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The Zero Point Process


Grant Thomas Connolly

Grant Connolly, CHt

Counselor & Healer
Toronto Healing Arts Centre
Toronto, ON Canada

Copyright © 2004 Grant Thomas Connolly

I wish to acknowledge the genius of Larry Nims and his creation of BSFF. My work simply takes his basic idea and approaches
it from a different angle.

I also wish to acknowledge Judy Davidson and the many incredible discussions we had, and the time we spent refining the
process by using it on ourselves. Many of the things you will read in the following pages grew out of those discussions. In many
ways she is the co-creator of the process.

Introduction to The Zero Point

The Zero Point is a certain point in time where you realize at a very deep level that your limitations have fallen away and
you are now free to move in any direction. You know that your world is filled with limitless possibilities and with this
feeling comes a profound sense of peace, security and awareness of change.

Life is about choices. When you feel “stuck” it seems as though your choices are limited and that your
life is filled with insurmountable difficulties. How can you avoid the dangers that you perceive circling
around you? How do you get to the place where you wish to be?

Most people are so focused on their difficulties and the things they don’t want in their lives that they
literally can’t see a way to move forward. More than anything they need to be able to raise their
awareness of what is possible and give themselves choices that can’t be seen from their current

The Zero Point Process does exactly that.

It is a process that clears away the debris of old trauma, fears, anger, sadness, jealousy, blame, shame
and unforgiveness holding you hostage to your past. It does this by raising your awareness of patterns of
behavior that no longer serve you and then deleting those patterns and associated feelings using a
simple, easily learned process.

The end result is that you become unstuck and are able to move your life forward by taking advantage of
previously unseen possibilities.

Overview of the Zero Point Process

Every one of us has felt the frustration of having parts of our lives that cause us distress or even
misery. The pain felt is real and it is widely believed that it takes years to clear out the garbage. Not so!
Recent advances in Mind-Body techniques allow a person to find relief in a very short period of time.
What took years in traditional therapy now takes hours or in some cases minutes to clear.

It’s a very simple process. We begin by having you choose a cue word and read some simple
instructions and that’s it. To activate the process just say your cue word while focusing on each
component of whatever it is that distresses you.

The first step is to identify the pattern being cleared. Remembering that a pattern is simply a
pre-recorded choreographed response to a certain condition or conditions, we can erase it completely by
first becoming consciously aware of it, and then treating all of the Similar/Connected Patterns, Roots,
Unknown Factors, Unfinished Business and Self-Agreements without needing to know specifically what
they are. You just need to know that they are there. Your subconscious mind will take care of the details.

You begin the clearing process by repeatedly saying your cue word on each group of
Similar/Connected Patterns, Roots etc. As you work through the process you will begin to feel more and
more peaceful until whatever pattern you are working on with all of its connected feelings, no longer
bothers or concerns you.

Next you will clear any anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame, resentment or unforgiveness
toward yourself or anyone else as it pertains to the pattern(s) being cleared.

To be thorough, it is wise to clear any vulnerability to taking back the old pattern at some point in
the future. We can assume that somewhere within you there will be such a vulnerability, so we have
you say your cue until you begin feeling peaceful on this issue.

The final step is to replace or overwrite the old pattern with its exact opposite. For example, if you are
clearing the pattern of self-doubt, the final step would be to install all of the components necessary to
anchor the pattern of self-acceptance.

You must see the Patterns before you can clear them…

To get the best results it is very important that you understand that the process is broken down into two
distinct steps. The first step is to begin to view your life in terms of the patterns that are operating and
the second step is perhaps the easiest and most enjoyable, and that is to clear them.

All of us keep repeating certain patterns of behaviour. Often those patterns allow us to be successful in
certain area’s and be challenged in others. Having a positive attitude toward work, for example, is a
useful pattern to have. On the other hand, a person who can’t seem to keep a job for more than a few
months would be an example of a person expressing negative or harmful patterns. Please see the list of
sample patterns listed a little further on in this manual. These are just a very few of the possible patterns
that may be operating in your life or the lives of those you intend to work with. You will find it
rewarding to begin looking at your life with an eye as to which patterns may be operating.

