You are on page 1of 46


3 Intro
5 Being Celiac
11 What Is Gluten?
14 Should Everyone Eat
Gluten Free?
15 Gluten Free Donuts,
Pasta, Pizza?
17 What Should We Be
22 Natalie on CBC
Atlanta Taking Gluten
24 10 of My Favorite Gluten
Free Recipes
44 More Fitness Tools
46 Disclaimer



I’m Natalie Jill...

For the past 3 years, I have

dedicated my life to helping tens
of thousands of people across
the globe change theirs through
nutrition and fitness. I am a Master
Licensed Sports Nutritionist and
Functional Fitness Trainer, but
MORE importantly I am the mother
to a daughter with severe nut
allergies and someone with a
lengthy family history of cancers,
auto immune disease and heart
disease. I have celiac sprue, and
have been gluten free for over 14
Through losing my dad when I
was young to a heart attack, my
having celiac, and other family
member health issues, I became
very aware of how important proper nutrition can be. I am a big
proponent of healthy foods and the importance of un-processing your
I tell you this, so that you will understand a bit more about the
information and the recipes I am going to share with you today, and why
these things are so important.
What does un-processing your diet mean? Basically, it means consuming
REAL, natural food ingredients that you can pronounce. No chemicals, no
preservatives, nothing genetically modified, nothing with refined sugars
or gluten. I have a short video HERE that goes into more detail about
what an unprocessed diet it.


All of my recipes and nutrition programs
are based on REAL, natural, unprocessed,
and gluten free foods. There are a few
reasons I suggest gluten free, which I
go into in the first few pages BEFORE
you get to the recipes. There is a lot
of great life changing information in
there, especially if you have any type of
autoimmune disease, or just want to be
When I first launched my nutrition
and weight loss programs a few years
back, one of the first transformations
I had was Lisi Parson. She not only
had a MAJOR transformation, but she
changed her entire lifestyle and career
path, and actually became a Clean
Cooking Chef!
I have had the pleasure of working with
Chef Lisi on the latest volumes of my
Stay Lean Recipe books and you will be
AMAZED at the recipes she has created!
Enclosed, you will find 10 FREE recipes
sampled from the Stay Lean Recipe Book
Series. In addition, I want to share more
with you about celiac, gluten free, and
healthy eating.

Be Happy... Be Healthy... Be FIT!

- Natalie Jill


Being Celiac
I have Celiac Sprue so I have been truly
gluten-free for over a decade now. The
following article chronicles the TWO
years it took me to figure out that I had
celiac disease.
Looking back over those two years
I think I appeared a healthy, fit and
energetic person. I am known among
my friends and family for my dedicated
fitness routine and healthy eating.
However, I was struggling in the worst
way. What no one knew at that time,
including me, was that my immune
system was attacking my own body.
I was seriously ill and getting worse
every day.
My illness started with the types of
symptoms that you try to ignore. In
the beginning, all of my symptoms
seemed pretty typical and they were easy to mask. I
experienced excessive tiredness in the afternoons,
extreme hunger all of the time, but “bloated”
every time I ate and experienced intense
stomach cramping after every meal. All of
these seemed like common problems that
others faced. I mean, aren’t all of us tired
after lunch and hungry at times? As we get
older, don’t we think that we have a potbelly?
I quietly tried to self-diagnose and self-
medicate. I was drinking a bottle of Mylanta a
day to deal with the cramping, swallowing
Beano before meals to try to deter
the bloating, and I drank

caffeine every afternoon to stay awake. I
had been eating a lot of antioxidant rich
foods, so I thought; maybe I have been
eating too many vegetables, too much
fiber. I rationalized that white flour
products were supposed to be good
for stomach aches, so reduced my
veggies and fruit, adding more
pasta, bread and other starches
to my diet. Things only got worse.
In addition to the other symptoms,
I eventually started to get a strange
pain in my chest after every meal.
I had read several articles about
fatigue and heart disease.
Being that my dad died very young of a
sudden heart attack, I started worrying that maybe it was my heart.
I went to my Internist; I went to the emergency room, even made an
appointment with a cardiologist.
After all of these visits, they told me
that I was experiencing was normal
and they all made me feel like a
hypochondriac. I did begin to feel
like a complainer and hypochondriac.
I think I even began to feel mildly
By this time, my lower abdominal pain
intensified and I thought maybe my
OB/GYN could help me. She saw me
and told me I may have polycystic
ovaries and gave me birth control pills
to help the pain. I thought I had my
As the weeks and months went by, my
condition continued to worsen. My
lymph nodes started to act up and I


