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Installation and Conversion of Scriptcase 8

Automatic installation (Linux) - ScriptCase 8

ScriptCase's installer is an executable file for linux. An application for self-extracting and configuring APACHE, PHP and SCRIPTCASE on your Operating System. 

In order to execute the installer correctly, we need to give it the permission execute. Scriptcase installer will install automatically in your computer: 

1 - Apache Web Server 2.4.3

2 - PHP 5.4 with the mbstring, zip and gd extensions enabled.
3 - Zend Guard Loader 3.3
4 - Scriptcase Version 8

* Before we proceed with the installation is recomended not to have any other web environment (such as XAMPP, Zend Server, etc...) installed on the machine. 
* Is aways recomended to have some basic environment knowledge in order to use the terminal. 
* We recomend the use of the SQLite database.
1 - Find the installer accessing the folder and subfolders using the CD command. 

Ex: user@computer:~$ cd /your/download/folder

* Scriptcase Installer needs to be executed with administrative permissions to make changes on your computer. We need to require admin permissions (also known as
'root permissions') in order to execute the installer. 

2 - Require root access by using SUDO SU and typing your password. 

Ex: user@computer:~/your/download/folder$ sudo su

3 - Grant execute permissions to the file. 

Ex: user@computer:~/your/download/folder$ chmod -x

4 - Run the installer. 

Ex: user@computer:~/your/download/folder$ ./

In the images bellow we are able to see all the installation's properties. 

1 - Select installer language.

Language: Select the language that will be shown on the installation process. This will not select ScriptCase's Language. 

Click on 'Ok' to continue... 

2 - Welcome message.
This screen shows the installer's welcome message 

Click on 'Forward' to continue... 

3 - License agreement.
You must read and accept the terms before continuing. 

Click on 'Forward' to continue... 

4 - Installation directory.
Sugestion: The default installation path is '/opt/NetMake/v8/'. Don't change this path unless you know what you are doing. 

Click on 'Forward' to continue... 

5 - Apache Configuration.
Port: This will define what port will Apache service run on. We recommend to use the default value.

Email Administrator: This is the Apache's administrator e-mail. This is the configuration for Apache only, not ScriptCase.

Apache Domain: We recommend to use the default value.

Click on 'Forward' to continue... 

6 - Install.

The installer will now start the installation process.

Click on 'Forward' to continue...
Click on 'Finish' to complete. 

Now to access your scriptcase, you must access on the browser the IP adress and the port you choose for Apache. 

Ex: http://localhost:88/scriptcase 
Ps: When the machine is restarted V8, you must start the apache service:: sudo /opt/NetMake/v8/components/apache/sc_apache start.

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