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McKayla Irons
Mrs. Cramer
Collage comp pd.2
20 November 2020

Help! The School isn't

Do you feel that your school is just teaching you deeds that you won't use in the real

world, and the stuff you do need to know they don’t teach you? Kids get out of high school and

have no clue what to do with all the responsibilities that come with being an adult. Schools don’t

prepare you to learn these responsibilities that come with being an adult. Graduates from high

school in the united states are not able to function because their education did not prepare them

instead gives us standardize testing. That we do not need! They forget about the importants. To

teach us such as taxes, voting, cooking, and leadership and social skills.

Primarily alumni of American high schools have not been able to function on their own

in the real world after high school. All schools want to do and see is who is the smartest, and

intelligent. That is why they give us standardize testing and, in some states, like mine you need

to pass this test to be able to graduate. This is totally unexpectable because you can be a great

student and just not do good on this one test. Then what you can't graduate and do what you want

to do after high school and limits you to what you can do after high school. “Instead of learning

critical life skills on how to manage money, how to negotiate, or how to communicate, kids are

mostly taught to memorize information.” Schools only teach and prepare us for theses test

instead of teaching us what matters life after high school. All they want from us is a high-test

score. Students are not learning; Students are worried about these tests. Teachers also get paid

for how well the students do on the test. As you can probably recall teachers are going to cram

students heads with unnecessary stuff, they only need to pass this test. Instead of things they

need to know for the rest of their life.

Surly as kids become adults, they don’t have a single clue about the basics, like cooking

doing their taxes, and mortgage. I can guarantee that a lot of kids don’t even know what a house

mortgage is. Granted in some schools there are classes for this but not all, this should be

mandatory stuff to be taught. What happens when people don’t cook? They go out and eat. That

is not healthy for no one. That can do much damage on the body. But if only their school made

them take a cooking class, they would not eat out every night and have their health at risk. Same

with taxes a quantity of people doesn’t know how to do their taxes. plenty of people pay

someone else to do their taxes. That’s money that their losing, money that can be spent on useful

items. But agin if their school had taught them how to do taxes, they would be saving money.

Lastly how to change our oil and your car tire a lot of people don’t know how to do this. What

happens if you're stuck on the side of the road and you don’t have cell service you're going to be

stranded there till someone fins you.” many do not know the basic skills that are vital to

adulthood. Some kids do not know how to pay taxes, get a job, write a resume or pay bills.

Without the learning of life skills, kids can struggle when it comes to basic real-world


Undoubtedly schools need to help kids with their social interactions and social skills.”

We believe having more real-life learning in high school may solve the new generation's

inability to become independent.” a lot of kids depend on other people to make their decisions

for them. I bet you have you seen kids and even adults that work at places like a casher or a

water/waitress and they don’t talk? Some people refuse to get a job because of human

interaction. Schools absolute need to help kids and their social skills, also leadership skills. If

schools had a class where you sit and talk and do mock interviews and some deeds like that

maybe it would help people after high school get a decent job or at least a job. People need good

social skills for their life after high school and if the schools don’t help them gain that strength

who will?

Lastly as students come into the real world and become young adults, they should know

the basics and schools should have prepared them for real life not just standardized testing. We

need to learn the basics. Likewise, cooking, finances, social skills. That is what we need to know

not the Mitochondria is the powerhouse to the cell. That is useless for masses of people. Instead,

they should teach us how to change a tire. Useful things in life. Schools do not prepare students

for their future. All they want is a 100% on that test that they (the teachers) get paid for.

Works Cited

Chen, Grace. "Are Public School Students Prepared for the 'Real World?'" Public School Review,

30 Apr. 2018,

for-the-real-world. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

G, Alessandra. "10 Lessons High School Has Taught Me." Millennials of New Jersey, Odyssey,

20 June 2017, Accessed

23 Oct. 2020.

Guise, Steven. "How School Trains Us to Fail in the Real World." Steven Guise, Accessed 23 Oct.


"Opinion Opinion: High School Should Be Reaching Life Skills." Fenton in Print, 17 Dec. 2018, Accessed

23 Oct. 2020.

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