would get pea-sized lumps in my
neck, my groin, and my underarms.
Did I have cancer? What was wrong
with me? I was getting scared
and knew something was really
wrong. As a person who has been
dedicated to my personal health
and fitness, I knew that this was no
time to give up. I knew I had to take
control of the situation!
I went back to the internist and
almost embarrassed, I made
him listen to all of my symptoms
again. He still did not have a clue what my problem was, but because I
mentioned that the chest pain would happen normally after eating, he
did recommend that I go to a gastroenterologist.
After spending 10 minutes with the GI doctor, I was told it was heart burn.
He wasn’t interested any of the symptoms other then the chest pain and
he prescribed a drug as the solution. When that didn’t work, he gave me
another drug. My stomach and chest pain continued to get worse, not
better. I began loosing interest in eating because eating
to me was associated with pain. After several weeks, I
stopped taking the medicine.
I went back to the doctor and who now told me it was
stress. Relax, I was told. Well, maybe it was. Maybe
I was making myself sick. I took Yoga, I meditated
and I was committed to relaxing, but still no
The doctor wanted to prescribe anti-
depressants to alleviate the stress and
depression, but that solution didn’t feel
right to me, so I turned it down. The doctor
then suggested I might have an ulcer. I
had an endoscope
and a stomach


biopsy. When I woke up from the
procedure I was told that there
was no ulcer. I was diagnosed
with IBS as well as “low pain tolerance”.
This would explain why my chest hurt? That
still didn’t sound right to me but I tried to accept that diagnoses
and left.
I had been diagnosed
with so many
possibilities in
the last two years that
I decided I was done
going to the doctor.
Nothing was really wrong
with me. It must all be in
my head.
Two weeks after the endoscopy
and biopsy I received a phone
call from a nurse. The biopsy from the
endoscopy showed signs of Celiac Sprue. I had never heard of it. I looked
it up on the internet that night. I could not believe what I read!
I was a TEXT BOOK case for this! Every one of my symptoms
was listed right there on the internet. One the hallmarks
of this disease is that it is a commonly misdiagnosed
disease. What surprised me even more is that not one
doctor I had been to had even suggested this as
a possibility! I was accidentally diagnosed with
Celiac Sprue. They weren’t even looking for it.
I had been diagnosed with everything from
chronic fatigue syndrome, to polycystic
ovaries, IBS, stress, ulcers, depression,
EVERYTHING but Celiac Sprue in the two years.
To make matters even more ridiculous, Celiac Sprue
is an auto-immune disease. The tendency
for auto-immune diseases is genetic. Since
many family members also suffer from other


autoimmune diseases, I wondered how
did all of these doctors miss this? It is
because Celiac Sprue is still not widely
known or understood.
What is Celiac Sprue? Basically, a person
who has Celiac Sprue has a body that
does not recognize gluten and does
not digest it. Every time a person with
Celiac Sprue eats something with gluten
in it, their immune system attacks their
digestive track and creates all of the
symptoms that I was experiencing.
What do you do to treat Celiac Sprue?
The doctor’s advice sounded easy at first,
“Just look for things without gluten as an
ingredient”. Turns out that it was a lot harder then I had thought.
Gluten is by product of wheat, rye and barley. I had no idea how many
things have those ingredients. Obviously bread, pasta, crackers are
off the menu, but gluten is in just about every processed food. Candy,
preservatives, marinades, packaged foods and even soy sauce!
I thought that I ate healthy before but what I eat now is extremely
healthy. Healthy has taken on a whole new meaning. I miss the foods I
used to eat, but after just a few days of
being gluten-free, every single symptom
went away. I had forgotten how good
feeling “normal” could be!
One surprising fact I discovered is that
it is estimated that approximately one
out of every 200 people in the US may
have undiagnosed Celiac Sprue! This is
a grossly under-diagnosed disease and
such an easy one to treat!
I am not upset that I have this diagnosis.
Actually, it is quite the opposite! Not
only do I feel great everyday now, but


