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Deinococcus radiodurans


1. Bioremediation

- Some bacteria like Citrobacter and Pseudomonas sp. can biodegrade toxic waste and organic
pollutants, but the microbes are killed by the radiation before they finish degrading the
toxins. Thus, their use in bioremediation under high radiation condition is very limited

- Due to its structure, D. radiodurans can be used to for the treatment of toxic waste

- D. radiodurans will be genetically engineered by transferring a set of gene from other

microbe that can degrade the toxic waste into D. radiodurans

- For example, a set of gene that encode for toluene dioxygenase (TDO) from Pseudomonas
putida F1 transferred into D.radiodurans resulting into a recombinant bacterium. This
recombinant bacterium can oxidize a variety organic compound such as toluene in a high-
radiation environment.

2. Model for study of cancer and aging

- The further study of D. radiodurans as a model organism for oxidative stress resistance may
lead to a development of medical procedure that can prevent aging and cancer

- Aging and cancer are mainly cause by oxidative stress that induced by reactive oxygen
species (ROS)

- Oxidative stress induced by ROS, which can be produced by respiration or due to the
exposure to physical and chemical agents such as ionizing radiation, desiccation or UV
radiation that can damage macromolecules such as protein and nucleic acid.

- D. radiodurans is resistance to various stresses including ionizing radiation, oxidative stress,

and other DNA-damaging agents due to its ability to repair double strands break in its DNA

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