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Directions for items 1-56. You will hear statements or

questions on the tape. Select the best answer and mark your
answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

1. a) if Joe had money in a 5. a) Accidents happen at

bank yellow lights.
b) if Joe could count b) Accidents occur when
money there are many cars.
c) if the bank was open c) Accidents are cut down
d) if the account was for during the night.
Mr. Smith d) Accidents increase
when the lights are
2. a) There may be rain. red.
b) Rain will come for
sure. 6. a) He was late to lab.
c) There will be plenty b) He arrived at the lab
of rain. early.
d) There will be no rain. c) He arrived late.
d) He arrived at the
3. a) He found it there. exact time.
b) He put it there.
c) He took it from there. 7. a) It is operated
d) He looked for it manually.
there. b) It works by itself.
c) It makes too much
4. a) A lot of people work noise.
for Mr. Richards. d) It is a part of a car.
b) A lot of people live
with Mr. Richards. 8. a) to the store
c) A lot of peo'ple agree b) to the bank
with Mr. Richards. c) to the post office
d) A lot of people listen d) to the police station
to Mr. Richards..
9. a) shopping
b) hunting
c) thinking
d) skiing


10. a) oranges 16. a) an animal

b) bread b) 5,280
c) eggs c) a jeep
d) milk d) breakfast

11. a) I didn't go to the 17. a) My friend drove me to

office. his house.
b) Y e s , it was my final b) My friend gave me his
time. house number.
c) It was long past c) I have given my phone
eight. number to my friend.
d) I wanted to finish my d) I have given my
work. address to my friend.

12. a) in front of the engine 18. a) He rides the bus to

b) on top of the engine the BX.
c) behind the engine b) He doesn't ride the
d) on the right side of bus there.
the engine c) He usually goes there
by bus.
13. a) with ample gasoline d) He never goes to the
b) without any gasoline BX.
c) with a small amount of
gasoline 19. a) Carol wants to go
d) with a tank full of outside.
gasoline b) The weather is warm.
c) The weather is very
14. a) He takes physical cold.
training every hour. d) Laura is feeling warm.
b) He goes to class for
one hour. 20. a) Electric current is
c) He can't stand it carried by wire.
physically. b) Electric current
d) He takes physical directs wire.
training every day. c) Wire runs in the
electric current.
15. a) He saw the picture d) Wire rejects electric
twice. current.
b) He left before it was
c) He told everyone about
d) He bought the picture.


21. a) The men will help the 27. a) I'll file it.
police. b) I'll post it.
b) The men will ignore c) I'll remember it.
the police. d) I'll record it.
c) The men will attack
the police. 28. a) We had a party.
d) The men will confuse b) We had a visitor.
the police. c) We had a windstorm.
d) We had a rest.
22. a) because of the cold
weather 29. a) Can you heat the
b) because of the work at stones?
home b) Can you make the fire
c) because of the heat hotter?
d) because of the c) Can you light a fire
humidity with the stones?
d) Can the heat burn the
23. a) 100 years stones?
b) 50 years
c) 1,000 years 30. a) poor eyesight
d) 10 years b) black smoke
c) a thick fog
24. a) Yes, I forgot to go. d) a television tower
b) Yes, I decided to go.
c) Yes, I failed to go. 31. a) He went to the White
d) Yes, I refused to go. House.
b) He ate at the White
25. a) He could go today. House.
b) He may go today. c) He stayed at the White
c) He must go today. House.
d) He won't go today. d) He looked at the White
26. a) He collected them in
anger. 32. a) There were many trees
b) He collected them in close together.
advance. b) It was high up in the
c) He collected them in mountains.
order. c) It was far away from
d) He collected them in a everything.
box. d) There were few animals
living there.


33. a) You could see the 39. a) get sick

wires. b) play games
b) The wires were in c) understand
front of the walls. d) perform
c) You could not see the
wires. 40. a) He looked at the
d) The wires were outside shipment.
the walls. b) He went and. got it at
the depot.
34. a) Jack has often asked c) He approved the
the Watkins family to shipment.
see him. d) He left the shipment
b) The Watkins family has at the depot.
often dropped in on
Jack. 41. a) His family is fine.
c) They have often asked b) He's feeling well.
Jack to come over. c) He's doing fine.
d) They would like to d) He bought a car.
have Jack live with
them. 4 2 . a) Yes, the public may
35. a) He exchanged his b) Yes, it is owned by
money. Mr. Collins.
b) He spent his money. c) Yes, it is famous.
c) He lost his money. d) Yes, it is sandy.
d) He worked for his
money. 43. a) pay them
b) watch them
36. a) He opened the maps. c) help them
b) He folded the maps. d) direct them
c) He marked the maps.
d) He copied the maps. 4 4 . a) smooth
b) fast
37. a) She ironed it. c) rough
b) She chose it. d) comfortable
c) She made it.
d) She wore it.

38. a) open the view

b) improve the view
c) keep the view
d) block the view


45. a) He will put them in 50. a) You couldn't see the

the oven. sun. c
b) He will put them in b) There was some dust in
hot water. the air.
c) He will put them in a c) The air had a low
sauce. moisture content.
d) He will put them in d) There was a steady
hot oil. breeze blowing.

46. a) both. 51. a) He was told to do

b) neither guard duty.
c) a hot dog b) He was not allowed to
d) a hamburger do guard duty.
c) He was excused from
47. a) Yes, he gave me a mean guard duty.
look. d) He was ready to do
b) Yes, he gave me his guard duty.
c) Yes, he gave me a 52. a) We were going to
lecture. London.
d) Yes, he gave me his b) We landed in London
consent. first.
c) We were going to Rome.
48. a) He is going for a boat d) We overflew Rome.
b) He is going to sell a 53. a) Bill agrees with his
boat. brother.
c) He is going to a sale. b) Bill accompanies his
d) He is going to look at brother.
some cars. c) Bill argues with his
49. a) It can kill you. d) Bill advises his
b) It may hurt you. brother.
c) It won't hurt you.
d) The animal is afraid.


