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Alpino, John Harvey P.

February 08, 2021

LM2A – ZGE 1101 Mr. Denver B. Dumo

M2: Learning Activity 1 (Art Analysis)

“Ladder through success”


Colors – On the top part, we can see a bright yellow and dandelion mixture on the
background, we can see rainbow blended colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo
and violet), grayish part on the middle, brown and black mixture for the ladder, and green
and yellow for the bottom part. In short, my artwork is combination of colors from primary
to tertiary colors.
Lines – We can see horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvy, zigzag lines and I added up some
abstract lines.
Shapes – We can see geometric shapes like inverted pyramid, triangle, rectangle, and
Texture – (additional element) the art is a bit rough because of clotting of some oil pastels
in the velum board.

People: Student
Things: Ladder, buildings, technology, road, lowland and floating island.
Event: Climbing


My artwork as a whole shows happiness and motivation based on the vibrant colors and
manner of the art itself (student climbing on another island).


Lowland – it represents the place where we started before getting a proper education.
Ladder – it shows the process or the path we are taking when we are studying and
Student – means our persona
Climbing – shows our perseverance in life.
Floating Island – means a new and better environment to fit in when we become educated.
Road – it means that there’s still a long and further journey for the humans to travel through
after graduation.
Technology and buildings– serves as a new opportunity for us if we became professionals.

In general, my artwork illustrates that education has the role on bringing ourselves to
success. Thus, if we accept and be contented on our state of being in the present we will not grow
and discover a real paradise that awaits us. Hence, life is a never ending journey; we should pack
ourselves with knowledge and experience and we should always encourage every youth and
fellow men that the education has the vital part on bringing peace to the world and opening up
better opportunities in life.

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