If you use computers, you may find it helpful to think of these patterns as programs that operate 3
whenever certain events happen, or that operate all the time like music playing in the background. Like
anything in the background, the patterns just blend in and it may take someone outside of yourself to
notice them. You've become so accustomed to them that you literally don't see them anymore.

Once you’ve begun to notice the patterns operating in your life then you can begin to clear them, one at
a time. So, take your time and work through the process in a very methodical way.

I believe that the most effective way to do this is to create a ritual for yourself around the clearing
process. Some of you may ask, why bother? I would respond by saying that anything we can do to
impress our intent to clear these patterns upon the subconscious, will make the process more effective.
These suggestions are directed toward those who seek to clear patterns by themselves. Those of you who
will use the process in your work with clients will quite naturally create the appropriate ritual.

First, set aside a time and a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed. If you have children, try to
work with the process when they are in bed or at school. If you have a special room or place where you
usually go to meditate or relax, use it. Your subconscious will already have created the appropriate
associations for that place.

Spend a few minutes clearing your mind. Allow yourself to put aside the cares of the day and simply
focus your awareness on the pattern that you wish to clear. Write it down. Spend time getting the
wording right. If you muscle test, test on which wording would give the best results.

Work with only one pattern at a time. My experience indicates that one should work from the very
general to the very specific, which is exactly the opposite of any other energy work. In otherwords, if
you are clearing a pattern about feeling anxiety when making decisions, clear the pattern of being
anxious first and then if you must, clear the specific pattern of being anxious when making decisions. If
you clear the general pattern first, you will also clear the specific pattern along with it, along with
anything else that may be associated with it.

Taking the time to focus on the proper wording will impress your intent to clear this pattern upon your
subconscious. This will enhance the process immeasurably.

Try not to work with more than 2 or 3 patterns during a session. The feedback I’m getting indicates that
running a clearing marathon will usually end in disappointment. I suspect the reason for this is that in
trying to clear everything at once, you are failing to impress your subconscious with the seriousness of
your intent to clear these patterns. Remember, in this work INTENT is everything…

The clearing process itself is extremely simple. You set a strong intent to clear a pattern and step by step
you clear that pattern, one component at at time. You do this by simply repeating your cue word over
and over just like you are saying a mantra.

As you repeat your cue word, the instruction program, which you will see later in this manual, does its
work by seeking out and clearing or deleting the patterns and sub patterns that it was designed to clear.
Once you've decided which pattern to clear, it is simply a matter of following the steps and repeating
your cue word until you begin to feel peaceful.

Some people will ask, how will I know when I’ve actually cleared a pattern? When you clear a pattern
you will literally become peaceful. You may yawn repeatedly as you work through the process and may4
feel quite tired when you are finished. Don’t worry, the tired feeling doesn’t last very long. It’s just a
good indicator of your state of mind.

Learning how to Muscle Test can be an invaluable tool when using this process. For those who wish to
learn more about this facinating process, I would suggest you search on the internet using the key words
“Applied Kinesiology” or even purchase Dr. John Diamonds classic “Behavioral Kinesiology” or Dr.
David Hawkins groundbreaking book, “Power vs Force”.

Another very simple method is to purchase what is commonly called a “Mood Ring”. This is simply a
small piece of plastic that quickly reacts to changes in body temperature when worn next to the skin. The
idea is that the warmer your skin, the more relaxed you are. And, if you are relaxed, chances are you
have cleared that particular pattern. Although by no means scientific or precise, it will give an good
indication of your mood, which should be good enough for our purpose.

Some people clear their patterns immediately, while others need to go back and do it over and over
again. There are no rules to this because we are all different. If you find yourself unable to clear a pattern
or patterns, first look at the ritual you are using. Are you taking your time, or are you rushing through
the process? Are you trying to clear too many patterns at one time?

Another strong possibility is that there are patterns operating below the pattern you are working to clear.
It is not important to know what these are, you need only know that they are there. Then use the process
to clear them.

If you are still having trouble clearing your patterns you may need to seek the assistance of someone
with experience such as myself. Or, you may find it helpful to get the help of a like minded friend. Get
in touch with others who are using the process and offer to help them if they will help you. The process
works extremely well over the telephone, so distance is not an issue.

