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Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Boardworks AS Biology
Biological Molecules:
Water and Carbohydrates
30 slides
13 Flash activities

• Structure of water and hydrogen bonding
Sequence of events illustrating why water is a good solvent using the example of water
dissolving sodium chloride
Guide to the properties and biological roles of water

• Overview of carbohydrates
• Hexose monosaccharides: alpha and beta glucose, fructose, galactose

• Pentose monosaccharides: ribose and deoxyribose

Animation showing the formation of a glycosidic bond between two monosaccharides
• Disaccharides: maltose, sucrose and lactose
Virtual experiment investigating Benedict's test for reducing sugars
Completing sentences about mono- and disaccharides

Animation showing the formation of amylose and amylopectin from alpha glucose,
including the formation of 1–4 and 1–6 glycosidic bonds
• Properties and biological roles of starch
Virtual experiment investigating the iodine test for starch
Animation showing the formation of cellulose from beta glucose
• Glycogen
Identifying true-or-false statements about polysaccharides

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Identifying carbohydrates from their structure
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 1/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Biological Molecules:
Proteins and Lipids
29 slides
16 Flash activities

• Overview of proteins
• General structure of amino acids
Guide to the structure of the 20 naturally-occurring amino acids
Animation showing the formation of a peptide bond between two amino acids
Identifying parts of a dipeptide
Animation showing the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of a protein
Identifying the different levels of structure of a protein
• Types of bond in a protein
• Fibrous and globular proteins

Virtual experiment investigating the Biuret test for proteins

Identifying true-or-false statements about proteins

• Overview of lipids
Animation showing the structure of triglycerides
Guide to saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, including the difference between cis and
trans fatty acids
• Biological roles of lipids
Animation showing the structure of phospholipids
Virtual experiment investigating the emulsion test for proteins
Identifying parts of lipids

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Investigation to identify mystery substances using biological tests
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 2/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Nucleic Acids and

the Genetic Code
36 slides
19 Flash activities

Nucleotides and nucleic acids

• Overview of nucleotides and bases
Identifying bases from their structure
Matching bases to their complementary pairs in DNA and RNA
Animation showing how nucleotides are formed
Animation showing how polynucleotides are formed
Guide to the structure of DNA
Animated zoom illustrating how DNA is packaged to form chromosomes

DNA replication

Overview of the three theoretical mechanisms by which DNA could replicate

Virtual experiment investigating how Meselson and Stahl determined that DNA replicated
by a semi-conservative method
Animation showing the mechanism of DNA replication
Matching enzymes involved in DNA replication to their roles
Completing sentences about DNA replication
Animations showing three ways in which gene mutations can occur during DNA

The genetic code

Timeline of major milestones in the discovery of the genetic code
• The triplet, degenerate and non-overlapping nature of the genetic code
• mRNA, transcription and codons
Guide to the genetic code
• tRNA and its role in translation
Ordering the stages of protein synthesis
Identifying the codons, anti-codons and amino acids coded for by a DNA sequence

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 3/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

34 slides
18 Flash activities

Enzyme action
• Overview of enzymes, their structure and specificity
Guide to the six major classes of enzymes
Animated graph illustrating how enzymes increase the rate of reaction by lowering the
activation energy
Animation showing the lock-and-key model of enzyme action
Animation showing the induced fit model of enzyme action
• Enzyme cofactors
Identifying true-or-false statements about enzymes

Factors affecting enzymes

Animated graph illustrating how to calculate the initial rate of an enzyme-catalyzed

Animated graph illustrating the effect of temperature on enzyme-catalyzed reactions
Animated graph illustrating the effect of pH on enzyme-catalyzed reactions
Virtual experiment and multiple-choice activity investigating the effect of substrate
concentration on an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
Animated graph illustrating the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme-catalyzed
Animated graph illustrating the effect of enzyme concentration on enzyme-catalyzed
Completing sentences about factors affecting the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions

Enzyme inhibitors
• Overview of enzyme inhibitors
Animations showing the mechanisms of action of competitive and non-competitive
enzyme inhibitors
Animated graph illustrating the effect of enzyme inhibitors on enzyme-catalyzed reactions
• Uses of enzyme inhibitors
Identifying molecules that interact with enzymes and the sites to which they bind

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 4/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Cell Membranes
34 slides
11 Flash activities

The fluid mosaic model

• Overview of membranes
Timeline of major milestones in the discovery of the structure of cell membranes
• Evidence for and against the Davson–Danielli model of cell membranes
• Evidence for the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes
Animated diagram of the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes
Identifying true-or-false statements about models of cell membranes

