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Intellectual Capital and social networks.

As mentioned earlier, knowledge is the new growth instrument of any organization. As a result,
these successful efforts recently rely on new innovative businesses ideas, efficient technology,
skilled and knowledgeable staff members as against the usual practice of relying on the
organizational equipment such as plants and heavy-duty machines. So far, many researchers have
recognized that wealth is not really responsible for creating value. Due to the awareness of the
strengths of the company, an integral part of the organization has focused on future intellectual
capacities. In this section, we shall explore the concept of the intellectual capital and the
fundamental principles and challenges associated with the measurement of intangible assets
(intellectual property). The document also explores the relationship between organizational
knowledge management and the administration of intellectual capacity.

Corporate control now suggests that corporations are not assets capable of absorbing the
saturation industry better than the world's unused reserves. The debate is not too important to
explain the difference between the book value and the market value of the company [ CITATION
Sta03 \l 1033 ].

It is also important to argue that the volume of intellectual property remains a challenge. Past
experience and market volatility have resulted in a decline in the value of share presentations,
which in turn has resulted in a decline in stock companies. Therefore, the importance of
measuring and reporting assets to major drivers is not yet transparent, it should be noted that
many investors are still wary of the possibility of inflation. Consequently, pressure on the
company is responsible for the performance of all values and the company must take into
account non-financial factors [ CITATION Sta03 \l 1033 ].

The key to understanding the concept of defining assets is to conceptualize and explore the
possible paths. In fact, one of the most important sources of the most qualified companies you
can think of is the unlimited number of things they think about intellectual asset management
[ CITATION And05 \l 1033 ]. From various points of view in the literature, there is a broad
definition that may exist as regards to intellectual capital. For example, from a nonaccounting
viewpoint, the "intellectual capital" describes "the difference between market value and the value
of a trade book" (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). Meanwhile, describing it from an accounting
point of view, the difference between the value and the value of a book's assets, which can be
described as "goodwill" (Ohlson 1995). The goodwill is occasionally referred to as “intangible
asset”. It is important to keep in mind that the difference between the market value and the book
value of a company has never been entirely explained by the difference between the market price
and the book. The internal or internal production of construction practices is generally accepted
in all countries only for the good intentions or the merits of an informed purchase and the
collapse of the old interest[ CITATION AcS70 \l 1033 ]. Above the argument. Suggest that "good
intentions" are not a property or intellectual property centre. It has been argued that the centre of
thought should be presented as a good intention because the term is too broad and
expressive[ CITATION Cho08 \l 1033 ].

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