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Becoming A More Assertive Person.

Do you often find yourself feeling like your being taken advantage of? Do you feel like you give and give
of yourself only to realize that you never have time to get your own things done? maybe. you’ve missed
opportunities to advance at work because you’re letting others take the credit for the hard work you’ve
done? If this sounds like you, You may need to become a more assertive person.

Assertiveness is a way of communicating feelings, thoughts and beliefs in an open, honest manner
without violating the rights of others and can greatly reduce the amount of conflict in your life.

Let’s look at some tips to help you become more assertive.

1. Stick with the facts. instead of exaggerating a stressful situation, simply state the facts of the current
situation and leave opinion out of it.


Begin with “I” instead of “You”. I messages begin with “I feel”, I think or I believe. I statements help you
take responsibility for your own ideas and feelings instead of blaming the other person.


Maintain a confident posture.

Stand up straight.

Keep good eye contact.

Stay relaxed.

Respect others personal space.

4. Use a firm pleasant tone of voice. Keep your responses short and direct. Speaking your mind calmly
keeps everyone involved calm.

5. Don’t assume you know the other person's motive. You can’t judge a book by its cover. Remember
you might not know what’s happening in the life or mind of the other person.

6. Listen and then ask questions. Understand where the other person is coming from and ask questions
to clarify any concerns you have.

7. Stay focused on solutions. Work towards the common good. You may need to compromise in order to
find a solution that meets the needs of everyone involved.

Keep in mind every situation is different, so assess the circumstances to determine how much
assertiveness is appropriate. Being assertive allows you to value yourself and encourages others to be
assertive also.

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