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Jody Marcum

ENG 240


William Lehman

Organization Promotion

The proposals I would like to recommend for consideration to market the new corporate

packages for Wundermind are. First would-be direct sales, there are three types of direct sales to

choose from. First one is the Party Plan, which allows the selling to groups of people who have

been gathered together by a host and are referred to as parties. Tupperware and pampered chief

are a couple of examples that use this type of direct sales.

The second is known as Networking Marketing which is a company structure designed to move

consumable products through a network of independent representatives. When a company is

building its sales force, it is focused on building a network of consumers, which leads to

consistent sales growth.

And third being Hybrid Blends the practice of Party Plans and Network Marketing. Hybrid’s

emphasis is as much on the business opportunity as it is on the sales of products.

These three plans have been very successful and have led to significant growth for the companies

and leaders involved (3 different direct sales models 2021).


The second form of traditional marketing strategy is Print Advertising. Print Advertising is found

in ads in newspapers, magazines, in addition to coupon books and billboards. These are still very

affective ways to promote the organization (MSG management study guide 2021).

I would know lime to you recommend the first of two “ new marketing” strategies. Social Media

marketing can help with several goals, such as: Increasing web site traffic. Building conversions.

Raising brand awareness my creating a brand identity and positive brand association. Improving

communication and enter action with key audiences (Social media marketing for businesses


The second of two “new marketing” strategies would be Video Marketing. Video marketing is

not just a choice anymore. It is an integral part of a solid marketing strategy. Video marketing is

not a new tool. It has been around since the nineteen forties, when the first commercial ran on a

New York TV station during one of the Yankees game.

Fast forward sixty-five years to the appearance of YouTube. It took Google less than a year to

realize the importance of videos in marketing. At that moment, video marketing as we know it

today was born. Last year video marketing was the number one form of marketing used (Bristol

Strategy, Video marketing services 2021).



3 different direct sales models. (n.d.). Retrieved February 07, 2021, from


MSG management study guide. (n.d.). Retrieved February 07, 2021, from

Social media marketing for businesses. (n.d.). Retrieved February 07, 2021, from

Bristol Strategy, I. (n.d.). Video marketing services. Retrieved February 07, 2021, from

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