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19 Bird Damage to Rice in Africa:

Evidence and Control

Yann de Mey1 and Matty Demont2*

Hasselt University, Centre for Environmental Sciences,
Diepenbeek, Belgium; 2Africa Rice Center, Saint-Louis, Senegal

Introduction FAO, 1991). The most serious pest birds are

gregarious and migratory, such as Red-billed
Rice, one of the most important cereal crops Quelea, but locally other types such as water
worldwide, has the potential to play a significant birds (e.g. ducks and geese) can also be of
role in achieving global food security. However, importance. Rice crops are vulnerable to bird
several biotic and abiotic stresses seriously jeop- attacks at early crop establishment stages
ardize this potential. According to Oerke (2005), (mostly by water birds) and highly susceptible
some 15% of global rice production is lost to ani- from the milky stage up to maturation (exclu-
mal pests (arthropods, nematodes, rodents, sively by land birds). Most damage occurs dur-
birds, slugs and snails). The Global Rice Science ing the dry season; in the rainy season there is
Partnership (GRiSP) identifies birds as the sec- usually an abundance of seeds from wild
ond most important biotic constraint in African grasses available as alternative food sources
rice production after weeds, based on farmer (Ruelle and Bruggers, 1982).
surveys in 20 African countries (IRRI et al., Aside from physical yield losses – which are
2010). Despite current control practices, birds the main focus of this chapter – other problems
cause substantial losses to the African rice sec- caused by pest birds include extensive labour
tor. Diagne et al. (chapter 32, this volume) pro- requirements for bird scaring, the associated use
vide an ex-ante assessment of the benefits of rice of child labour, possible health or environmental
research. They indicate discounted cumulative hazards resulting from the use of chemical poi-
benefits of $254.0 million for research aimed at sons, and the discouragement of farmers from
reducing yield loss to birds and rodents, and dry-season rice cultivation.
$4.271 billion for total benefit derived from the Although the adverse impact of birds on
research agenda – thus, the contribution of rice has received much international attention
research on reducing losses to birds and rodents in the past and is still generally recognized, little
comprises 5.95% of the total benefit of the research on bird damage or control is currently
whole research agenda. conducted. Given the increasing importance of
Rice is mainly affected by birds in the humid bird damage in some regions such as the Sahel
zone and, to various degrees, in the Sahel and (de Mey, 2009), this chapter reviews the availa-
Sudanian savannah zones (Manikowski, 1984; ble evidence of bird damage to rice in Africa, the

* Corresponding author:

© CAB International 2013. Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise

240 (eds M.C. Wopereis et al.)