It is always helpful to have an outside person assist you to see the patterns that are operating in your life.
We are often too close to our own lives and don't see ourselves and the patterns that are operating as
clearly as others may be able to.

Make an effort to begin to see your life in terms of the patterns that are operating. Anything that keeps
repeating in your life is a pattern. Any part of your life that isn't working is a pattern. The pattern
happens over and over and over until you identify it and, using the process, clear it. Then you will be
free to move on...

The Theory behind the Process

The concept for this process grew out of my reading two particular books. Power vs. Force by Dr. David
R. Hawkins and The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.

In the Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle writes about what he calls “The Pain Body”. As I understand it, the
Pain Body is the accumulated experience of an individual, feelings and all, stored like a recording within
the subconscious. Everything we’ve ever seen, heard, thought, felt or imagined is stored within our
subconscious. Portions of this recording are triggered to playback whenever we experience or think we
are experiencing circumstances similar to the one stored in the recording. When this happens we seem to
get lost somehow and completely identify ourselves with that pattern. In effect we become the pattern. 5
The pattern takes over and we just go along for the ride. Often with disasterous results.

The Patterns we delete are simply pre-recorded choreographed responses we have to certain situations.
Smoking is a pattern, as is overeating, procrastination, self-destructive behavior, fears, phobia's, body
image problems, financial difficulties, relationship problems etc, etc, etc. And, like a recording, these
patterns playback when activated by some interior or exterior event. When this happens "YOU" are no
longer present within your body as the witnessing consciousness and are literally taken over by the
recording. The result is that "YOU", the real you, is no longer making the decisions...the pattern is. Let
me repeat that..."YOU" are no longer making the decisions...the pattern is.

"YOU" are not the pattern and NEVER have been. You've just given over your power to the Pattern and
The Zero Point is simply a means of taking back what already belongs to you. You are taking back
YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF!!! You are waking yourself up from a long, long sleep.

It is a simple matter, using the process, to delete these patterns completely, safely and quickly. And,
once deleted, "YOU", the real you is back in charge. Once you begin to clear these patterns, you will no
longer be driven to overeat, procrastinate, sabotage your own success or do whatever it is that your
particular pattern drives you to do. You will be free to make your own choices, to make your own
decisions. You will be AWAKE.

The purpose of this manual is to give you enough information to be able to use this process on your own
and begin the task of freeing yourself from the dominance of the Pain Body. And, once you begin
deleting patterns you will find it easier and easier to be focused in the present moment and to make
choices based on what you WANT and what serves you, rather than following the "NEEDS" of the
pattern and mindlessly repeating past anger, pain, disappointment, shame and blame over and over
again. You will be FREE.

Power vs Force by David Hawkins sets out to explain how everything that exists is a pattern of some
sort. To get a better understanding of the Physics behind the creation of these patterns, I would suggest
you read his facinating book.

Explanation of Terms used in the Process

Master pattern - The Master Pattern is the particular pattern you are working on. It sits atop an energy
pyramid or container that includes similar patterns, connected patterns, roots, etc. For example, if you
were clearing the pattern of abandonment, “Abandonment” would be the Master Pattern.

Connected and/or like patterns - Remembering that our goal is to delete or clear anything that may
anchor the Master Pattern in place, we clear any patterns that are connected in any way to both the
Master Pattern and any like or similar patterns. Because we have no need to know precisely what these
are, we can simply instruct the subconscious to clear these as required

Roots (Assigned Meanings) - Roots can be almost anything. They are the meanings we assign to a look
from a loved one, a glance from a stranger, a word or phrase misunderstood. They can be a casual
remark or an intended slight. These memories, together with the meaning we've assigned to them, are all
stored within our subconscious and create the bricks and mortar that hold the patterns of our lives
Unknown factors - As the name implies, these are any factors that we are unaware of on a conscious
level and that don't fit neatly into any of the other categories. After this category was added as a sort of
“catch all”, I found that people were clearing patterns faster and with less difficulty.

Unfinished business - When you make an agreement with anyone it’s stored neatly within your
subconscious mind. When you fail to keep an agreement, or choose not to or can't for any reason, that
agreement remains fully in force within the subconscious. It is a debt that remains unpaid and must be
cleared to allow any pattern that it's connected to, to be cleared as well.