I eat healthy without any
temptation. I don’t want to
feel badly, so eating bad
is never an option. Also,
many restaurants are very
Whole foods market list many
foods as “Gluten Free” so I do
not need to scour ingredients
when I shop there. They
even sell gluten-free pizza
and cake mixes! PF Changs,
Outback Steakhouse and
many other restaurants even have full gluten-free menus.
I want to educate others on this commonly misdiagnosed disease. If
you have any combination of the symptoms I had, talk to you doctor to
find out if you should be tested. A blood test determines the gene and a
biopsy determines the extent of the damage.
Untreated Celiac Sprue
can be very serious
and life threatening.
Left untreated, it can
lead to lymphoma
and other cancers.
Treating Celiac Sprue
may alleviate all of
the symptoms and
can greatly lower your
risk of digestive track
~ Natalie Jill

As a licensed sports nutritionist, a celiac and a mother of a daughter with nut allergies, I am very versed
on allergens and intolerance as well as treating type II diabetes and autoimmune diseases through diet.
Please look HERE for more information.


What Is Gluten?
GLUTEN is the protein found in grains such as wheat (all forms, including
bulgur, durum, semolina, spelt, faro, etc.), barley, rye and triticale (a
wheat-rye cross). Gluten is what gives bread dough its elasticity, and mass
food manufacturers like using gluten as a food additive to help thicken,
stabilize, and emulsify their products.
Like any sensitivity, there’s a wide spectrum of intolerance, allergy and
reaction to gluten within the population. A majority of people are just
But those who do have a sensitivity or intolerance may experience
symptoms such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain,
heart burn, constipation, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, bone and joint
pain, headaches, muscular
disturbances, skin problems,
and even vertigo!
For those suffering
with Celiac Sprue,
gluten causes
an auto-immune
response that
damages the
lining of the small
intestine and can lead
to a wide host of chronic
conditions (as already stated above),
as well as contributing to much
higher incidences of malnutrition,
osteoporosis, and even some cancers.
So we know that there are true problems with gluten in a small
percentage of the population, but we also know that percentage is
growing due to higher awareness of the problem as well as a general
“gluten overload” being experienced in the traditional American diet due
to the high consumption of processed foods.


What is the Answer?
While some people take an over-generalized approach and say “Live
Gluten Free!” I say we should take a much closer look at the TYPES OF
FOODS we are choosing to consume.
In the next chapter, we’ll take a look at some of the foods that contain
gluten. You just MIGHT be surprised where gluten is hiding

What Foods Contain Gluten?

Are you ready for this? It’s a pretty big list, and this certainly doesn’t have
EVERY food on it either, but it is a pretty good start.

There Is ONE Thing I Want You To Do For Me

As you read through this list of foods, aside from containing gluten, I
want you to find for me ONE other commonality between all the listed
foods below.
»» Beer »» Pre-packaged soy »» Canned baked beans
»» Cheese products such products »» Anything “malt” or
as cheese sauces and »» Hot dogs “malted”
shredded cheese »» Some sausages »» Flavorings,
»» Condiments such as »» Imitation meats, seasonings, food
ketchup, mustard, cheeses and fish starches, and dried/
most Asian sauces packaged spice and
(i.e. soy sauce) »» Dry gravy mixes, herb blends
»» Canned meats and bouillion cubes, and
canned gravy products »» Frozen French fries
fish in broth (versus
packed in water) »» Soups »» Cereal
»» Deli meats »» Stocks and broth »» Flavored oatmeal
»» Breaded fish and »» Pickled products »» Chocolate sauce
meats »» Dry-roasted and/or
»» Salad dressings
»» Pre-packaged ground seasoned nuts
beef products »» Marinades
»» Packaged rice
»» Pre-packaged »» Tomato sauce products with
“seasoned” poultry »» Barbecue sauce seasoning packets
and fish products


»» Pasta and pasta »» Instant flavored coffee »» Modified food starch
products »» Hot cocoa mix »» Mono and dilycerides
»» Most snack foods, »» All licorice candy »» Hydrolyzed vegetable
including any flavored protein (HVP) and
chips »» Baking powder
texturized vegetable
»» Most baked goods »» Matzo meal protein (TVP)

Did you find a common theme here with all those

foods? Notice anything?
If not, let me ask you this – do any of the above items occur naturally, or
are they all man-made?

