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Lic. Juan Constantino Marinakis Kipps


Evelyn Xiomara Martinez Campos


Ingles III





10 de febrero del 2021

Choluteca, Choluteca
Write sentences with the Vocabulary

1. This is Laura

2. Good morning

3. Good afternoon

4. Good evening

5. Good night

6. I´m fine, thank you

7. What is your name?

8. Have a nice day!

9. How are you

10. I only speak a little English

Write an essay about your last vacations

Hello, my name is Evelyn Martinez and my vacations were not quite as I expected since
because of my work I do not go out much and also because of the illness that we are currently
living, but the beautiful thing that happened with my family, friends and my boyfriend was
all a vacation Simple like going to the beach 4 times, going to many birthdays and weddings
too, most of all I spend it with people I love and not as far from home as I would have liked,
there were also good times in my work in December, I also I had a good time at Christmas,
very cozy more than usual and well, these have been my short vacations but at the end of the
day it does not matter where if not the one with whom you share the moments of your life if
it is with people you love because it is worth it Going where it is so is just being on the sofa
in your house with those people and in these times it is difficult to go on vacation because of
this virus and because not all of us have time and money, but thank God I have what it takes.


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