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Strong Like a Pyramid

Today’s pose: Pyramid Pose Variation

This clasped-hands variation is fun because keeping your chest open when folding
forward requires a level of commitment and awareness.



 stretch chest, shoulders, and hammies

 strengthen outer hips
 boost calm (ahhh…)
 feel sharp and balanced

This pose is also good for: stress relief, digestion

Stand at the top of your mat. Interlace your hands behind your back. If you can’t
clasp, grab a strap.

Step your left foot back about 3 feet and turn your back foot out as much as you
need to for stability. Your legs should be around hip-width apart.

On an inhale, lift your chest, and on an exhale, hinge forward at the hip crease.
Once folded forward, aim your heart toward your front foot. Keep the back of your
neck long.

Remain here for 5 breaths.

Coming out, inhale your torso back upright. On your exhale, step to the top of the
mat and release the clasp. For the left side, try clasping the other way, so the
opposite hand’s index finger is on top.

Level up:
You can get creative with your arms in this pose.

For less intensity, try putting your hands on blocks under your shoulders.

For more difficulty, try the classical shape, which is bringing your hands into a
reverse prayer position behind your back.

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