Still Having Trouble?

I will help you out a bit. None of the above items are whole foods. Even
the proteins have been modified or PROCESSED
with artificial ingredients.
Gluten is not just a naturally
occurring protein in wheat, barley
and rye, it’s also extracted and
used by manufacturers to
flavor, stabilize, emulsify and
thicken products.
These are what I would
consider PROCESSED
FOODS, and you can see
how challenging it might be
for an individual with gluten
sensitivity or celiac sprue to eat
Imagine if you, someone with no
sensitivity to gluten or auto-immune
condition, just naturally reduced and/or
eliminated processed food from your diet? In doing so, wouldn’t you also
be following a gluten free lifestyle? But what we really should call it is a


Should Everyone Eat Gluten Free?


Gluten Free Donuts, Pasta, Pizza?
What Eating “Gluten Free”
Should Really Mean To Most Of Us
Gluten free pasta at the grocery store! Gluten free muffins at your local
coffee house! Gluten free pizza crust at your favorite pizzeria! Should you
get it? Are you “gluten-sensitive” (or you might have been told that you
have “gluten intolerance”) or think you might be, or are the GI issues you
have a result of something else entirely?

Celebrities are going gluten-free, restaurants have entire sections on

menus devoted to gluten-free items, and even some schools tout gluten
free choices in their lunch lines.
Whew! It’s enough to make a person think that they should join what
seems to be quite a trend, especially when some people claim that it’s a
great way to lose weight!
But like ANY food trend (and we seem have them every year now), there’s
A LOT of misinformation on the topic. Being gluten free is no different,
and there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding between having a


gluten sensitivity and being a celiac.
Another common issue is why some people who opt for a gluten free diet
are losing weight and some people are gaining it.
I’ll be very clear. I DO NOT endorse a gluten free diet plan as a method
of losing weight. What I DO endorse is a nutrition plan that is FREE of
processed food as a solid weight loss method.

Read on and you’ll understand why...

For someone who is really and truly gluten intolerant, or if you are the
parent of a child with gluten intolerance or
celiac disease, having additional options
available is a true blessing. It used
to be such a struggle to go out
to dinner or make kid-friendly
food, and now the choices are
certainly plentiful.
As someone who personally
deals with Celiac on a
daily basis, I DON’T opt
for gluten free versions
of breads and pastas and
baked goods, because
frankly those aren’t the
foods that I want to have
fueling my body.
Just because an item states
that it’s “GLUTEN FREE!” on
the packaging DOESN’T mean
that it’s any better for you or any
healthier. In fact, in some cases, it
can be WORSE if weight loss is your
So remember, try your absolute best to stick to with NATURALLY gluten
free foods, and NOT gluten free processed foods. This will be the BEST for
your health, whether you have gluten sensitivity, are celiac, or are just a
perfectly “normal” human being!


What Should We Be Eating?
Load Up On Those Vegetables
This is where it gets good. You have the most fabulous and nutritious
foods available to you, and all of them are gluten free. Just get in the
car, on your bike, or walk to your local farmers market and you’ll find a
beautiful array of nutritious and delicious options for you, and none of
them contain any gluten.
A colorful diet (we call it a “rainbow plate” in my house) packed with
lots of vegetables equals a leaner, healthier physique for an individual,
both inside and out. And those all-natural whole foods
provide you with valuable nutrients like
fiber, antioxidants, minerals and
vitamins that are necessary for
long-term health.
If you are following ANY of my
programs, you have surely
noticed that they are all
loaded with vegetables.
we cook them,
and sometimes
we enjoy them
raw, but the
that always
comes back
to me is
which way
of eating
is better.


Now let’s talk about the best way to get
as much nutrition from those vegetables
as possible! To begin with, raw vegetables
start losing nutrients as soon as they are
picked. And any vegetable that has to
be shipped cross-country is often picked
before full maturity, which prevents it from
reaching its’ complete nutrient potential.
That’s why I encourage you to buy organic,
NON-GMO, in-season, local freshly picked
produce. The quicker you eat it after being
harvested, the better it is for you! Now Dropped 87 lbs Starting w/ the 7 Jump Start
unbelievably, in some cases cooking a
vegetable actually helps to increase certain nutrients.

