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BSN 3Y2 – 3A

Read the definitions then label the neuron diagram below.

axon - the long extension of a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from myelin sheath - the fatty substance that surrounds nerve fibers
the body of the cell. node of Ranvier - one of the many gaps in the myelin sheath
axon terminals - the hair-like ends of the axon nucleus - the organelle in the cell body of the neuron that contains
cell body - it contains the nucleus (also called the soma) the genetic material of the cell
dendrites - the branching structure of a neuron that receives messages Schwann's cells - cells that produce myelin

Write the name of the cranial nerve of your answer on the blank provided before the number.
Vestibulocochlear 9. hearing Olfactory
Facial 10. controls facial expression Optic
Accessory 11. controls trapezius Oculomotor
Vestibulocochlear 12. equilibrium sensation Trochlear
Trigeminal 13. face and mouth, touch & pain Trigeminal
Vagus 14. senses aortic blood pressure Abducens
Acessory 15. controls sternocleidomastoid Facial
Hypoglossal 16. controls tongue movements Vestibulocochlear
Trochlear 17. turns eye down and laterally Glossopharyngeal
Olfactory 18. smell Vagus
Optic 19. vision Accessory
Oculomotor 20. pupil constriction Hypoglossal
Read the definitions then label the brain diagram below.
Cerebellum - the part of the brain below the back of the cerebrum. It regulates
Parietal Lobe - the middle lobe of each cerebral hemisphere between the frontal and occipital
balance, posture, movement, and muscle coordination.
lobes; it contains important sensory centers (located at the upper rear of the head).
Corpus Callosum - a large bundle of nerve fibers that connect the left and right
Pituitary Gland - a gland attached to the base of the brain that secretes hormones.
cerebral hemispheres
Pons - the part of the brainstem that joins the hemispheres of the cerebellum and connects the
Frontal Lobe - the top, front regions of each of the cerebral hemispheres. They are
cerebrum with the cerebellum. It is located just above the Medulla Oblongata.
used for reasoning, emotions, judgment, and voluntary movement.
Spinal Cord - a thick bundle of nerve fibers that runs from the base of the brain to the hip area,
Medulla Oblongata - the lowest section of the brainstem; it controls automatic
running through the spine (vertebrae).
functions including heartbeat, breathing, etc.
Temporal Lobe - the region at the lower side of each cerebral hemisphere; contains centers of
Occipital Lobe - the region at the back of each cerebral hemisphere that contains the
hearing and memory
centers of vision and reading


1. Dendrites
2. Axon Terminals 16. Hypoglossal
3. Cell Body 17. Trochlear
4. Schwann's cells 18. Olfactory
5. Node of Ranvier 19. Optic
6. Axon 20. Oculomotor
7. Myelin Sheath 21. Frontal Lobe
8. Nucleus 22. Pituitary Gland
9. Vestibulocochlear 23. Temporal Lobe
10. Facial 24. Pons
11. Accessory 25. Medulla Oblongata
12. Vestibulocochlear 26. Parietal Lobe
13. Trigeminal 27. Corpus Callosum
14. Vagus 28. Occipital lobe
15. Acessory 29. Cerebellum
30. Spinal Cord

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