Self-Agreements - These are agreements we make with ourselves during an emotionally charged period.
For example, you are in a situation that causes intense emotional pain and make a vow that you’ll “never
do that again”. Agreements like this are quickly forgotten by the conscious mind but are still fully in
force within our subconscious.

Unforgiveness toward others - To completely release the Master Pattern, we clear all of the anger,
judgment, criticism, blame, shame, resentment and unforgiveness we hold towards anyone (including
God) for any act or thought we believe may have harmed us, as it relates to the Master Pattern being
cleared. This is a very important category to clear. Quite often people will hold resentment and
unforgiveness toward others and need to release this before they will allow themselves to move on.

Unforgiveness toward ourselves - Next we clear any anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame and
unforgiveness we hold towards ourselves as it relates to the Master Pattern being cleared.

Patterns that are held or expressed through the body or the energy field - Quite often patterns are
held or expressed through the body or the energy field. Examples of this would include most physical
illnesses that have their beginnings as habitual patterns of thought.

Clearing the backup or failsafe mechanism - There appears to be a mechanism that re-establishes
patterns if this particular vulnerability is not cleared. Similar to a back up hard drive on a computer
system, this failsafe must be cleared to prevent the original pattern being re-installed or brought back.

Overwriting the old pattern by installing its opposite - Clearing the old pattern often leaves a void or
a feeling of emptiness. This may well be OK, but it appears to be prudent to fill or overwrite this void
with a pattern that is the exact opposite of the one being cleared. For example, if you were clearing
self-doubt you would install self-acceptance. Or, if you were clearing self-hatred you would install

The Zero Point Installation Program
Below you will find a list of common cue words. Please feel free to select a word or phrase from this list
or choose one of your own remembering to avoid words with strong emotional attachment. Examples of
this would be words like “money” or “sex” which have definite emotional content attached to them.

Here are some popular choices:

Just do it
Make it so
I’m free
Ah Choo

Now, having chosen a cue word or phrase, read the instructions below, aloud if possible…

I hereby set a powerful intention within you my subconscious mind to effect the best of all possible
outcomes by this clearing, and that each time I notice a pattern or patterns I wish to eliminate, as I
say or think my cue word, you will eliminate all such patterns and components of patterns
completely and safely.

The Clearing Process

Define the master pattern you wish to remove (be as broad as possible).

If you were researching the topic of health at the library, you would go to the catalog computer and type
in the word “Health”. The computer would search the database of all available books and list every book
that had the word health in it. There may be thousands of hits.

If however you typed in “Children's Health”, you would limit the search to only those books that had
“Children's Health” in the title. Chances are there would be far fewer titles available.

When we define the master pattern we wish to clear, we are asking the subconscious mind to seek out
and delete the patterns that we name. For example, say you become anxious when you perform a certain
action. You could ask the subconscious to clear the pattern of becoming anxious when you perform that
action. The subconscious, being very literal, will only delete that particular component of what may be a
much broader pattern. In this circumstance, it is better to ask the subconscious to clear the pattern of
BEING ANXIOUS, and then it will clear EVERYTHING related to being anxious...

Write it down. Make certain your subconscious knows exactly what you are clearing.

On a scale of 0-10, how intense are the feelings associated with the pattern right now?

As we go through the following instructions to the subconscious, say the instruction aloud or in your
mind and then just concentrate on your cue word(s), repeating it softly over and over to yourself.
Remember to stay tuned in to your body for signs of release.

Clearing the Old Pattern

1. I set my intent to completely clear the master pattern of __________________ at every level of
my being:

2. I clear all of the self-agreements holding the master pattern of … in place and do so at every
level of my being. <repeat cue word(s)>

3. I clear all of the unfinished business holding the master pattern of … in place and do so at every
level of my being. <repeat cue word(s)>

4. I clear any unknown factors holding the master pattern of … in place and do so at every level of
my being. <repeat cue word(s)>

5. I clear any and all roots holding the master pattern of … in place and do so at every level of my
being. <repeat cue word(s)>

6. I clear any and all patterns connected to or similar in any way to the master pattern of … and
do so at every level of my being. <repeat cue word(s)>