Components of cell membranes

Labelling components of cell membranes
• Role of phospholipids and cholesterol in cell membranes
• Overview of integral and peripheral membrane proteins
Matching components of cell membranes to their role

Guide to factors affecting the fluidity of cell membranes

Completing sentences about cell membranes

Receptors and cell signalling

• Overview of cell signalling and transmembrane receptors
Animations showing the mechanisms of action of ligand-gated ion channels and
G protein-coupled receptors

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 5/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Transport Across
33 slides
17 Flash activities

• Overview of diffusion and Fick’s law
Simulation investigating the effect of surface area, membrane thickness and
concentration gradient on the rate of diffusion
• Effect of molecule size and polarity on the rate of diffusion
Animation showing facilitated diffusion
Completing sentences about diffusion

• Overview of osmosis and water potential
Animation showing the movement of water molecules during osmosis
• Solute and pressure potential

Calculations involving water, solute and pressure potential

Simulation investigating the effect of changing water potential on a plant cell
Simulation investigating the effect of changing water potential on an animal cell
Virtual experiment and multiple-choice activity to determine the water potential of potato
Identifying true-or-false statements about osmosis
Identifying factors that cause a net gain or net loss of water during osmosis

Active and bulk transport

• Overview and importance of active transport
Animation showing active transport
• Overview of bulk transport
Animations showing phagocytosis, pinocytosis and receptor-mediated phagocytosis
Animation showing exocytosis

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Identifying the main features of diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and active
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 6/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Cell Structure
37 slides
16 Flash activities

The building blocks of life

• Overview of cells
Timeline of major milestones in the discovery of the cell
• Overview of the cell membrane and cytoplasm

Eukaryotic cells
• Overview of eukaryotic cells
Animation showing organelles involved in protein synthesis
• Overview of mitochondria
Guide to microtubules and the cytoskeleton
Identifying organelles of an animal cell from their functions
• Overview of plant cells
• Chloroplasts, vacuoles and the cell wall

Matching organelles to their functions

Prokaryotic cells
• Overview of prokaryotic cells
Guide to the common features of prokaryotic cells
• Capsules, flagella, pili and plasmids
Labelling structures of a bacterium

Studying cells
Animated zoom illustrating the size of biological structures, the limits of the human eye,
optical microscopy and electron microscopy
• Optical microscopes, magnification and resolution
Virtual microscope with calculations involving image size, magnification and actual size
Guide to transmission and scanning electron microscopes
Virtual experiments investigating differential and density gradient centrifugation
Identifying features of optical and electron microscopy

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Identifying differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 7/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Cell Division
32 slides
18 Flash activities

The cell cycle

• Overview of cell division
Animation showing the main phases of the cell cycle
Identifying phases of the cell cycle

• Overview of mitosis
Animation showing mitosis
Matching the stages of mitosis to their definitions and illustrations
Guide to how mitosis fits into the cell cycle
Identifying stages of mitosis from a micrograph

Cell differentiation

• Overview of specialized cells

Animated zoom illustrating the relationships between animal cells, tissues, organs, organ
systems and organisms
Animation showing the different potencies of stem cells
• Overview of rest phase
Animated zoom illustrating the relationships between plant cells, tissues, organs, organ
systems and organisms
Completing sentences about cell differentiation

• Chromosomes and gametes
• Meiosis and genetic variation
Animation showing meiosis
Identifying true-or-false statements about meiosis
Identifying the arrangement of chromosomes through the stages of meiosis
Guide to the major types of chromosome mutation

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Identifying the main features of mitosis and meiosis
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 8/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

38 slides
21 Flash activities

Primary defences
Guide to physical barriers to infection
Guide to the major components of the immune response
Case study of an immunologist

Non-specific immune response

• Overview of components of the non-specific/innate immune response
Animation showing inflammation and phagocytosis
Identifying true-or-false statements about non-specific immunity

Specific immune response

• Overview of components of the specific/adaptive immune response
Guide to the major types of lymphocytes

Animation showing the cellular immune response

Animation showing the humoral immune response
Animations showing how antibodies inactivate pathogens by neutralization and
Animated graph illustrating the primary and secondary immune response
Guide to the structure of an antibody molecule
• Uses and production of monoclonal antibodies
Matching lymphocytes to their roles in the immune response
Identifying factors associated with cellular and humoral immune responses
Labelling components of an antibody molecule