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Bird Damage to Rice 241

bird species involved, and the measures com- may play only an incidental role (birds prefer wild
monly used to control them. seeds, see below). Great variability exists in the
occurrence and extent of the crop damage due to
birds that farmers experience (in both space and
Pest Bird Species Injurious time) due to many biological, environmental and
to Cereal Crops in Africa management factors (described below).
Fields close to breeding or roosting sites are
most susceptible to damage from birds (FAO,
On a global scale, only a handful of birds are
1991). The presence of trees, bushes or reeds in
serious pests of cereal crops. Birds can become
the vicinity of the field increases vulnerability
serious pests when large flocks migrate season-
because these provide birds with perches and nest-
ally and concentrate in large populations. In a
ing sites. Fields close to water sources (e.g. rivers or
review of literature, Manikowski (1984) lists 36
large irrigation canals) are more frequently dam-
bird species as ‘known to cause damage’ among
aged by birds because – as a supply of drinking
the approximately 1390 bird species in West
water – they attract birds (Manikowski, 1984) and
Africa (van Perlo, 2002). The seven most impor-
provide habitats for water birds such as geese that
tant species are Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus
are potentially harmful to rice. These factors in the
gambensis), Knob-billed Goose (Sarkidiornis mel-
immediate surroundings of rice fields vary spa-
anotos), Village Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus),
tially, which makes bird damage a region-dependent
Black-headed Weaver (Ploceus melanocephalus),
problem with some regions having serious bird
Red-billed Quelea (Quelea quelea), Red-headed
problems, while others experience almost no bird
Quelea (Q. erythrops) and Golden Sparrow
attacks at all. Furthermore, as birds are migratory
(Passer luteus). More background information on
the problem needs to be managed cooperatively
granivorous pest birds in sub-Saharan Africa
between neighbouring countries.
(their identification, biology and feeding habits)
Field size influences bird damage. Large
is provided by Allen (1997).
fields have longer borders (in absolute terms)
Red-billed Quelea is one of the most notori-
which are the zones preferentially attacked by
ous pest bird species in the world, injurious to
birds. Moreover, a large field requires a large
various cereal crops such as rice, millet, sorghum
labour force for bird scaring, which is particu-
and wheat (FAO, 1991). It occurs throughout
larly challenging to assemble during peak peri-
sub-Saharan Africa. It gathers in flocks of several
ods (Manikowski and Da Camara-Smeets, 1979).
million birds and breeds in colonies that can
The timing of farming operations during
cover more than 100 hectares (with about
the season is a crucial factor that can influence
30,000 nests per hectare). It is considered the
the incidence of bird damage. Sowing too late
most numerous bird worldwide with population
during the wet season predisposes the crop to
numbers totalling about 1.5 billion at the end of
damage by migrating birds from Europe arriving
the breeding season (Elliott, 1989). Red-billed
at the time when the crop matures (Tréca, 1985).
Quelea has been studied extensively and there
Therefore, synchronized cropping among farm-
are many publications describing its pest status
ers may dilute bird-inflicted losses to some extent.
and control strategies in African agriculture (see
Damage is expected to be higher during the dry
Oschadleus, 2001).
season than during the wet season due to the
lack of available wild seeds (Ruelle and Bruggers,
1982). Damage also differs with respect to the
growth stage of the rice crop (Tréca, 1977). Rice
Evidence of Bird Damage is susceptible to bird damage at the early crop
to Rice in Africa establishment stages (see discussion below), but
subsequently invulnerable during the vegetative
Factors influencing bird damage and booting stages. Throughout maturation
(milk to hard-dough stages) the rice crop is highly
Birds differ in nature to many other pests of rice susceptible to bird damage (Ruelle and Bruggers,
in that they can migrate over long distances and 1982). Postharvest losses can also occur during
have a flexible diet in which agricultural crops drying, storage or trading because at these stages

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242 Y. de Mey and M. Demont

the rice grains are frequently left exposed in the zones with plant densities much lower than in
open. This is particularly true during drying, the immediate vicinity and can cause substan-
which is carried out by simply laying the rice tial damage to the surrounding rice plants
grains on a sheet in the sun. (Tréca, 1977). The choice of rice variety also
The effectiveness of weed control in a field affects damage as birds have a preference for
and on the banks of irrigation canals plays an particular varieties and will completely ignore
indirect role in bird damage as weedy fields others (e.g. awned varieties) if sufficient alterna-
attract birds. The bulk of the diet of Red-billed tive food sources are available. Varieties with
Quelea does not consist of cultivated cereals; weak stems are also more susceptible to mechan-
they prefer smaller seeds of various wild grasses ical damage if they cannot support the birds’
(Ward, 1965). This implies that if these wild weight (FAO, 1991).
grasses are widely available in or near a farmer’s As mentioned above, birds prefer seeds of
fields, bird flocks will be attracted to that area wild grass species. As soon as these natural
and occasionally feed on the cereal crops. This grain stocks start to decline at the end of the
way, the birds become familiar with the region rainy season, Red-billed Queleas gather in inun-
and will return for feeding purposes. A study on dation zones where wild seed production is
wheat showed that weedy patches in fields are greatest. Once these natural reserves of grains
clearly associated with greater bird damage are exhausted and at the onset of the next rains
(Luder, 1985) and several studies on rice cite the (which cause the remaining seeds to start gemi-
same interaction between weeds and birds nating – hence making them unavailable as a
(e.g. Bruggers, 1979; Tréca, 1985; FAO, 1991). food source) the pest birds are threatened with
A survey in the Senegal River valley revealed that starvation. This forces the birds into a nomadic
almost 80% of rice farmers were aware of the migration to areas where the rains came earlier
interaction between weeds and birds, and 57% and where fresh crop and weed seeds are availa-
plan their weeding efforts in relation to bird pres- ble in abundance. These huge flocks of birds are
sure (de Mey, 2009). This is confirmed by a field feared by farmers because they consist of large
trial conducted by Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), numbers of starving birds which see rice fields as
which concludes that weed control reduces bird oases of food abundance in an otherwise food-
damage in irrigated rice (Rodenburg et al., 2010). scarce landscape (Ward, 1971; Jones, 1989).
Weeds infesting rice fields attract granivorous Given the unpredictable nature of rainfall pat-
birds, which leads to increased crop losses due to terns, Red-billed Quelea movement patterns are
the effects of weed competition being com- difficult to predict. General trends show, how-
pounded by the losses to birds. ever, that damage tends to be less severe in years
Bird damage is also affected by the crop of high rainfall, which probably relates to the
establishment method (Tréca, 1977). In the case availability of seeds of wild species as explained
of direct seeding, seeds are highly vulnerable to above (Bruggers, 1980). Life cycle is another
bird attack when they are sown straight on to biological factor, as, for example, young Red-
the soil. A common practice, however, is to cover billed Queleas will inflict damage in the immedi-
seeds with soil to protect them. Young, emerging ate vicinity of the roosts, whereas mature
seedlings are still vulnerable to birds; however, individuals will fly out and cause damage fur-
damage at this stage is rare during the rainy sea- ther away. Feeding behaviour of different bird
son when most granivorous migratory birds species varies with time of the day and the matu-
have flown to Europe and Asia (Tréca, 1977). ration stage of the rice crop (Bruggers, 1979).
On the other hand, if farmers transplant rice, The presence of some (grain-eating) birds in a
the vulnerability of freshly sown rice seeds in the field can also attract others (FAO, 2001).
nursery bed to bird attacks can be greatly
reduced by protecting the nurseries with nets.
Planting density in the field is also an important
factor. Uneven crop plant densities can result Review of the available evidence
from improper sowing or planting, a badly lev-
elled field or other factors leading to heterogene- Birds cause visual damage patterns to the rice
ous field conditions. Water birds are attracted to crop such as: (i) direct damage when seeds or