54. a) Another branch has 55. a) She is beautiful.

been added. b) She is polite.
b) The school is not c) She is studious.
interested in another d) She tells jokes.
c) Sooner or later 56. a) He removed the paint
another branch will be b) He perforated it.
added. c) He trimmed the edges
d) Another branch will d) He sanded it down.
never be added to the

Directions for items 57-66. You will hear conversations or

persons giving information. Select the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d.

57. a) It was sold. 61. a)She's going to clean

b) It was broken. the floor.
c) It was fixed. b) She's going to paint
d) It was lost. the walls the same
58. a) The man took pictures c) She's going to change
on the trip. all the colors and
b) The man did not take furniture.
any pictures. d) She's going to clean
c) The man did not make the paint.
any plans.
d) The man worked instead 62. a) It is costing money.
of going on a trip. b) She did not expect it.
c) She is waiting for it.
59. a) He has enough. d) It is already over.
b) He does not Like
vegetables. 63. a) She wants to go to the
c) He wants more. meeting.
d) He would like b) She has to go to the
something else. meeting.
c) She refuses to go to
60. a) in a bank the meeting.
b) in a hospital d) She ought to go to the
c) in a barracks meeting.
d) in a hotel


64. a) the grass 66. The car .

b) a salad
c) the forest a) is illegally parked
d) a plant b) was stolen in Georgia
c) is stalled at a light
65. a) Mary can go there very d) has its lights on
b) It's a good place to
c) Not many people go
d) Mary has never been
there before.



Directions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST

67. When you inflate an automobile tire, you .

a) remove the tire

b) put air in it
c) patch it
d) change the tire

68. Steve bought a barometer to atmospheric pressure.

a) weigh
b) measure
c) support
d) increase

69. Dave: Did they get any cigarettes there?

Alan: Yes, they got .

a) any
b) some
c) much
d) nothing


70. Select the correct sentence.

a) Where from my country this I can check cash?

b) My check where cash can this country from I?'
c) Where can I cash this check from my country?
d) Can my country from where I cash this check?

71. My friend is a farmer. He works .

a) in an office
b) at the airport
c) on a bridge
d) with vegetables

72. Mr. Jones wants a car for

a) exercise
b) transportation
c) eating
d) sleeping

73. My car is parked the garage

a) of
b) for
c) to
d) in

74. If you get a bargain, you .

a) buy an item at a lower price

b) pay too much money for something
c) buy poor merchandise
d) buy better merchandise

75. Mr. Forster skipped the fourth question.

a) wrote
b) answered
c) omitted
d) asked


76. They have a great deal of ambition. They have


a) a worthwhile
b) a lot of
c) very little
d) some

77. Hurry up; we're already .

a) early
b) fast
c) late,
d) slow

78. Ask Mr. Miller me back later.

a) to call
b) calling
c) called
d) calls

79. Why did those students insist on everything?

a) did
b) done
c) to do
d) doing

80. George: Can you tell me how to find the laboratory?

Elaine: Yes, .

a) just outside step the store and turn to your left

b) step outside the store and just left to your turn
c) just to your left turn and step outside the store
d) just step outside the store and turn to your left

81. The student told his roommate, "You can count on me."

a) count for me
b) count my money
c) depend on me
d) tell my age


82. We used to go to the movies frequently. We went there

a) sometimes
b) often
c) without missing one
d) once in a while

83. The bridge in one year.

a) was built
b) are built
c) be built
d) build

84. Many homes are equipped with the latest modern electrical

a) decorated
b) lacking
c) repaired
d) furnished

85. You will learn more if you attention.

a) make
b) have
c) do
d) pay

86. I had been listening to the teacher before the bell .

a) rang
b) rings
c) is ringing
d) will ring

87. He can repair all the chairs.

a) breaking
b) broke
c) break
d) broken

88. He to listen to the tape tonight.

a) should
b) will
c) ought
d) must

89. In the United States, conversation is proper during


a) consider
b) considering
c) considered
d) considers

90. Do you if I turn on the TV?

a) want
b) wish
c) like
d) mind

91. People usually think of the Indian as a red-skinned man who

wore a feathered headdress and rode a pony across the
plains. Actually, Indians in different parts of what is now
the United States lived in different ways, depending on
their environment.

According to this paragraph, .

a) the Indians' surroundings affected their way of life

b) the Indians spend most of their time riding ponies
c) Indian ponies were plain so the Indians decorated them
with feathers
d) plains are now found in different parts of the United


92. The man asked, "Do you have any used tires for sale?"
The clerk said, "I'm sorry; we just sold the last one."

a) The store is out of them now.

b) The store has a lot of them now.
c) The clerk is selling the last one now.
d) The store doesn't carry used tires.

.93. The general is now, but he can see you tomorrow at


a) unavailable
b) free
c) unoccupied
d) present

94. My son wore his new tennis shoes.

a) with
b) up
c) for
d) out

95. Roberto is not the kind of man work.

a) had avoided
b) avoiding
c) to avoid
d) avoids

96. This is a sale to make room for new merchandise.

a) build
b) provide space
c) construct
d) end business


97. The teacher told the students to hand in their


a) prepare
b) submit
c) put away
d) hold

98. He makes a lot of money.

a) spends
b) earns
c) has
d) saves

99. Don't to the movies tonight.

a) going
b) went
c) go
d) to go

10 0. You should've slower.

a) driven
b) drive
c) drove
d) driving



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