reentry programs that seek to place the returns to crime.
returning offenders into meaningful and gain- One possible limitation of our results is
ful employment. our failure to consider fixed unobserved het-
Accordingly, we envision multiple ave- erogeneity in the main wage offer equation,
nues for continued study of the illegal wage which may be correlated with criminal pro-
equation and returns to criminal participation ductivity characteristics (a main strength of
and criminal capital. For instance, it is possi- Uggen and Thompson’s [2003] findings). For
ble that crime type indicators would yield instance, in labor market studies, economists
important main effects (e.g., a wage premium often refer to unobserved ability or motiva-
for drug dealing) and possibly even interact tion as being an important determinant in the
with experience, which data limitations pre- structural earnings equation. Indeed, some
vented us from exploring. Interestingly, criminological scholars have speculated about
although there is no important wage rate dif- the role of criminal ability (Morselli and
ference between respondents who reported Tremblay 2004; Steffensmeier and Ulmer
selling drugs versus those who did not, there 2005; Wright and Decker 1994), which, if
is an enormous difference for respondents correlated with both the wage offer and pro-
who reported selling drugs other than mari- ductivity indicators, could bias our results.
juana (around $719/week). Related to this, We feel the issue of criminal ability is worthy
although our analysis is restricted to income- of its own theoretical framework and devel-
generating criminal experience, it is quite opment as a potential key explanatory mecha-
possible that instrumental violence is a key nism in the study of illegal markets.
explanatory factor in higher earnings. Sec- Accordingly, we advocate for this idea as an
ond, our results show that having a legal job important topic for future scholarship.
is an important factor in not participating in Criminological research has severely
illegal wage-generating activities. On average neglected returns to criminal capital, both
this is likely true, but the possibility remains theoretically and especially methodologi-
that for some specific crimes, legal and illegal cally. A wage-based consideration of these
employment may in fact be complements issues, within a framework of human and
instead of substitutes. For instance, Reuter social capital, opens up additional areas of
and colleagues (1990) speculate that drug inquiry and furthers our understanding of
dealers may retain legal employment as an how offenders make decisions whether to
opportunity to foster a potential client base, as offend or, temporarily or permanently, avoid
well as a temporary respite from the risks of offending.
arrest and punishment that attend to illegal
work. We thus suggest that participation deci-
sions in either type of market as a function of
We would like to thank Shawn Bushway, Ray Paternoster,
wage offers in the other is a question worthy Peter Reuter, Scott Decker, John Laub, Ed Mulvey,
of investigation. Martin Bouchard, and six anonymous reviewers for help-
In addition to our measures, there are ful suggestions on earlier versions of the manuscript.
likely other sources through which one gains
criminal capital, such as familial ties. For Funding
example, Hagan (1993) discusses how paren- The project described was supported by funds from the
tal criminality can dampen conventional pros- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
National Institute of Justice, John D. and Catherine T.
pects and deepen criminal ones. Another
MacArthur Foundation, William T. Grant Foundation,
source of criminal capital is through institu- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, William Penn
tionalization, discussed by Bayer and col- Foundation, Centers for Disease Control, National
leagues (2009), which may facilitate greater Institute on Drug Abuse (R01DA019697), Pennsylvania
944 American Sociological Review 78(6)

Commission on Crime and Delinquency, and the Arizona  9. The 10 self-reported items include (1) entered or
Governor’s Justice Commission. We are grateful for their broke into a building to steal something, (2) stole
support. The content of this article, however, is solely the something from a store, (3) bought, received, or
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily sold something that was stolen, (4) used checks or
represent the official views of these agencies. credit cards illegally, (5) stole a car or motorcycle,
(6) sold marijuana, (7) sold other illegal drugs, (8)
prostitution, (9) took something from another by
Notes force, using a weapon, and (10) took something
 1. See, for example, Mincer (1974), Willis (1986), from another by force, without a weapon.
Ashenfelter and Krueger (1994), Carneiro, Heck- 10. Two reviewers independently noted the potentially
man, and Vytlacil (2011). advantageous role that instrumental violence can
  2. We use the term criminal capital to mean the crimi- play in higher illegal returns. Our measure of expe-
nal form of human capital. rience thus includes income-generating crimes that
  3. Grogger (1998), too, suggests diminishing marginal are concurrent with violence (e.g., taking something
returns to crime. by force using a weapon).