How is this possible?

Cooking a vegetable softens and moisturizes it, and breaks down cellular
walls. That makes it easier to digest and absorb. Two great examples are
carrots and tomatoes. When you cook carrots, the levels of beta carotene
increase. Beta carotene can then be converted
to vitamin A, which is associated with
improved bone, eye and reproductive
health. As for tomatoes, the carotenoid
Lycopene in tomatoes increases when
they are cooked, and lycopene is
associated with reduced incidence of
heart disease and cancer.
It’s actually been speculated that
our bodies absorb more of
these beneficial anti-cancer
compounds, such as the
carotenoids and phytochemicals
found in carrots and tomatoes)
when foods are cooked. Now
when opting to cook, use
methods that reduce the amount
of time your vegetables are


exposed to high heats. Lightly steaming (they should still have crunch
and texture!), versus methods like boiling, barbequing, baking, frying, or
broiling, is the best option.

“But I don’t have access to fresh vegetables all the time”

That’s okay! Even though you might expect
frozen or canned vegetables to be lower
in quality and nutrients, that’s actually not
true! Most canned vegetables are canned
on-site when freshly picked, and have the
same levels of nutrients as fresh vegetables.
And frozen vegetables are actually locked
into a very nutrient-rich state as they are
generally blanched (a quick dunk in boiling
water) and then flash frozen the same day
they are picked!
Dropped 87 lbs Starting on the Jump Start
Where you MUST be careful
Program and graduated to other NJ Programs
with canned and frozen
vegetables is in making sure to read the packaging
and the nutrition labels. I can’t promise
that they are organic or GMO-free,
and you absolutely MUST
take notice of the sugar
and salt content in
case anything has been
added to “preserve”
or “enhance” the
food. Also, beware
of seasonings and
sauces that may
have been added, as
THOSE may contain
gluten! But that’s
where a 100% whole
food is transformed into
a packaged food, and we already know that
processed food-free is the way to go.
Fresh is Best
Lean meats, seafood, poultry and eggs are
all – you guessed it – gluten free! Again, we’re
talking about WHOLE FOODS that haven’t
been processed or manufactured. This isn’t
anything that’s been breaded or fried, and it has yet
to be seasoned or marinated. I’m talking about eggs in
their carton waiting to be cooked, and fresh proteins that
haven’t been touched other than to be cleaned and wrapped
up. Again, opt for organic and opt for fresh.
Not only do farmers markets carry amazing vegetables, they also usually
have booths offering poultry, meats and seafood from local farms and
fishing companies! These are not large manufacturers enhancing animal
production through the use of steroids, antibiotics and fillers.
These are local businesses offering a quality product. If you don’t have a
local farmers market, find your closest organic grocery store and see what
they have to offer. Foods should be properly labeled and as fresh as

Bake It/Make It Yourself

Unless you are gluten intolerant or have
been diagnosed with Celiac, eating
gluten is not a bad thing! What we
DO want to eliminate is eating
processed foods.
So when it comes down to
it, bake those muffins from
scratch so YOU can control
what goes into them. Get that
bread fresh from the bakery, not
pre-sliced, wrapped in plastic,
and sitting on the grocery store
shelf. Want a pizza? Don’t buy
the frozen junk!
Take a moment to spend time with your family


and make one together at home. Or even a trip to your favorite (non-
chain) pizza parlor is preferable – they make the dough that day from
scratch and use the freshest toppings and ingredients.
Use fresh herbs and pure spices that are free of additives to enhance
flavor in your recipes. I don’t know if a day goes by that I don’t eat fresh

And my daughter loves our homemade granola, filled with fiber-full

oatmeal, flax and chia seeds, and nitrate-free dried organic fruit.
I’m trying to
encourage you NOT
to replace processed
foods containing
gluten with processed
foods free of gluten.
I’m telling you that the
way to live isn’t gluten
free, it’s processed
foods free, and the
gluten is eliminated
by default.
Natalie on CBC Atlanta Taking Gluten Free!


What Others Have to Say...

