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1. Builds inner heat

This slow, constrained breathing builds internal body heat which makes
stretching safer and prepares the body for deeper expressions of yoga poses.

2. Encourages cleansing
This controlled diaphragmatic breath massages the internal organs and
stimulates the digestive systems to encourage detoxification and decrease

3. Increases focus and concentration

The ujjayi breath links the mind, body, and spirit to the present moment and
improves concentration. This cultivates richness and depth to your practice and
boosts your presence and awareness.

4. Boosts vitality
This pranayama is used in many styles of yoga classes, like ashtanga,
Jivamukti, and power yoga, as it builds endurance, energy and stamina.

5. Links breath with movement

The ocean breath connects the breath with movement which helps keep a
steady rhythm in a flow or vinyasa style of yoga.

6. Reduces stress and tension

Making this calming sound encourages the release of muscular tension and
activates the vagus nerve. This, in turn, switches on the “rest and renew” or
parasympathetic activity of the nervous system.

7. Strengthens the lungs

The partial constriction of the throat lets less air through and lengthens
respiration, and improves oxygen saturation. These deep breaths increase air
volume, strengthens the diaphragm, and improve respiratory efficiency.

8. Calms the body and mind

ujjayi pranayama lowers blood pressure and slows the heart rate helping to
calm the mind and reduce anxiety.

9. Balances the energy channels

Ujjayi pranayama cleanses and stimulates the nadis (subtle channels of the
body) and encourages the activation of the Sushumna nadi to balance out the
flow of prana and balance the chakra energy centres. This balancing effect helps
to reduce pain, promote healing and to harmonize the endocrine system.

10. Lifts and stabilizes mood

The warming, focusing, and energizing effects of this pranayam increases one’s
sense of aliveness and can help alleviate mild depression.

11. Opens the sinuses

The cranial vibration of the ujjayi breath helps open up the sinuses to
relieve sinus pressure and pain from headaches.

blanket (if you want)

How to do it:
Sit or lie on the floor (whichever is more comfortable for you!).

Inhale through your nose. On your exhale, open your mouth and breathe like you’re
trying to fog up a mirror, constricting your throat. Repeat this pattern for 3 breaths.

Now, with your lips closed, try to make the same audible sound.

Keep the constriction as you breathe in and out through your nose.

Repeat for 10 rounds.

Level up:
You don’t need a yoga mat to do Ujjayi. Try it in your car during traffic or on that
next long video call!

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