7. I clear all of the anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame, resentment or unforgiveness
directed toward anyone (including God) holding the master pattern of … in place and do so at
every level of my being. <repeat cue word(s)>
8. I clear all of the anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame or unforgiveness directed toward
myself holding the master pattern of … in place and do so at every level of my being. <repeat cue

9. I clear this master pattern and all of the patterns related to this master pattern being held in
my body and/or energy field. <repeat cue word(s)>

10. I clear the master pattern of … at every level of my being. <repeat cue word(s)>

11. I clear any mechanism or vulnerability within me that would allow the master pattern of... to
return and do so at every level of my being. <repeat cue word(s)>

12. I install the master pattern of ... to overwrite and replace the pattern ... and install any
Self-agreements, Unfinished Business, Unknown Factors, Roots and Similar/Connected Patterns
necessary to support the pattern being installed.<repeat cue word(s)>

Check-in: How peaceful are you feeling right now? If not, go through the process again if necessary,
and/or apply the drill down technique (residual feelings) and/or check for related patterns not yet

Sample worksheet to track your progress through the process…

Master Pattern 1

Like/Similar Patterns 4

Connected Patterns 4

Roots 4

Unknown Factors 4

Unfinished Business 4

Self-Agreements 4

Forgiveness - others 4
Forgiveness - self 4
Body/E-field 4
Backup/Failsafe 4

Install 4
Pattern 1 – Pattern of self- sabotage

Sample Patterns…

The pattern that prevents me from completely clearing patterns - If you notice that some of the
patterns you attempt to clear keep returning, clearing this pattern will ensure that the patterns you do
clear, stay clear. Another way of setting this up is to clear “the pattern or patterns holding the pattern of
(the pattern that keeps returning) in place”. Then go through the whole process again using this setup.

The pattern of not deserving. This is a BIG one for many people. On an unconscious level they feel
they don’t deserve to receive the good things that life can offer. The reasons why don’t really matter.
Clearing this pattern completely will allow more of everything that is good to flow into your life.

The pattern of not wanting to be in this life – This is a very basic and yet common pattern for many
people and can show up as a general dissatisfaction with life. People with this pattern may also need to
clear “being a victim”.

The pattern of resistance to “what is” – Most of us look to find our personal happiness by seeking
specific outcomes to our life situation. Anything that does not “fit” our preconceived idea of what we
believe we should be experiencing causes stress. Sometimes this stress is unbearable and appears to be
the real cause of our suffering. Reducing our resistance to “what is” allows us to live in the moment and
actually begin to enjoy our lives. Please note that this pattern should be cleared along with the pattern of

The pattern of giving with the expectation that I'll get what I want in return. Many people are
afraid to ask for exactly what they want. This pattern dictates that if I give you what you want first,
somehow you will want to reciprocate and give me what I want in return. Unfortunately in practice this
hardly ever works out the way we expect. Most people find that they give and give and give, and seldom
receive what they want in return. They end up growing increasingly resentful and angry. Clearing this
pattern eliminates the resentment and the anger and will allow you to come straight out and ask for what
you really want. You’ll find yourself doing this quite automatically and as a consequence you will get
what you really want far more often.

The pattern of “my relationship with Myself”. – Clearing this particular pattern clears away unreal
expectations and can allow more balance and personal acceptance of self.

The pattern of “my relationship with Work” – Because work is an integral part of most people’s
lives, this is an important pattern to clear and can have a major impact. If you view work as “a necessary
evil” or can’t find work that satisfies a perceived inner need, then clearing of this pattern may be in
order. Those individuals seeking “their life’s work” may need to clear this pattern.

The pattern of my relationship with Money – This pattern goes hand in hand with the Pattern of Lack
and should be cleared at the same time. Money is not just coins and bills of various denominations and
currencies. Money is an expression or manifestation of the flow of life and can be visualized as energy in
motion. Having a good relationship with money can be the same as having a good relationship with your
best friend or your life partner. Quite simply, the more ease in your relationship with Money, the more it
flows into your life.

The pattern of my relationship with people – For those of us who have difficulty connecting with
others and forming friendships, this is a pattern that may be helpful to clear. The pattern of “Loneliness”
should be cleared as well.