”Just because they say it cant be done doesn’t

mean you have to listen!” Another inspiring
transformation! GO Joan! NO EXCUSES with
her! She followed my Jump Start programs
stayed committed to the process, made it a
lifestyle , was consistent and got noticeable
results ! Progressing into a fitter, happier,
healthier her! GO Joan!! As expected, most lose
5 lbs week one, as you are losing excess water
and bloat in addition to fat. Very common
when going from a processed food diet to a
clean and natural one. After week one if you make this your lifestyle you can
continue to lose 2 lbs average of fat per week until you hit your goal weight. This
was a process with Joan- about 6 months to this after picture This is done the
healthy way! WHO is next?

“I was 50lbs overweight and facing blood pressure

A… I bought her Stay Lean Recipes Book and it was
GAME ON. My wife and my youngest daughter joined
me after I had lost 20 pounds the first 2 months” ~ Jim

Click here to checkout all of Natalie Jill’s Nutritional and Fitness Programs
10 OF MY
From My Stay Lean Recipe Books
Get More Amazing
Gluten Free Recipes Here…

Red Velvet Cookie Pies
Red Velvet Cookie Pies

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 6 1. Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5
2. Coat Whoopee/Cookie Pie pan with coconut oil
Prep Time: 20 Min
3. Clean and peel beets and steam until soft and
Cooking Time: 12-15 Min mash until smooth, you will want to yield ¾
cup mashed
4. In one bowl combine coconut flour, almond
1 Cup Red Beets Medium Sized (enough flour, baking powder, baking soda, sea salt,
to yield ¾ cup) cacao powder and cacao nibs
5. In another bowl combine mashed beets,
1 Cup Coconut Flour coconut oil, eggs and coconut milk
1 Cup Almond Flour
6. Now mix wet and dry ingredients together and
mix well
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 7. Fill each cookie tin with batter
8. Bake 12-15 minutes or until cookies are just set
1 Teaspoons Baking Soda
9. Remove from oven and allow to completely
¼ Teaspoon Sea Salt cool before spreading frosting on one cookie
and placing a second cookie on top (as in
½ Cup Cacao Powder picture)
¾ Cup Coconut Oil

2 Whole Eggs

½ Cup Coconut Milk (may need a few

drops more)

1/3 Cup Cacao Nibs (or you can use

80% Dark Chocolate broken into pieces)

1 Cup Coconut Frosting (pg 215)


Coconut Frosting
Coconut Frosting

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 2-4 1. Place Coconut Butter, Honey and Coconut
Cream in a large mixing bowl
Prep Time: 10-15 Min
2. Blend all ingredients with a hand mixer until
Cooking Time: No Cooking Req. smooth
3. Fold in coconut flakes by hand
1 ½Cups Coconut Butter
4. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes or longer
2 Tablespoons Honey prior to use

¾ Cup Coconut Cream

5. This can be used as filling for Red Velvet Cream
Filled Cookies and Black & White Cookies
½ Cup Coconut Flakes

*** To Make Spicy Cayenne Coconut

Frosting, Follow the Above Recipe and
Add 1 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper.


Crustless Onion Tart
Crustless Onion Tart

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 6-8 1. Preheat Oven to 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5
Prep Time: 60 Min 2. Slice the onions in half and then into slices

Cooking Time: 60 Min 3. Heat an oven safe skillet over medium-high

heat(preferably Cast Iron) and add ghee, once it
is hot add the shallots and onions and sprinkle
12-16 Whole Eggs with 1 teaspoon Sea Salt and cook until they
are caramelized (takes about 1 hour)
3 Pounds of Onions (preferably vidalia
or yellow) 4. In another skillet, cook the Pancetta with the
rosemary, thyme and black pepper
1 Tablespoon Chopped Shallots
5. Once the onions are caramelized leave them
16 oz Pancetta in the skillet as they will form the bottom of
your quiche. Add the cooked pancetta, then
1 Cup Goat Cheese
sprinkle on crumbled goat cheese and sun
3 oz Sun Dried Tomatoes dried tomatoes
2 Tablespoons Fresh chopped
6. Now, scramble the eggs in a bowl and pour on
Rosemary top of all ingredients

2 Tablespoons Fresh chopped Thyme 7. Top with chopped Chives

3-4 Tablespoons Fresh chopped Chives

8. Bake for 30-45 minutes or until quiche is just
set taking care to not over cook.
4-5 Tablespoons Ghee

1 Teaspoon Sea Salt

1-2 Teaspoons Black Pepper


Chicken Confit with Braised Onions and Mushrooms
Chicken Confit with Braised Onions and Mushrooms

