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People look for spiritual assistance when they work hard but are not thriving at all. They ask
for help when they do everything in their power to grow but they find themselves at the same
place day after day. When they finally ask for a divination, get the sacrifices done and things
start working for them, they face a terrible danger they have no idea of. Their way of thinking
is like “I have been working hard for nothing but when I got this sacrifice done, things are
working; wow, it is very easy! I will just get sacrifices done and wait for money to come”. This
is the most dangerous thinking ever!

Let AFAN tell you why through the Kponli SAN-AKLAN:

In the spiritual world, there was a hunter and his dog. The dog was clever, skillful and
powerful. That dog was able to attack and catch big animals. The hunter was amazed and
proud of his dog. He was sure his dog could hunt alone; and he was right given how powerful
the dog was. So when they go for hunting, the hunter rests under a tree then just ask the dog
to hunt alone and bring back animals for him. The hunter does not know that when the dog
goes some miles away from him, it just find a quiet place and sleep like his master. At the end
of the day, both go home with no animal captured. This kept going for months and the hunter
asked for a divination. SAN AKLAN appeared and he was told: “if the master is not powerful,
his dog won’t be able to catch animals”. In other words, if the hunter does not make efforts,
the dog will not bring any animal for him either. The hunter restarted managing the hunting
sessions with his dog and the hunts became fructuous again.


In this sacred story, the behavior of the dog is the same for the shrines. When you have
powerful shrines (or get powerful sacrifices done) and you think you can stay at home and
they will be bringing money for you, you are like this hunter. Your shrine won’t work for you if
you don’t make efforts. Getting initiated is not an excuse for you to not work hard. Vodu
priests are publicly disgraced over not getting a job or staying home doing nothing. The spirits
don’t and will never replace your workforce; they rather sustain your efforts. If you rest, your
head spirits will rest too. If you work hard, your head spirits will do the same. In short, your
head spirits imitate your behaviors. So, don’t let them stay at home and sleep. Faith is nothing
without hard work.


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