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Humans are believe to be on top of all creatures in this world.

Philosophically speaking, Aristotle

provided us with a feasible explanation when he labeled man as rational animal. Reason set us apart
from other dwellers of this planet and thus indeed the claim above can be justifiable. Since man realized
his potential in understanding, which eventually led to controlling his environment, this world and its
dwellers, are no longer the same. Since the epic evolution of humanity, sets of standards and laws were
created for our own benefits that eventually led to misunderstanding; well captured by the term dispute
and conflict. I honestly believe that reason is a strong force endowed to man that can be characterized
by the term good. But this gift, if not used properly, could lead to destruction and history will teach us
on its scope. Conflict and dispute are two of the myriad possible consequence should man care less
about his function in the great circle of life; faith- the transcendental reality accepted by humanity in all
walks of life, provides us with an idea of our purpose which Cebuano term piniyalan perfectly captured
which means trustees in English. We do not own anything in this world we are just caretakers and even
traveler in this life world.

John Burton defined and differentiate these terms with certain degree of similarity and difference- short
term disagreement which involves issues that are negotiable is dispute, but when it involve deep-
rooted and non-negotiable issues he characterized it as conflict. John Burton construed that
misunderstanding can either lead to resolution in good faith or a chaos that leads to undesirable end.
Wallenstten on the other hand views conflict as a state or social situation in which minimum of two
actors strive to acquire scarce resources. This highlights the unquenchable thirst of man for material
goods, which greatly affect environment in general. African Centre for Constructive Resolution of
Disputes ACCORD provides another rich definition of conflict centered on possible consequence of
human interaction where there is disharmony due to discrepancy of interests, needs or goals.
Constantino and Merchant are also convinced that conflict is a state but not so inclined that it is a
process. They construed that any group who have opposing values, interests, or needs are in a state of

From the above literatures, we can conclude that conflict and dispute are attributes of man and that this
can greatly affect the environment surrounding him. One of the classic manifestation of such
catastrophic consequence of conflict and dispute is the case of Kenya. As describe, the country in Africa
suffers the primarily when group or parties cannot settle differences. Environmental conflict related
incidence happened not because of natural phenomena per se, but rather is greatly influence by human
decision making in times of crisis. Kenya is labelled as vulnerable in terms of weather condition and
unfortunate to say that this condition is getting worst because of human conflict and disputes. There is a
significant relationship between the socio-political disharmony and natural calamity. That when we fail
to come up with compromised resolutions, the impact of natural disaster will be crueler for humans and
other habitats alike. Kenya and other developing countries with scarce resources usually falls to this
fate, when humans, endowed with reason, ascribe to selfish decision and reasoning at the expense of
other beings.

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