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Topic 3 Self-Awareness and Values Clarification

ID Number:
Individual Activity: Values Dilemma (20 pts):

Pandora’s Bags

Imagine that you are a king/ queen whose castle was caught in a fire. Your most precious things were stored in
different bags and you have to get them out of the castle. You have in your hands a checklist of things to save…
The fire is getting bigger and you can only bring 10—only 10 values. From the list (see table) or from what you
already know, select the 10 that are most important to you. Feel free to add any values of your own to this list.
The fire is getting bigger; you are now only permitted to have five bags of values. Which five would you give up?
Cross them off. The hallway is too narrow; you are only permitted to carry four. Which would you give up? Cross it
off. You can only squeeze in through a blazing door. Bring your list of bags down to three. You are about to cross a
wobbly plank across the mezzanine, you can only balance two value bags with your hands. Cross off another!
Oops! Only a rope to get down the tower. Finally, cross off one of your two bags of values.

Values Checklist:
Achievement Communication Curiosity
Dependability Empathy Freedom
Growth Human relationships Involvement
Loyalty Prosperity Responsibility
Autonomy Competence Customer focus
Determination Equality Friendship
Happiness Humor Learning
Organization Wealth Risk-taking
Beauty Competition Decisiveness
Discipline Fairness Fun
Harmony Independence Love and affection
Patience Quality Security
Caring Cooperation Service to others
Diversity Family Simplicity
Health Individualism Speed
Power Quantity Spirituality
Caution Courage Faith
Diversity Family time Strength
Honesty and integrity Productivity Innovation Task focus
Challenge Recognition Teamwork
Diversity Creativity Trust
Hope Flexibility Truth
Profitability Intelligence Uniqueness
Respect Variety

Answer the following reflective questions:

1. Which value remained on your list? Is it the one you care most about?
2. Was the activity easy/difficult?
3. What made it easy/difficult?
4. What did you realize about yourself after completing the activity

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