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Windows 10 Logon Denied When a second user tries to login as “Other User”

I have faced a login denied error when I tried to login on a Windows 10 PC as

“Other User” And I had to restart the PC to login as “Other User” but this affects a user
logged on currently.

Affected System: Windows 10 version 1709 where Cisco AnyConnect is installed.

On this windows version, for some reason the Cisco AnyConnect keeps the session
of the logged on user.
Solution: Run regedit as administrator and change the “EnforceSingleLogon” key to
0. Below is the registry path.
ation\Credential Providers\{B12744B8-5BB7-463a-B85E-BB7627E73002}
 In the meantime, please enable Fast User Switching on your PCs where login
as “Other User” is not available. Follow the blow steps to enable Fast User
Switching using Registry Editor.
1. Run regedit as administrator go to the below registry path. Find
HideFastUserSwitching and change its Value data to 0.


2. If HideFastUserSwitching does not exist on that path, right click on the

“System” folder and select “New DWORD 32-bit value” Name this newly
created DWORD as HideFastUserSwitching. Double click on it and change its
Value to 0.

The below pictures show the above steps.

*As always, take care when working with Windows Registry Editor!

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