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April 4, 20l2

New York Cily Depa|tnent oi'

I-lousing Preservation ancl Develclpnieril
100 Gold Street
$"m$l$ $T, .
ri$lluiiiisl i lAii i iitililJll trii
New York, NY 100i8
Attn: RuthAnne Visn?tuskas, Deputl, Corlmissioncr for Development

Neu, Yor:k City' I-lou.sing Ar-rtholity

250 Bloaclu,ay, Zrltl' I;loor
Neu, York, NY 10007
Athr: Patricin Ban'era. Senior I)epLity Di lcctor" o 1' l)eveloprl ent

Rli; Re-Vision ProsJrect Plnza IIFP

Dear VI.s, Visneruskns ancl N4s. I:lnrrera:

We arr,e tltc out>^icle accounting fjtnr tliat per'ftrlrrrs lax and accounting sewices lbl Il..
Donahue ['ectrles and arc lirntiliar r,i,ith his linancial conditiorr arrc] circr:rnstarlccs.

In connection lvitlr thc subnrissiori li'onr l)eebles/'l'C[i CoLrrnrr"urities, l.,L,C in resjponso Lo

the Ile-Vision i)rosilect PIazn ILccluest lor Proposal ("RFP") issued by the I)epartmenl of'
Ilousing Pleselvalior iurd Developntent ("1-1PD") ol tlre Ci11, of Ne,.r, York ("Clit-r,") itt
cctc;peratiorr rvith the Nen,York City I'lor"rsing Autholity ("N)/ClllA"), this ivill conlinu
that as ol'l)ecen'rber'31. 2011. Mr. I{. Dona]rure Pecbles had licluicl assets irr cxcess o1'

Very -fruly Yc-rr-tt's,

Alotlson L[,(]
Stualt A. I{osenberg, Pat'tuct'

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