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Bird Damage to Rice 243

grains are eaten by birds; and (ii) indirect millet in the Sahel zone (25%) and rice in the
(mechanical) damage that occurs when a flock humid zone (19%). No more recent overviews are
of birds is active in a rice field, resulting in grains available. Table 19.1 provides a non-exhaustive
that fall to the ground (Tréca, 1987). Both are literature overview and shows that bird damage is
important and should be taken into account an important loss factor for cereal crop produc-
when assessing bird damage. tion in Africa. Table 19.1 suggests that bird dam-
There are many direct and indirect tech- age on cereal crops is on average about 15–20% of
niques to assess crop losses due to birds. Direct production, but considerable spatial and temporal
measures include field sampling and visual esti- variability exists. Much research on bird damage
mation techniques. The former is based on the on cereal crops was carried out by international
counting or weighing of a representative sample research organizations prior to the 1980s, e.g. the
of rice panicles (e.g. Bruggers and Ruelle, 1981), FAO/UNDP Quelea Project (Jackson, 1973), but
while the latter comprises experienced observers subsequently few studies have been conducted.
estimating losses by visual inspection of a field Furthermore, much material is only available in
(e.g. Tracey and Saunders, 2010). Frequently, internal documents or unpublished research
sampling techniques are also used to calibrate reports; recent, peer-reviewed damage estimates
visual assessments. Due to the heterogeneity of are scarce.
the bird problem, however, large sample sizes are
needed across several production seasons, which
renders these methods labour intensive and
expensive. Indirect methods include question- Control of Bird Damage
naire surveys, monitoring of bird numbers, to Rice in Africa
energetics models, and damage-abatement mod-
els. While questionnaire surveys are obviously Many techniques are available to protect crops
subjective, they do serve to demonstrate the gen- from bird damage. A literature review of the
eral levels of damage and the relative serious- effectiveness of existing bird control techniques
ness of the problem according to farmers’ is provided by Bishop et al. (2003). The main con-
perceptions (e.g. Sidibé et al., 2003). Monitoring clusions of this study are that the effectiveness of
bird numbers enables the species involved and its each technique varies with the bird species
behaviour to be determined, which, in turn, involved, and that optimal bird control methods
enhances the understanding of the bird problem combine several techniques or use them in a ran-
(e.g. Bruggers, 1980). Estimating bird damage is dom fashion. Human-operated scaring tech-
based on using the correlation between bird den- niques were the most effective; lethal methods
sity and damage – a relationship that is (unfor- are of only short-term benefit. In Africa, tradi-
tunately) rarely known and difficult to obtain. tional, low-cost methods are mainly used. Two
Energetics models are more advanced models general classes of approaches can be distin-
that take pest-bird population estimates and guished. Preventive methods aim at not attract-
make use of the determinants of energy require- ing birds to the field, while protective methods
ment of these populations (e.g. age, temperature focus on protecting the rice crop when birds do
and body weight) to predict the amount of dam- visit the field. Preventive methods can be sub-
age they will inflict (e.g. Weatherhead et al., divided into lethal and non-lethal techniques.
1982). de Mey et al. (2012) propose an indirect Lethal techniques are aimed at suppressing pest
method relying on a production function with a bird populations and are primarily implemented
damage-abatement component that enables by national or regional (governmental) crop
bird damage to be econometrically isolated from protection units. They include manual nest
overall rice crop productivity. destruction, treatment with avicides (chemical
The latest extensive overview of world bird substances lethal to certain bird species) and the
damage problems is provided by De Grazio (1978). use of explosives or flamethrowers. Non-lethal
Aggregating results of 32 studies (reporting dam- techniques include agronomic practices such as
age in 626 plots), Manikowski (1984) suggests an vegetation management, good weed manage-
average loss of 6.9% of cereal harvest in West ment (as weeds attract birds), specific planning
Africa. The highest damage figures were found for of the production season and choosing a variety

