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Performance Research: A Journal of the

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A Microchip inside the Body

Arlindo Machado
Published online: 05 Aug 2014.

To cite this article: Arlindo Machado (1999) A Microchip inside the Body, Performance Research: A Journal of the
Performing Arts, 4:2, 8-12, DOI: 10.1080/13528165.1999.10871659

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A Microchip inside the
Arlindo Machado

After generalizing happenings, performances and the microchip- a transponder tag- is used to
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installations; after questioning the white cube of identify and recover lost or stolen animals. The
the museum and jumping to the public space; after microchip is connected to a coil and a capacitor, all
borrowing from industry and employing all kinds hermetically sealed in biocompatible glass to
of machines and technological apparatuses to make prevent the organism from rejecting it. The
images, texts and sounds; after discussing the number stored on the chip can be retrieved with a
tragedy of the human condition and laying bare the tracker, a portable scanner that generates a radio
embarrassment, the segregation, the unspoken signal and energizes a microchip, making it
differences of race, sex, geographic origin and transmit back its unalterable number. Implanting
socio-economic contingency; after all of this, art the microchip in the ankle has a precise symbolic
seems to orient itself now toward a discussion of meaning: it is an area of the body that has tradition-
the primary condition of the species - its biology. ally been chained or branded.
For the past few years, artists like Orlan and The description sketched above is oversimplified
Stelarc have brought forward a cultural discussion and incomplete. Kac's work, entitled 'Time
of the possibility of surpassing the human through Capsule', also included several other elements that
radical surgical intervention, through the interface were directly or indirectly related to the implant.
between flesh and electronics, or with robotic pros- The physical space at Casa das Rosas was converted
theses to complement and expand the potentiality temporarily into something like a hospital room,
of the biological body. More than simply anticipat- with surgical instruments, a doctor to assist with
ing profound changes in perception, in our concep- possible complications, and an emergency
tion of the world, and in the reorganization of our
socio-political systems, these pioneers foresee
fundamental transformations in our species. These
transformations could conceivably alter our genetic
code and reorient the Darwinian evolutionary
An important marker in this current took place
on 11 November 1997, at the cultural centre Casa
das Rosas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. On this day, the artist
Eduardo Kac implanted an identification microchip
with nine digits in his ankle and registered himself
with a databank in the United States via the
Internet. Replacing the traditional branding iron, • The installation space. Credit: Eduardo Kac, 'Time Capsule' 0997). Photo: Carlos Fadon

Performance Research 412), pp.B-12 © Taylor & Francis Ltd 1999
ambulance (parked inside the premises by the front :3:
door and visible from the street). There were also llJ
seven original photographs on the wall- the only ~

surviving mementoes of the artist's grandmother's c..
family, who were entirely annihilated in Poland
during World War II. In the space we also saw
computers that enabled access to the database in
the United States, allowed the artist's body to be
scanned via the Internet, and transmitted the event
worldwide as a webcast. The next day an X-ray
showing the position of the microchip inside the
artist's body was added to the site next to an • Family Photograph Warsaw 1930s. Credit: Eduardo Kac, 'Time Capsule' (1997).
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enlargement of the database record. There was also

a live broadcast of the whole event by a commercial offices by people who do not even remotely follow
television station (Canal21), two more taped developments in the art world.
broadcasts by other commercial television stations Kac's intervention touches on difficult and
(TV Cultura and TV Manchete), and great uncomfortable points in the debate on the philo-
response in the local press before and after the sophic, scientific and ethical future of mankind.
event. The Argentinean daily newspaper La Nacion One month before the realization of 'Time
published a full-page story and the New York Capsule' at Casa das Rosas, the event was commis-
magazine Intelligent Agent covered the event with sioned for the exhibition 'Art and Technology' by
an extensive article. The artist himself may not the Instituto Cultural Itau, also in Sao Paulo, and
have been able to anticipate and contemplate all of then cancelled by the same institution under the
the implications and consequences of his inter- pretext that a microchip implant in a human being
vention. Due to the broadcasts and the press could bring serious legal problems for the sponsor-
coverage, for example, the implant and netscanning ing institution. In the United States, important
of the artist's body went beyond the intellectual research centers requested copies of the videotape
ghetto and acquired a public dimension: the next of the broadcast to analyze the experience while the
morning the strange story of the man who had Wearable Computing list discussed the event on the
implanted a microchip in his own body was told Internet. The fact that the work became polemical
and retold in cafes, subways and in corporate both inside and outside the country in which it was
realized is a clear indication that Kac's intervention
touched something important. As the placement of
a 'foreign' object (such as Duchamp's urinal
[Fountain 1917]) in the sacred space of the museum
had unpredictable consequences for subsequent art,
so the implantation of a microchip inside the body
of an artist will intensify the debate on the paths
that both art and the human species will travel in
the next millennium.
Because Eduardo Kac is an artist and not a
political activist, the event he realized at Casa das
Rosas remains open to multiple interpretations.
One can read the implant as a warning about forms
• Moment of the Implant. Credit: Eduardo Kac, 'Time Capsule' (1997). of human surveillance and control that might be
adopted in the near future. The Brazilian press
approached the event mostly from this point of
view. The scenario evoked is that a microchip
implanted in our body from birth could become
our only form of identification. Whenever we
QJ needed to be identified we would be scanned, and
...... immediately a databank would show records
revealing who we are, what we do, what kinds of
products we consume, if we are in debt with the
Internal Revenue Service, if we are facing criminal
charges, or if we are hiding from the judicial
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..c However, one can also read Kac's work from

another perspective: as a sign of a biological
mutation that might eventually take place, when
·r digital memories will be implanted in our bodies to
complement or substitute for our own memories.
This reading is clearly authorized by the associ-
ations the artist makes between the implant of a
numerical memory in his own body and the public
exhibition of his familial memories, his external
memories materialized in the form of photographs
of his ancestors. These images, which strangely
contextualize the event, allude to deceased indi-
viduals whom the artist never had the chance to
meet, but who were responsible for the 'implanta-
tion' in his body of the genetic traces he has carried
from childhood and that he will carry until his
death. Will we in the future still carry these traces
with us irreversibly or will we be able to replace
them with artificial genetic traces or implanted

• Database Identity Record. Credit: Eduardo Kac. 'Time Capsule' (1997). • The Microchip (2mm x 15mm). Credit: Eduardo Kac, 'Time Capsule' {1997).


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• Frame from Live Broadcast of Implant. Credit: Eduardo Kac, 'Time Capsule' (1997).

memories? Will we still be black, white, mulatto, More dramatic yet, the development of wet and
Indian, Brazilian, Polish, Jewish, female, male, or biocompatible interfaces are enabling the insertion
will we buy some of these traces at a shopping mall? of electronic elements inside our own bodies. These
In this case, will it make any sense to speak of elements then become part of what we call
family, race, nationality? Will we have a past, a ourselves. Kac's emblematic event seems to suggest
history, an 'identity' to be preserved? that in the future the robot, so often presented in
Until recently humanity was understood, both science fiction as an invader usurping men's and
philosophically and at the level of common sense, as women's places, might be inside us; might become
essentially opposed to machines and to prostheses ourselves.
that simulate biological functions. Human essence
seemed to reside exactly there, where the robot
failed and revealed its limitations. However, with
the development of robotics, the automaton has
progressively acquired competencies, talents, and
even sensibilities we once considered unique to our
species, forcing us continually to redefine our
notions of what constitutes our own humanity.

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