The pattern of my relationship with the opposite sex – While there may be specific personal patterns
preventing a person from forming or maintaining meaningful relationships with the opposite sex, it is
always helpful to clear this general pattern first.

The pattern of my relationship with _______________. – Viewed from a certain perspective, we have
so called relationships with everything that exists outside of ourselves. Our relationships always involve
how we see ourselves relating to whatever it is that we interact with in some way. We have relationships
with our car, our neighbour, with authority, with black people, with white people, with Doctors, with
Lawyers. We have relationships with everyone and everything. Sometimes those relationships cause us a
great deal of upset and anguish. When this happens, use the process to clear any and all patterns that may
be operating. Just plug in the name of the person, place or thing you are having difficulty with and your
perspective and feelings about that person, place or thing will be changed for the better, often quite

Because relationships are the single most important aspect of most of our lives, I wish to relate two
stories on how clearing specific relationship patterns can impact people's lives in a very positive way.

A very close relative and I have always clashed. Put us in a room together and within 5 minutes we are
literally at each others throats. She can push my buttons faster and with better effect than anyone I know.

After working with Zero Point with others on similar issues, I decided to take my own advice and clear
the pattern of my relationship with her. I carefully went step by step through the process, clearing all the
Self-agreements, Unfinished business, Unknown Factors, Roots etc around the pattern of my
relationship with her until I felt peaceful when I thought of her. Just to make certain I hadn't missed
anything, I went through each step of the process a second time. It took me about 20 minutes in total.

The next day my relative called. We spoke on the phone for more than an hour and not once was I
triggered. She seemed like a completely different person. Calm, rational and what's most amazing she
even seemed to have a sense of humour. It was incredible.

Only later did I realize that she hadn't changed. I had. And, for the very first time in my life I started to
believe that I might actually begin to enjoy being with her. Wow. We've spoken on the phone many
times since and I have yet to be triggered or upset by her in the slightest way.

The second story I wish to relate is about a Doctor friend of mine that I exchange services with. During
one of these exchanges he related that his girlfriend was having a great deal of difficulty with her 14 year
old daughter. The daughter, a follower of Marylin Manson, was constantly angry and was becoming
physically abusive towards the mother. The mother was literally exhausted with the effort of trying to
help this child, hold down a regular job and see to the needs of her other children. My friend the Doctor
was feeling a strong need to help the mother but didn't know how to do it. He was feeling angry and
resentful toward the daughter for causing so much difficulty. He was also feeling increasing strain in his
relationship with the mother. Not a good situation at all...

Remembering my own experience with my relative, I guided him through the clearing process twice.
First clearing "my relationship with (the daughter)" and then clearing "my relationship with (the 13
mother)". Before I begin the process I always get a SUD (Subjective Unit of Discomfort) from the client
on the pattern being cleared. In this instance the Doctor's SUD was a 10. He was very upset.

After clearing both patterns his SUD dropped to 0 and spontaneously he began to speak insightfully and
dispassionately about the entire situation. We were both pleased with the result. That was Friday

On the following Wednesday I did my usual follow up. My friend related how his girlfriend's daughter
was "a changed person", and that her angry attitude had "just vanished". I smiled to myself remembering
what I had perceived to be a huge change in my sister. I also remember wondering what kind of changes
would result if we used the process on the entire family...

To me, these two stories illustrate the most powerful aspect of this process. If all you did was to use this
process to heal difficulties between people, you would be adding immeasurably to the peace and well
being of everyone you worked with. All you need do is clear the pattern of:

My relationship with (__________).

The pattern of needing to control/be controlled – You’ve heard it said that many people have so
called “control issues”. This is a little harder to recognize as a program that’s always running in the
background, but quite often it’s there. Clearing this pattern opens a person to be more allowing of the
good that is always around them and always will be. Trying to control outcomes is the single biggest use
of most people’s energy. We want to be happy and seek outcomes we believe will bring us that
happiness. Unfortunately being happy and trying to control outcomes seems to be mutually exclusive.
Other than the momentary thrill of victory, there seems to be no lasting happiness there. The need to
control is the lifeblood of the world, whereas letting go of that strong need allows one to view life from a
far more peaceful perspective. Paradoxically, letting go of the need to control brings the control you’ve
always sought, just not in the way you might think right now.

