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Hello, my name is

Lizalyn M. Dalaodao , 21
years old from Makati
City. Taking up
Management Accounting
in University of Makati. I
am a student mommy of
a 1 year old baby girl.
If you were a type of CAR, what would you be ?
If I were car, I want to be a
Jeep Wrangler it is a type
of off road vehicle that can
surpass via land or even in
rock road areas. It is not
the biggest on the field but
is definitely strong just
like me I’m strong enough
to handle all the obstacles
just to reach my goal and
If you could travel anywhere, where would you
be ?

If I can travel anywhere, I would like to travel in Hongkong

Disneyland. Where in I can feel the excitement and happiness
with my daughter.

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