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How many mythological allusions do you know?

A. Achilles’ heel F. Gorgon K. Medea P. Promethean U. Morphine

B. Vulcanize G. Phoenix L. Atlantean Q. Mnemonics V. Saturnine
C. Iridescent H. Pandora’s box M. Sisyphean R. Mercurial W. Chimera
D. Mentor I. Furor N. Odyssey S. Titanic X. Jovial
E. Erotic J. Plutocracy O. Halcyon T. Nemesis Y. Hydra-headed

1. F A very ugly or terrible person, especially a repulsive woman. Mythological example: ______________________
2. O Calm, peaceful, tranquil.
3. N A long journey, named for _________________.
4. X Good humored, used to express surprise or agreement. Named for: _______________.
5. I Wild enthusiasm or excitement, rage. Named for: ________________.
6. M Greedy and avaricious.
7. P Life-bringing, creative, or courageously original.
8. E Of or having to do with sexual passion or love. Named for: _______________.
9. G A symbol of immortality or rebirth.
10. W A horrible creature of the imagination, an absurd or impossible idea; wild fancy.
11. L Strong like Atlas.
12. D A trusted counselor or guide.
13. H Something that opens the door for bad occurrences.
14. U A bitter white, crystalline alkaloid used to relieve pain and induce sleep. Named for: _______________.
15. B To treat rubber with sulfur to increase strength and elasticity. Named for: _______________.
16. A One spot that is most vulnerable; one weakness a person may have.
17. C A play of colors producing rainbow effects. Named for: _______________.
18. S Large, grand, enormous.
19. Q A device used to aid memory. Named for: ___________________________.
20. K Sorceress or enchantress.
21. V Sluggish, gloomy, morose, inactive in winter months.
22. J A government by the wealthy. Named for: _______________.
23. R Suddenly cranky or changeable. Named for: _______________.
24. Y Having many centers or branches, hard to bring under control.
25. T A just punishment, one who inflicts due punishment.

A. Adonis F. Niobe K. Martial P. Aurora U. Parnassus

B. Pegasus G. Cupidity L. Sibyl Q. Psyche V. Apollo
C. Muse H. Protean M. Junoesque R. Calliope W. Pygmalion
D. Terpsichorean I. Aeolian N. Stentorian S. Centaur X. Lethargy
E. Bacchanal J. Harpy O. Argus-eyed T. Herculean Y. Stygian

1. M Marked by stately beauty.

2. X Abnormal drowsiness or inertia.
3. F Mournful woman.
4. E Wild, drunken party or rowdy celebration. Named for: _______________.
5. W Someone (usually a male) who tries to fashion someone into the person he desires.
6. J A predatory person or nagging woman.
7. I Anything pertaining to wind.
8. R Series of whistles—circus organ.
9. U Any center of poetic or artistic activity.
10. L A witch, sorceress, or priestess.
11. K Suited for war or a warrior. Named for: _______________.
12. D Pertaining to dance.
13. A Handsome young man.
14. C Creature of inspiration.
15. P Early morning or sunrise.
16. G Eager “desire” to possess something; greed or avarice. Named for: _______________.
17. H Taking many forms, versatile. Named for: _______________.
18. S Monstrous.
19. N Having a loud voice.
20. V A physically perfect male.
21. O Omniscient, all-seeing.
22. Y Dark and gloomy.
23. Q The human soul, self, the mind.
24. B Poetic inspiration.
25. T Very strong or of extraordinary power.

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