Artificial immunity
Guide to the ways in which immunity can be acquired
• Vaccination and antigenic variation
• The MMR controversy
Guide to interpreting scientific papers, with a focus on Dr Andrew Wakefield’s paper on
MMR and autism
Voting activity about the MMR controversy
Completing sentences about vaccination

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 9/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Infectious Diseases
45 slides
20 Flash activities

Pathogens and disease

Animated graph illustrating the major causes of death worldwide by infectious diseases
Quiz about the major types of pathogen: bacteria, viruses and fungi
Guide to the major forms of disease transmission
• Factors affecting the spread of disease
Guide to incidence, prevalence and mortality, with a focus on HIV and tuberculosis
Case study of an infectious diseases specialist


• Overview of HIV and AIDS
Animation showing how HIV replicates in host cells

Animated graph illustrating lymphocyte count and HIV load during HIV infection
Ordering the stages of HIV infection
Animated graph showing the major routes of HIV transmission in the UK
Completing sentences about HIV and AIDS

• Overview of malaria and parasitism
Animation showing the life cycle of the malarial parasite
• Control and distribution of malaria
Map illustrating how malaria may spread as a result of climate change
Ordering the stages in the life cycle of the malarial parasite

• Overview of tuberculosis infection and symptoms
Animated graph illustrating the correlation between poverty and tuberculosis
Identifying true-or-false statements about tuberculosis

Virtual experiment investigating the effectiveness of different antibiotics
• Antibiotic resistance and MRSA

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Quiz about HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 10/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Lifestyle and Disease

52 slides
20 Flash activities

Diseases and risks

• Overview of diseases and how they can be classified
Animated graph illustrating the major causes of death in the UK
• Risk factors, and perceived vs. actual risk
Voting activity on the impact of lifestyle on health

Cardiovascular disease
Animated graph illustrating the major types of cardiovascular disease and their
contribution to the number of worldwide deaths
• Overview of coronary heart disease
Animated graph illustrating the trend in the number of deaths in the UK caused by

cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke

Animated graph illustrating the effect of gender and age on the risk of death by coronary
heart disease and stroke
Case study of a cardiologist
Animation showing the process of atherosclerosis
• Risk factors for coronary heart disease
Graphs illustrating deaths by coronary heart disease and the incidence of high blood
pressure in selected European countries
• Effect of cholesterol and smoking on the risk of coronary heart disease
• Overview of heart attacks and angina
Guide to the methods of diagnosing coronary heart disease
Ordering the stages of development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
Identifying whether factors are associated with a higher or lower risk of coronary heart
Guide to medication used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease
• Overview of surgery for coronary heart disease
Animation showing coronary/balloon angioplasty

May 2008 11/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Lung disease
• Overview of COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema
• The role of spirometry in diagnosing COPD
Guide to the interpretation of flow–volume and volume–time spirometry graphs, with a
focus on diagnosing COPD
• Overview of treatment of COPD
• Overview of lung cancer
Graphs illustrating the incidence, mortality and survival rates of different types of cancer
in males and females in the UK/England
Graph illustrating the correlation between smoking and lung cancer
• Epidemiological evidence for the link between smoking, lung cancer and reduced life
Matching types of respiratory disease to their major symptoms

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 12/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Transport in Plants
26 slides
14 Flash activities

Transport systems
Guide to components of plant transport systems, including xylem and phloem
Identifying structures of plant transport systems from micrographs and line drawings
Labelling structures of plant transport systems
Matching components of plant transport systems to their roles

Transpiration and water transport

• Overview of transpiration and water potential
Virtual experiment investigating factors that affect the rate of transpiration
Completing sentences about factors that affect the rate of transpiration
Animation showing the mechanisms of transpiration

Guide to the adaptations of xerophytes

Ordering stages in the process of transpiration

• Overview of translocation and the pressure flow hypothesis
Animation showing the mechanism of translocation
Completing sentences about translocation

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 13/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Gas Exchange
28 slides
13 Flash activities

The lungs
Animated zoom illustrating the structure of the lungs, from the trachea to the alveoli
Animation showing gas exchange in the alveoli
• Functions of lung surfactant, ciliated epithelium and goblet cells
Identifying structures of the lungs from micrographs and line drawings

Animation showing the mechanism of ventilation
• Composition of inhaled and exhaled air
Guide to spirometry and lung capacity
Matching spirometric terms to their definitions