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 2-4 1. Preheat oven to 300°F/149°C/Gas Mark 2
Prep Time: 20 Min 2. Slice Onion by cutting in half and then into thin
Cooking Time: 3 Hours
3. Sauté onions on the stovetop with the 4
Tablespoons Ghee and rosemary, thyme and
2 Boneless Chicken Breast sea salt

4 Chicken Drumsticks 4. When onions are nearly finished with about 5

minutes left, add red wine
2 Large Sweet Onions
5. Now, add onion mixture to Dutch oven (or
2 Tablespoons Fresh Rosemary oven safe dish)
6. Heat remaining 2 Tablespoons Ghee in a skillet
2 Tablespoons Fresh Thyme chopped and pan sear each chicken breast before
adding to Dutch oven
2 Teaspoons Black Pepper
7. Add all chicken to Dutch oven and top with
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt Pancetta
6 Tablespoons Ghee 8. Cook undisturbed for 3 hours or until chicken is
fully cooked
2 Pints Mushrooms cut into slices (I
prefer Baby Portabellas) 9. When dish has only about 20 minutes
remaining add sliced mushrooms and return to
½ Cup Dry Red Wine
oven for 20 more minutes
1 Cup Pancetta


Double Chocolate Protein Cookies
Double Chocolate Protien Cookies

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 20 1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
Prep Time: 10 Min 2. Grease a ‘Whoopie’ Pan (You can find these at
your grocery store or kitchen supply store)
Cooking Time: 8 Min
3. Combine protein powder, baking soda and
cocoa in one bowl and mix together.
10 Scoops Chocolate Whey Protein
4. In separate bowl combine egg whites, pumpkin
and vanilla extract.
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
5. Next, slowly add dry ingredients to wet
4 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa mixture.

6 Egg Whites 6. Fill each whoopee pie mold, you will need to
bake 2 batches so do not overfill.
1 15 Oz Can Pumpkin
7. Cook for 5 minutes, then rotate pan and cook
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract for another 3-4 minutes, they will be ready to
take out of the oven when they are cooked
** Adding a few chocolate chips will through. Please remember that oven times
have your little ones asking for more
**These are delicious alone or with a 8. Remove from pan and allow to cool on a rack.
side of almond or coconut milk (the
kind in the dairy section not a can) 9. Store in covered container in the fridge for a
quick clean snack.


Breakfast Pizza
Breakfast Pizza

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 6 1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
Prep Time: 15 Min 2. Grease round cake pan with coconut oil.

Cooking Time: 30 Min 3. In large skillet heat 1.5 Tablespoons Coconut

4. Add chopped garlic, chopped onions and
1 Leek Or Medium Yellow Onion black pepper and cook until just translucent.
5. Next, add the sliced mushrooms and cook for
1 Cup Mushrooms Sliced about 5 minutes or until tender. Remove from
3 Cups Fresh Spinach Leaves Chopped
6. Crack all eggs into a bowl, whisk well and
1 Cup Grape Tomatoes Cut Into Four then pour into cake pan.
7. Now, add your veggie mixture, spinach
2-3 Garlic Cloves Chopped and grape tomatoes to the cake pan and
distribute evenly. 36
Black Pepper To Taste
8. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until quiche is
½ Tablespoon Cayenne Pepper cooked through.

10 Medium Egg Whites + 2 Whole

Medium Eggs


Slow Cooker Apple Oatmeal
Slow Cooker Apple Oatmeal

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 8 1. Coat your slow cooker with Coconut Oil DO
Prep Time: 15 Min
2. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and mix
Cooking Time: 8 Hours well and add to slow cooker
3. Next add the apples to the slow cooker
5 small apples peeled and chopped into
small cubes (or as many as you need to
4. Mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl and
yield two cups of raw apples) then pour into slow cooker.

