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➢ It is very important to carry herself properly, correctly though simply.

➢ It is often said that the first impression is almost always a lasting one.

➢ While it is true that one should not judge a book by its cover, a proper appearance may serve as influencing
factor of what others do think about you.


➢ Refers to the total person

➢ It is the expression of what you are and what you do.

➢ It is the core of each individual, the product of all responses that are expressed in everyday living: the home,
school, clinic, hospital.

➢ Spheres/aspects of personality: physical, mental, emotional, social, financial and spiritual

Importance of Pleasing Personality:

➢ It commands respect

➢ It wins appreciation, admiration, and recognition

➢ It conveys hospitality in one’s feelings of willingness to be a friend and to be of service

➢ It is an asset to get a good position

➢ It contributes a pleasant atmosphere to the place

➢ It is an asset to a successful daily living of undertaking

Factors which contribute to a pleasing personality:

a. The face must not have a frowning expression

b. A smiling face always finds a warm welcome

c. Can also express sympathy and anger when the occasion calls for it.

d. The make-up must be a as natural as much as possible

e. The expression of showing romantic affection through the eyes is not always to the liking of people who can see it.
It must therefore be directed only to the person concern

f. The face and the eyes must be trained to disguise personal worries and problems. It must therefore be shown in
the right places and to the right people.

g. The expression of the face and the eyes is a menace to the person doing it and not to the person for whom it is


➢ Daily appearance, down to the last detail reveals to others at a glance. Being clean ,neat and smart will be
more employable and more promotable.

➢ Personal cleanliness includes care of the skin, hands, and hair, application of make - up, and clean clothes
are essentials of good grooming.

➢ The uniform has served as s dress code among health workers, students in schools, colleges, universities,
employees in offices and institutions. The uniform easily identifies the discipline of the wearer: a midwifery
student, a soldier, a doctor, nurse, or government employee.

➢ Be neat and clean from your hairdo down to the shoes you wear. The shoes should be properly shined.

➢ The cut of the uniform should allow freedom of movement for the one wearing it.

➢ Missing buttons should be replaced, not secured by pins

➢ A short hairstyle allows better movement for the person. In case the hair is long, This should be secured or
pinned properly

➢ When in uniform, jewelries are allowed : class ring, or wedding ring

➢ When the midwife carries her uniform neatly, properly, and with dignity, she gains the respect,
trust,confidence and admiration of those she works with and those she serves.

4. HEALTH - a plus factor in the midwife’s attainment of her personal and professional success is good health.

Basic Elements:

➢ A simple but balanced diet

➢ Exercise

➢ Proper elimination, enough sleep

➢ Cleanliness includes: face, neck, hands, eyes, nose, mouth, brushing of teeth, shampooing of hair, cleaning of

➢ A midwife’s health is her most important asset. However skilled she is professionally, she can not attain her
highest success if she is not in the best of health


➢ There is so much power, attraction, motivation and concern in the voice of a midwife that can spell the kind
of attitude, trust and confidence

➢ The patient can be inspired:

➢ a. The voice must convey sincerity, appreciation , love and care, sympathy, and interest,as the case may be;

➢ b. It must be firm but not insulting any or hurting one’s feeling

c. It must always assume a humble tone and the vocal expression must not lead to mistakes

d. The voice speaks of a well-bred person

e. The tone of her voice greatly influences the positive acceptance and the reaction of the patient to her

f. The midwife should be able to discipline her voice, which a mark of self-respect

g. The volume of the voice should be regulated especially in situations where the patient is ill or suffering

➢ is the dignity in bearing or carrying self

➢ Sy says that poise of soul comes from careful thinking from meditation on the great principles which affect
personal life.

➢ The following contributes to good poise

➢ a. Correct posture adds to your appearance and confidence.

b. Poor sitting postures are not only unattractive, but they may produce bodily aches and pains. Crossing the feet is
the most comfortable, the easiest to assume and keep and the most attractive to the observer.

c. In rising, push forward to the front of the chair, move one foot slightly back under the edge of the chair. Raise your
body by using the strength in your legs rather trying to pull yourself up by your shoulders.


➢ According to Funk and Wagnalls, conduct is one’s course of action or behavior, or the way an individual acts.

➢ Professional conduct in public should bring credit to you as a person, as a student or a professional

➢ Any behavior that causes to become unnecessarily or detracts from your good name can be cause for


➢ Refers to polite, well-bred behavior, according to Funk and Wagnalls.

➢ Good manners are always important in all contacts of life.

➢ Genuine concern for another person is so vital to good manners that it is better to be kind than to be

➢ Manners are the heart of courteous behavior.

➢ Manners and common sense

➢ Manners in the Family

➢ Manners in the public

➢ Manners in entering the Room

➢ Table manners:

➢ * never rush to your place at the table

➢ * open your napkin partly and lay it across your lap

➢ *the silverware needed for the food served will be arranged from the outside

* use common sense to decide which foods may be eaten with your fingers

* Never overfill your plate with food

* Don’t talk when the mouth is full

* The meal begins when everyone has been seated and the host begins to eat

* when the meal is finished, place your napkin beside your plate, do not refold it.

* Courtesy prescribes that no one should leave the table until everyone has finished.

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