The pattern of security/insecurity – Being secure or insecure within is another program that’s always
running in the background. To be secure is to trust at the deepest level that Life will always provide
whatever is needed. To be insecure sets the expectation of lack in all its manifestations.

The pattern of approval/disapproval – Again, this is a basic human need. The need to approve of
ourselves is so strong that when we can’t we find it, we find it impossible to love ourselves. Difficulty
with this pattern shows up as seeking or withholding approval from/to others in life. Being judgmental is
a pattern that has its being within the master pattern of approval/disapproval. This is the third and last
of the major patterns that run in most people.

Physical Issues

Recently I worked with a client on several emotional issues which were resolved to her satisfaction. Just
as an aside, she mentioned that she had fallen on the ice (this being Canada) several months ago and has
had a sore knee ever since. Her physician has had her taking an anti-inflamitory, but she said it wasn't

So pulling out a much used copy of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay, I turned to the section
listing the spiritual reasons for physical complaints. According to Ms. Hay, a problem with a knee
represents stubborness, pride and difficulties with the ego.

Next I wrote down the pattern which was, "the pattern of being stubborn" and guided her through the
process. We went through it twice just to be sure, and then a third time to clear any patterns that may
exist below the pattern we were clearing. The time spent was about 15 minutes.

Within minutes, the dull ache she had suffered with for so long was gone. Likewise the sharp pains
whenever she moved the joint in a certain direction were gone as well. She was thrilled with the result.

I did a follow up a few days later and discovered that the knee was 99% better. There is still a slight
twinge whenever she moves it in a certain direction, but no actual pain. I suspect there may still be an
unrecognized pattern operating that should be cleared. I didn't clear the Pattern of Pride. Next time we
meet we'll work on this...

This illustrates the need to make sure that we clear ALL of the patterns that may be operating. It isn't
enough to clear just the presenting pattern. To do a thorough job, take a little extra time and assume
there will be something lurking underneath the pattern or patterns you've cleared. Then you can go
through the steps and clear it using a setup like "the pattern or patterns underneath the pattern we just

Sample Protocol to Clear Procrastination

Procrastination is a master pattern that is an umbrella for a number of self destructive or self-sabotaging
behaviors. Twenty percent of the population identify themselves as procrastinators so it is likely that
you, the reader, are one as well. You know you are a procrastinator when you are constantly late for
meetings or appointments, you “forget” to pay your bills on time even though you have the means to do
so, you file your income tax late, or you keep putting things off until the pressure becomes unbearable,
etc, etc, etc. The main rule of the procrastinator is “Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow”.

To delete this mal-adaptive behavior, clear the following patterns one at a time.

Pattern of self-sabotage.
Pattern of difficulty making good decisions.
Patterns of needing to rebel.
Pattern of fear of success.
Patterns of fear failure.
Pattern of needing to be perfect.
Pattern of being afraid to set goals.
Pattern of difficulty achieving goals.
Any unrecognized patterns that prevent the above patterns from clearing completely.
The final step here is to INSTALL the master pattern of self-acceptance.

