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Close Out the Sequence

Today’s pose:
Reclined Bound Angle Pose

At the end of every practice, we classically take Savasana (shah-VAHS-a-na) pose.

This is a few minutes to rest quietly. You can do Savasana while lying flat or you
can bring props and additional elements into it. In this case, we’re going to open
our hips while we relax. This is also known as a hip opener.

2 blocks (or a rolled blanket)

This pose is also good for:

stress relief


 stretch your groin and abs

 boost calm (ahhh…)

Lie on your back. Bend your knees, bringing the bottoms of the feet together. Pull
your heels up toward your groin.

If you need it, set up a block on the horizontal medium setting under each of your
outer thighs and knees. Open your knees to the sides, supported by the blocks.

Place one hand on your belly and the other at the center of your chest.

Close your eyes if that’s comfortable. You may even choose to cover them with a
towel or eye pillow.

Rest for 3 minutes.

Level up:
For less intensity, prop up your outer knees and shins even higher. If you’re using
this as a final pose, it should feel restful. If you want to do this earlier in your
practice and want more of a stretch, get rid of the props all together or even try
placing your feet on a block.

If you’re pregnant, lying directly on your back after the second trimester is not
recommended. Prop yourself up in Supported Fish Pose (Day 2) instead.

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