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Topic 1.


1. The essence of the concept of "Selfmanagement".

2. Concept of self-management.
3. The main purpose and functions of self-management.

1. The essence of the concept of " Self-management ".

Self-management is an art to manage themselves, their time, and their lives,

knowingly make a career through self-esteem, self-determination, self-development.
Self-management - is a unit of management (as well as strategic management ,
operations management , information management ).
Self-management is a new trend in modern management, established relatively
recently, but has been developing very rapidly.

The causes of self-management :

- First - a competition, increased scale and dynamism of change in business and

industry. This requires managers to develop new management skills, with the ability to
fight its own lag.
- Second, the growing threat of frequent stress because of the tension that occurs in
most organizations and companies. To get rid of them, a manager must be able to
govern themselves.
- Third, (and this is probably basic) creativity employee is being turned into the
most valuable assets of the organization. Therefore, the preservation and development
of this potential, including by employees, is one of the most important conditions for
the existence of a business career.

2. The theoretical concept of self management

Self-management - a consistent and purposeful use of effective methods, techniques

and technologies of self-realization and self-development of their creativity.
Concept of self-management is based on a particular idea around which is formed a
system of methods and techniques to work on an implementation of this idea.

1. Concept M.Vudkoka and D.Frensisa - the idea of overcoming their


According to the concept M.Vudkoka and D.Frensisa, Self-management -

a comprehensive way to test their own capabilities and limitations and find
real ways to develop personal and business skills .

 The ability to govern themselves; - Clear personal goals ;
- Intelligent personal values ;
- Constant improvement of  -Knowledge management
personal professional approaches ;
development ; - Ability to manage a team;
- The development of - Ability to train and develop
problem solving skills; subordinates;
- Creativity and ability to - The ability to create and
innovate; develop effective working
- The ability to influence the group.
people around them;

Limitations - the factors that constrain the potential and the results of the individual
manager or group (organization) as a whole.
In accordance is the following limitations:
- Inability to govern themselves ; - Inability to influence people ;
- Blurred personal values; - Lack of understanding of
- Obscure personal goal; managerial work;
- Stopped self ; - Weak leadership skills;
- Lack of skills to solve problems ; - Inability to teach;
- Lack of creativity ; - Low ability to form a team.

2. Concept by VA Andreev - the idea of self- creative personality.

According to the concept, VA Andreeva, SM - a psychological mechanism

of self- creative person , capable of continuous self-development and self-
realization in one or more types of professional activities.

It includes: - Self-improvement ;
- Self-knowledge; - Self-control ;
- Self-determination; - Self;
- Government;
The starting point for self- determination is a type of creative person, based on 18
characteristics of different types of creative people managers are shown on the slide.
Knowledge of their individual characteristics and abilities is very important because it
is, in fact, knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses.

3. Concept by S. A. Hrolenko - increasing the personal culture of business life.

A.T.Hrolenko concept based on the idea of culture business life.

According to this concept , Self-management - a workshop to improve their

business potential through increased business culture in its various aspects ,
- Cultural relationships between - Cultural business writing ;
people ; - The art of preparing reports and
- Art business conversation ; public speaking ;
- Organization of business meetings ; - Equipment personal work ;
- Lifestyle manager.
Develop professional capacity as a result of the individual to improve their business
skills provides the basis for service development.

4. Concept by Bärbel and Heinz Schwalbe - the idea of personal achievement of

business success.

According to the concept Bärbel and Heinz Schwalbe , Self-management - is to

achieve personal business success ( business career ) through self-knowledge
and self-improvement of their competencies .

5. Concept by Lothar Zayverta - an idea save your time.

There is another concept of self-management - Lothar Zayverta concept , which is

based on the idea of managing your time. This concept, is the most rational and
universal , because it contains the most important points of the other concepts, while
giving Zayvert waste and repeatedly tested methods of work on yourself, do not
require special testing and are suitable for use in daily practice.
Therefore, we are with you from concept study self-management by Zayverta .

According to the definition Zayverta , Self-management is a consistent and

purposeful use of proven methods in daily practice in order to best use and the
content of his time , that in essence is time management.

The authors offer practical advice on self-development of their competencies for

success, to organize their work in difficult market conditions.
Each of the considered conceptual approaches along with methods for their
implementation can be used for self-assessment and self- competencies to enhance
your business potential.
At the same time, these concepts have disadvantages:
- They are very labor-intensive , time-consuming ;
- The result of over a on the proposed recommendations depending on your
individual approach, because there is no universal method to use in their daily work

3. The main purpose and functions of self-management.

The main objective of self-management are:

- Make the most of their opportunities;
- Consciously control their lives (self-determine );
- To overcome the external circumstances both at work and in personal life.
Advantages of self-management :
- Performance at lower cost ;
- The best results of activities;
- Better organization of work;
- Less haste and stress ;
- Greater job satisfaction ;
- High motivation ;
- Increase training;
- Less busy work;
- Less errors;
- Achieve professional and personal goals shortest path .

The main advantage of the concept of management by Zayverta is the rational use
and saving of scarce personal and important resource - their own time.

The functions of self-management

Self-management features (in concept Zayverta can be displayed graphically as a sort

of "circle rules." Using these functions can be solved many problems and issues

In the outer circle indicated the following 5 functions:

1) Setting Goals - Analysis of formulating personal goals.
2) Plan - Develop alternative plans and their activities.
3) Decision-making - On the task being performed.
4) Implementing organization of the manager - Scheduling personal work.
5) Control - Self-control and monitoring results. If necessary - correction purposes.
6 ) Information and communication - it is located in the inner circle. Around it, like,
rotate all other functions , so that the search and exchange of information carried out at
all stages of the process of self-management.

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