Examples of other basic Patterns…

- Pattern of separation from Source/God - Pattern of being afraid of _________

- Pattern of oneness with Source/God - Pattern of choosing people I can’t trust
- Pattern of being a victim - Pattern of choosing the wrong man/woman
- Pattern of being judgemental - Pattern of being abandoned
- Pattern of fear that life is not worth living - Patterns of discounting myself
- Pattern of fear of not having enough - Pattern of not trusting
- Pattern of fear of missing out on things - Pattern of never fininshing what I start
- Pattern of fear of change - Pattern of not committing fully to anything
- Pattern of always rushing into things - Pattern of not being able to make up my mind
- Pattern of always being afraid - Pattern of being rejected
- Pattern of being anxious - Pattern of fear of success
- Pattern of fear of failure - Pattern of being vulnerable
- Pattern of self-sabotage - Pattern of binge drinking or eating
- Pattern of being irresponsible - Pattern of falling back into doubt
- Pattern of giving up on life - Pattern of needing someone to look after me
- Pattern of being helpless - Pattern of not being supported
- Pattern of not doing what needs to be done - Pattern of being humiliated
- Pattern of needing to humiliate others - Pattern of being jealous
- Pattern of being unloved / unlovable - Pattern of being unable to love
- Pattern of lonliness - Pattern of being dependant
- Pattern of not being ___________ enough - Pattern on not being good enough
- Pattern of self-hatred - Pattern of not believing in myself
- Pattern of showing disrespect for money - Pattern of showing disrespect
- Pattern of not living up to others expectations - Pattern of being abused
- Pattern of feeling shame - Pattern of needing to be perfect
- Pattern of blame - Pattern of being invisible to others
- Pattern of losing faith - Pattern of self-doubt
- Pattern of being stupid - Pattern of being inferior
- Pattern of being worthless - Pattern of being overly aggressive
- Pattern of being a coward - Pattern of being a drunk
- Pattern of being an addict - Pattern of needing to gamble
- Pattern of being addicted to _____________ - Pattern of being afraid of intimacy
- Pattern of expecting specific outcomes - Pattern of not asking for what I really want

The Drill Down Technique

It sometimes happens that after going through the Process one or more times while working on a specific
pattern, you can still detect traces of the uncomfortable feelings associated with the pattern you are
clearing. In this circumstance you have three choices, go through the entire process again, clear any
patterns that may be lurking below the pattern you are working on, or use the following technique.

Focus your awareness on the uncomfortable feeling. Allow yourself to feel it completely. Most often we
try to distance ourselves from uncomfortable feelings. This is exactly the opposite of what is needed

So, allowing yourself to feel the uncomfortable feeling completely, begin saying your cue word(s) over
and over until the residue of that uncomfortable feeling is gone. You will find it very easy to stay
focused on the feeling as you say your cue word(s). Nine times out of ten this will be enough to
completely delete any residue of the dysfunctional pattern you are clearing.

If it doesn’t completely clear using this method, there is a strong possibility that there is an unrecognized
pattern still operating that is connected to the pattern you were working on. In that case, run through the
process again using the following setup…

My intent is to clear the pattern connected to the pattern I was just working on.

Your subconscious mind will know exactly what you are referring to and as you work through clearing
Self-Agreements and the other categories, the pattern should clear. If not, try the Drill Down Technique

Remember, never stop until the pattern and associated feelings are completely gone… In this work the
phrase “That’s good enough” is never good enough. You will know when it is completely clear.

The Action Step and Letting Go of the Outcome…

One of the things I’ve noticed using this technique, is that it’s not enough to just clear the old patterns
and ways of doing things, we must also step into our new lives, whatever they may be. All this takes is a
little courage, the technique and a simple desire to move forward.

I think one of the reasons why we can’t get past barriers in our lives is simply because we can’t see
beyond them. Our focus is squarely planted on what we don’t want, and when we do this we simply give
what we don’t want energy and cause it to expand.

The more we want past our barrier, the more attention we place on it and the more attention we place on
it, the more firmly it remains in place. Think about this! Conventional wisdom says you must find a way
past your boundary, which means you must think about it, but if you think about it you are adding
energy to it, and if you add energy to it, you can’t get past it. Whew! Talk about crazy…

To my knowledge there is only one way past this Catch 22 and that is by withdrawing your attention
completely from it and placing it in the space on the other side of the boundary. You do this by literally
creating an empty space or empty pattern, which divine intelligence can fill with the best of all possible
outcomes to your problem.

To withdraw your attention from your boundary and place yourself on the other side, just imagine an
empty room, or even a room with furniture where you push everything aside to create an empty space
right in the middle.

Next, focus your awareness on that empty space and simply repeat your cue word until your attention
begins to wander or you begin to feel peaceful or both. That’s all there is to it…

Then, feeling peaceful, you’ll find that you can just forget about your problem for a while and trust the
universe to provide the best of all possible outcomes. You should now be able to move forward easily
and without effort.

Suggested Reading...

The Power of Now

by Eckhart Tolle
Check out his website at

Power vs. Force

by David R Hawkins, MD,

The Sedona Technique

by Hale Dwoskin
Sedona Press

Seth Speaks
by Jane Roberts
Amber Allen Publishing


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