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simple spending plan is an easy way to budget that helps you save money,
get out of debt, pay your bills on time, and still allows you the freedom to
spend money on things you value – within reason of course.

Recently, a funny thing happened to me. I was in the doctor’s office waiting for
my physical and I picked up an issue of Money Magazine and randomly
turned to a page that actually recommended the same thing: stop budgeting!

As a way to reduce financial stress, the piece recommended to ease off

budgeting, saying:

“Money (or its lack) is the nation’s most common source of stress, reports the
American Psychological Association. Making a detailed budget — a widely
advised fix — only makes things worse, says Cleveland financial planner
Kenneth Robinson, based on a decade of work with clients; the problem is
that people hate to think about where they’ll need to cut back.”

In other words, when money is tight, focusing on that fact day in and day out
doesn’t do you much good. And the magazine’s fix for the problem is the
same as mine: a simple spending plan.

You can set up and automatically track your simple spending plan
with PocketSmith’s customizable budgeting tools. See our
full PocketSmith review.

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