3 Tablespoons Cinnamon 5. Set the slow cooker on medium and allow to

cook for 7-8 hours
¼ Teaspoon Nutmeg
¼ Teaspoon All spice (or Apple Pie
You do not need to remove the lid from the slow cooker at any
time. It does not need to be stirred; stirring this recipe will ruin it.
2 Cups Steel Cut Oats When it is done and has been allowed to cool for several hours,
when you cut into it, the bottom at first glance will look burned 38
3 Cups Almond Milk but it is actually the Spices that have settled to the bottom and it
looks almost like a crust.
3 Cups Water
Also, I think this dish presents best when it has had time to cool
2 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract completely (and it tastes better) so that you can cut it into pie
slices like I did in the photo. You do not have to do that if you are
** If you are not a fan of apples, you can not worried about presentation, you can just spoon it out. Make
use peaches or omit fruit. sure you spoon it out so that you get 8 servings out of this.


Oatmeal Protein Blueberry Squares/Muffins
Oatmeal Protein Blueberry Squares/Muffins

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 9 1. Preheat Oven to 350° F
Prep Time: 15 Min 2. Grease an 8x8 pan or Large Muffin tin (the one
with 6 large muffin tins) with coconut oil. (If
Cooking Time: 20 Min you do not have a Large Muffin tin, you can use
a regular one but you will have to eat 2 for your
3 Cups Old Fashion Oatmeal
3. Mix the first 4 dry ingredients together in one
2 Tsp Baking Powder bowl
3 Tablespoons Cinnamon 4. Mix the wet ingredients together in another
5 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
5. Combine dry and wet ingredients together and
1 ¾ Cups Almond Milk mix well, then gently add the blueberries by
½ Cup Unsweetened Applesauce
6. Next, pour mixture into the greased pan or tins. 40
2 Teaspoon Vanilla
7. Bake for about 10 minutes, turn around in the
2 Whole Eggs
oven and cook for another 10 min, or as long
12 Ounces of Fresh Blueberries (or as it takes in your oven to set.
These protein squares are yummy and satisfying heated up and
crumbled in a bowl with almond milk poured over them.


Baked Asparagus Fries
Baked Asparagus Fries

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 2-4 1. Heat Oven to 375° F
Prep Time: 15 Min 2. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
3. Clean and groom asparagus spears by
Cooking Time: 30 Min removing white ends and leaving a little damp.
4. Pour the oat flour in a large bowl and add
asparagus to the flour and coat the spears. They
One Bundle Of Asparagus
do not need to be fully coated just small areas
½ Cup Gluten Free Oat Flour will be fine.
5. Mix ingredients 3-8 above in a blender until
1 Cup Gluten Free Breadcrumbs well incorporated and then pour onto a large
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
plate or bowl large enough to accommodate
the asparagus spears.
1 Teaspoon Dried Oregano 6. Scramble the egg whites in a separate large
1 Teaspoon Dried Thyme
7. Next, take your asparagus spears out of the oat
¼ Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper flour and dip into the egg white mixture, about
(Optional) a handful of the asparagus at a time.
2 Teaspoons Shredded Pecorino 8. Once, your asparagus are covered with egg
Romano Cheese mixture then place them in the breadcrumb
mixture and coat well.
* This type of cheese comes from goats
milk and a tiny bit offers a ton of flavor !! 9. Place each coated asparagus spear on the
cookie sheet.
* There is no need to buy an expensive 10. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until asparagus are
bag of oat flour. You can make your
own by pouring your gluten free old nice and crispy.
fashioned oats in your blender.

** These are great plain but, you can

serve them with dipping sauces of
your choice. I have chosen to serve my
asparagus with English Dijon Mustard
and Hot Chili Pepper Sauce. These are
both gluten, sugar and dairy free.


Razzmataz® Smoothie

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 1 1. Add all fruits
and berries to
Prep Time: 1-3 Min
1 Scoop of Berry Protein Powder 2. Cover with water
or coconut water
½ Cup Mixed Berries
and blend on
1 Orange high till you
reach desired
½ Frozen Banana consistency.
1 Tbsp. Flaxseed 3. Add ice for extra

Green Machine Juice (Natalie's Favorite) 43

Ingredients Directions
Serves: 1 1. Add all fruits and
veggies to blender.
Prep Time: 1-3 Min
2. Blend together
4 Stalks Kale till reach desired
Hand Full Of Spinach
3. Add ice if you wish to
1/2 Apple
make a lil cooler
2 Grapefruit

3 Celery Stalks


More Fitness Tools
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