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~ Ignorance is Bliss ~
 Game Board
 16 Game Pieces
 1 Dice

To take out all the pieces of the opposing player until the king is checkmated; thus, a win.

The board is set up so a white square is on the bottom right corner on both sides of the player’s
views of the board. All pieces are configured as shown in Figure 1.


The first player rolls the die and moves their pawn a number of squares
Indicated by the number on the die. (Pawns move only forward; two or
one square only on first move. Pawns can move diagonally to capture
opponents’ pieces) If a pawn reaches the end of the board, it can be
promoted to a higher piece (no limit; Kings can’t be promoted).
A rook can move in a line forward or backwards and left and right only.
A bnight (bishop & knight) can “jump” over other pieces blocking it. To make it easier to
remember how a knight moves think of an L. Two spaces in a direction forward, backward or side-
to-side, and one space at a right turn. Along with that, it can also move in contiguous diagonal lines
in any direction.
The queen moves in contiguous diagonal and straight lines, forward, backward, and side-to-side.
The king can move in any direction, one square at a time. Figure 1: The
setup of the
starting board.
En passant is a special movement for pawns attacking opposing pawns. It only applies if your
opponent moves a pawn two spaces, and its destination space is next to your pawn. You can take
the opposing piece by moving forward-diagonal to your pawn's attacked square.
The king is in check when an opponent's piece is in a position that can attack the king. A player
must move their king out of check, block the check or capture the attacking piece.
Putting an opponent's king in "checkmate" is the only way to win the game. A king is in checkmate
if it is in check, the opponent's piece that has the king in check cannot be captured, the check
cannot be blocked, and the king cannot move to a square that is not under attack.
Simply put, a "stalemate" is a tie. It is achieved if there are no legal moves for a player to make. A
stalemate can also happen if any more movement is legally impossible.
Piece Value:
Queen: Strongest = Most Value
Pawn: Weakest = Least Value

Pawns become more valuable as they near promotion.

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Made in Andany.
Small parts. Not for children

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