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WP Theme for IT Solutions & Servies


There are minimal requirements to run this product:

• PHP 5.3 or higher

• MySQL 5.0 or higher
• GD Library
• Self-Hosted WordPress 4.x

Forum Support
All of our products accompany with free support, as we have a dedicated
forum to handle your requests. Support is limited to questions regarding the
theme’s features or problems with the theme. We are unable to provide
support for code customization or third-party plugins. However, we may help
you to do some minor customizations. Particularly, we really appreciate if
you have any suggestion to improve our product quality.

Please go to our support system:

Once you've downloaded the installation file on ThemeForest, extract it and
locate a file called You can install the theme by using one of two
installation methods:

Install by WordPress Theme Manager

This is probably the simplest way for most users. Here are 6 steps you need
to take:

1. Login to your Admin page.

2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
3. Click Add New

4. Then click Upload Theme

5. Next, browse to the zip file and click Install now so the theme can be
uploaded and installed.
6. After done installing, click Activate to publish the theme

Install through FTP upload
If you want to install via FTP, here are 3 steps you need to take:

1. Using FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is
2. Using FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory
under your WordPress website's root directory
3. Using FTP client, upload the Royal directory to themes directory on
remote server

Once installation is complete, your Royal theme will be ready to use.

Install Plugins
After activating the theme, you will be asked to installed the required and
recommended plugins, you can proceed by clicking on Begin installing

In the next page, check all the plugins that you want to install then on the
drop down Bulk Actions, choose Install then click Apply, the plugin
installation process will start.

After install plugins, go to Appearance > Install Plugins.

Check all the plugins that you want to activate then on the drop down Bulk
Actions, choose Activate and click Apply, the plugin activation process will
start. Wait for all the plugin activated then you can start customizing your
website as you want

Install Sample Data
Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data, on the next page, then click to the
import button to start import process.

To start customizing the theme, in the Admin page please go to Appearance
> Customize


Please remember to click Save & Publish button after done customizing to save the changes. These are
global settings so its effect is site-wide. These settings can be overridden in single post or page.

This section we’re allows to manage 3 logo type:

1. Logo Default: The default settings for the logo, it will be apply for the
whose website.
2. Logo Dark: Logo in the dask style, in the case you want to use the dark
header style, this logo settings will be used.
3. Logo Light: Logo in the dask style, in the case you want to use the light
header style, this logo settings will be used.

Each logo type section, it’s contains the options below:

1. Logo: The logo file for the normal screen.

2. Logo Retina: The logo file with high DPI for the retina screen.
3. Logo Size: The size of the logo will be show on the screen.

Layout & Styles
Providing the options to control layout for the whose theme. We’re divide it
into several groups.

1. Layout Settings: Controls the settings for overrall layout.
2. Sidebar Settings: Controls the settings which allows to custom
sidebar layout, styles.
3. Color & Typography: Controls the colors and fonts
4. Sliding Areas: Controls the settings for the sliding content areas.
5. Elements Settings: Controls the settings for customizing the element

Social Networks
Managing the social networks which will be shown on the website based on
the chosen positions.

Header & Footer Builder
Providing a lot options to customize the header and footer. It will divided
into 3 main groups.

1. Header Settings: Providing options to customize the main header.
a. General: Controls the general settings for the header.
b. Topbar Settings: Controls the settings for the topbar area.
c. Navigation Bar: Controls the settings for the header navigation
bar area.
d. Title Bar: Controls the settings for the page title, breadcrumbs.

2. Header Sticky Settings: Providing options to customize the sticky
3. Footer Settings: Providing options to customize the main footer.

Blog & Post

1. Blog Settings: Customize the style for the blog posts that will
appearing on the archive page.
2. Post Settings: Customize the style of the invidual post.
3. Author Box: Select custom background for the author box.

4. Related Posts: Controls the related posts.


1. Project Archive: Customize the style for the project’s archive page.
2. Project Single: Customize the style for the project’s single page.

Provide options to customize the WooCommerce plugin.

1. Catalog Images: An option to set the custom size for the images which
show on the catalog page. You can enter image size in pixels: 200x100
(Width x Height) or thumbnail name (full, thumbnail, …). Also, you can
choose to crop image or not.
2. Single Product Image: Enter image size in pixels for the product
image when viewing on the details product page.
3. Product Thumbnails: The image size for the slider thumbnails on the
product page.
4. Shop Settings
a. Grid Columns: Select how many columns will be used to show
products on the catalog page.

b. Grid Columns Spacing: The number in pixels of the spacing
between two grid items.
c. Product Per Page: How many products can be show on the one
d. Sidebar: Select the widgets area that you want to show at the
e. Sidebar Position: Select the position for the sidebar.


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