Oxygen transport
• Overview of haemoglobin and partial pressures
Animated graph illustrating the oxygen dissociation curve
Animated graph illustrating the effects of pH (Bohr shift) and temperature on oxygen
• Foetal haemoglobin and myoglobin
Completing sentences about oxygen transport

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Labelling structures of the lungs
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 14/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

The Heart
24 slides
13 Flash activities

Structure of the heart

• Overview of the human heart and cardiac muscle
Guide to the internal and external structure of the human heart
Labelling the chambers, valves and major blood vessels of the human heart
Identifying the direction of blood flow through the chambers and major blood vessels of
the heart

The cardiac cycle

Animation showing the cardiac cycle in terms of systole, diastole and blood flow
Interactive cardiac cycle, including animated graph illustrating pressure changes in the
ventricles, atria and aorta
• Cardiac output

• Electrical conduction system of the heart

Animation showing the heart’s electrical activity during the cardiac cycle
Interactive cardiac cycle showing electrical activity, including animated ECG trace
Ordering stages of the cardiac cycle
• Overview of ECGs and their role in diagnosing heart abnormalities
Guide to sections of an ECG trace
Guide to normal and abnormal ECG traces

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 15/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

Circulation and Blood

33 slides
16 Flash activities

Circulatory systems
• Importance of body size and surface area-to-volume ratio in the transport of substances
Investigation into the relationship between surface area and volume
• Open and closed circulatory systems
Animated guide to single and double circulatory systems
Guide to the major vessels of the mammalian circulatory system
Identifying true-or-false statements about circulatory systems

Blood vessels
• Guide to the structure and function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins
Identifying the structure of artery and vein walls from micrographs and line drawings

Animation showing blood flow in veins, including the role of valves and skeletal muscle
How the circulatory system maintains high blood pressure
Identifying the major features of arteries, veins and capillaries

Blood, tissue fluid and lymph

Guide to the composition of blood
• Features of erythrocytes
Animation showing blood clotting
Identifying substances involved in blood clotting
• Overview of plasma proteins and tissue fluid
Guide to the formation of tissue fluid
• Lymph and the lymphatic system
Matching body fluids to their composition

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 16/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

29 slides
12 Flash activities

• Overview of classification
Classifying organisms according to basic similarities
Timeline of major classification systems
Guide to the taxonomic hierarchy
• Major characteristics of the Kingdoms Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista and Monera
Ordering the eight major taxonomic ranks

• Overview of phylogeny
Ordering primates according to their relatedness to humans

Guide to molecular systematics

Identifying true-or-false statements about phylogeny

What is a species?
• Biological and phylogenetic species concepts
• Binomial naming
Identifying cat species using a dichotomous key
Completing sentences about species

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 17/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

39 slides
12 Flash activities

Introducing biodiversity
Interactive biodiversity scene
• Overview of the main types of biodiversity
• Overview of species, habits and endemism
Completing sentences about species

The importance of biodiversity

Guide to biodiversity hotspots
• High and low biodiversity
• Loss of biodiversity and the dangers of monoculture
Identifying areas as having high or low biodiversity

Measuring biodiversity
• Importance of measuring biodiversity
• Species richness and species evenness
• Simpson’s Index of Diversity
Guide to calculating Simpson’s Index of Diversity
Calculations involving Simpson’s Index of Diversity
Matching terms relating to species diversity to their definitions
Guide to different methods of obtaining biodiversity data
Animation showing how quadrats can be used in random sampling
• The use of line and belt transects in sampling

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 18/19

Boardworks AS Biology Contents Guide

37 slides
12 Flash activities

Threats to biodiversity
• Overview of conservation
• Impact of rising human population on biodiversity
• Mass extinctions
Guide to categories of conservation status
Identifying true-or-false statements about conservation

Reasons for conservation

Voting activity on the most important reasons for conservation
• Conservation for ethical and aesthetic reasons
• Conservation for economic and practical reasons

Simulation of the effect of conservation on tourism

• Conservation for ecological reasons
Matching statements to the reason for conservation

Mechanisms of conservation
• Overview of the strategies of conservation
• In situ conservation and coppicing
• Ex situ conservation
• Zoos and captive breeding programmes
Voting activity on whether zoos should only contain threatened animals
• Botanic gardens and seed banks
Identifying examples of in situ and ex situ conservation
Timeline of major global and UK conservation legislation
Case study of an ecologist

Summary activities
Glossary of keywords in the presentation
Identifying the correct spelling and definition of selected keywords in the presentation
Multiple-choice quiz

May 2008 19/19

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