  4. In other words, one must be willing to forgo wages 11. We considered an imputation strategy using the
in the current period to instead acquire an additional mean of each individual’s observed frequencies at
year of schooling or enter job training, which are each time period in place of the missing period to
linked to prospects of higher future earnings or generate a cumulative sum. This method produced
faster wage growth. We credit a helpful reviewer nearly identical results. Three predictors also had
for urging us to develop this particular point. small amounts of missing data: peers, risk per-
  5. We caution that, although we know of no formal ception, and legal job (around 5, 3, and 1 percent,
criminological theories that suggest individuals respectively). We retained all of these cases and
attempt to maximize illegal earnings over their used mean substitution conditional on participation
criminal careers, it is plausible that some rational to account for the missingness.
offenders could consider the opportunity for future 12. Haynie and Osgood (2005) note that self-reported
illegal wages, even weighting the prospect against peer delinquency measures may overestimate the
current period costs such as imprisonment. true influence of peers because individuals tend to
 6. According to Burt (1998) and Coleman (1990), project their own behavior onto their friends. We
human capital is necessary to succeed but is useless feel this is less of an issue in our analysis, because
without social relations to gain the opportunities our use of this measure is intended to be an indica-
to employ it. Woolcock’s (1998:154) discussion of tor of opportunity structure rather than peer influ-
embeddedness and economic development in immi- ence, and more importantly, we are attempting to
grant communities echoes this: “The latest equip- explain illegal wages, not offending, in a model that
ment and most innovative ideas in the hands or includes offending behavior as a separate regressor.
mind of the brightest, fittest person, however, will 13. The inverse Mills ratio is the ratio of the standard
amount to little unless that person also has access to normal density function, evaluated at δzi, to the
others to inform, correct, assist with, and dissemi- standard normal cumulative distribution function.
nate their work.” 14. These results are comparable to past findings on
 7. More information regarding the rationale, overall illegal earnings. Freeman (1996) found that among
study design, and sample can be found in Mulvey a group of Boston youth, occasional offenders and
and colleagues (2004) and Schubert and colleagues weekly offenders earned $250 and $448, respec-
(2004). For more detailed information on measures tively. Viscusi’s (1986) survey of inner-city youth
and calendar constructs, interested individuals are from Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia found an
encouraged to visit the study website (http://www average monthly illegal income of $272. Among a Also, all code and syn- sample of homeless youth in Toronto and Vancou-
tax used in the present analysis are available upon ver, McCarthy and Hagan (2001) found participants
request from the lead author. in the drug trade had average daily earnings of $101.
  8. As a reviewer pointed out: “It is not clear . . . that 15. Ideally, we would like to know how the wage rate
there is a really sensible way to convert illegal earn- varies with certain illegal activities. Two things pre-
ings to a standard metric equivalent to a [legal] vent us from doing this, however. First, there is a
hourly wage.” Acknowledging this practical infeasi- high degree of overlap in the sample with individu-
bility of measuring actual time spent engaged in ille- als endorsing multiple crime types, including 80
gal activity, we settled on defining earnings rate over percent who reported drug selling activity. Second,
weeks, as it is the finest level of aggregation pos- we are unable to disaggregate the illegal income
sible that still allows for some reasonable validity earned by crime types, meaning we cannot match
of self-reported activity, yet based on the life-event earnings to specific crimes. However, there is no
calendar, we can still eliminate periods of inactivity important difference in mean rate for respondents
due to incapacitation from the denominator. who reported selling drugs versus those who did not.
Loughran et al. 945

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