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Table 19.1. Overview of studies reporting bird damage estimates on cereal crops in Africa. (From de Mey et al., 2012, with permission from John Wiley and

Sons, © 2012 The Agricultural Economics Society, with small modifications.)

Wopereis_Ch19.indd 244
Year Estimation method
Region (period) Crop Estimation of losses (sample sizea) Major species Source Reference

Africa, East n.a. Cereals ‘A total of at least $15 million Literature review Red-billed Quelea Conference Bruggers and Jaeger
annually in eastern Africa’ (5 studies) and other ploceid proceedings (1981)
Africa, Sahel n.a. Cereals ‘Damage to cereal crops by n.a. Red-billed Quelea Book chapter FAO (2001)
quelea birds in specific
locations could be as much as
100 percent but was estimated
to be about 5 percent nationally
in Sahel countries and at about
1 percent for all of savannah
Africa, West n.a. Cereals ‘Out of a total of 626 plots of Literature review Red-billed Quelea, Journal article Manikowski (1984)
cereals, birds damaged 6.9% (32 studies – Village Weaver, (Tropical Pest
of the harvest … The average 626 plots) Red-headed Management)
loss in the plots which were Quelea, Golden
damaged by birds (71% of Weaver, Black-
examined fields) was 13.7%’b headed Weaver
Y. de Mey and M. Demont

Chad, 1975–1977 Rice ‘Damage varied from 13% to 26% Sampling (10 plots Red-billed Quelea Journal article Elliott (1979)
Cameroon when harvest overlapped with – 2000 panicles) (Journal of
birds’ arrival’ Applied Ecology)
Ethiopia 1975–1979 Sorghum Damage averaged between 9% Visual estimation Red-billed Quelea Conference Jaegar and Erickson
and 51% in 1975–1977 before (5 sites – 1000 proceedings (1980)
control measures. In 1978– panicles)
1979, when control was applied,
damage averaged between
0.6% and 22.1%
Kenya 1952 Wheat, $0.7 million loss; 100,000 bags n.a. Red-billed Quelea, Report De Grazio (1973); De
rice, ‘Doves’, ‘Weavers’, Grazio and Dehaven
millet, ‘Starlings’ (1974); Pearson (1967)
sorghum cited by De Grazio

5/31/2013 12:42:02 PM
Mali 1983–1986 Rice ‘Damages are very variable among Visual estimation ‘Ducks’, ‘Ruffs’ Journal article Tréca (1987)
years (from 0.76 to 14% of the (80 plots – (Journal
harvest, by mean), but they are not 10,000 panicles) d’agriculture

Wopereis_Ch19.indd 245
uniformly distributed, some fields traditionnelle et
being very heavily destroyed, when de botanique
other are untouched’ appliquée)
2001–2002 Rice 22% of production Survey (n = 280) ‘Grain eating’ Report Sidibé et al. (2003)
Morocco n.a. Wheat, Wheat loss most severe; n.a. House Sparrow, Report De Grazio et al. (1971)
rice $4.0 million loss Spanish Sparrow cited by De Grazio
Nigeria n.a. Rice, wheat, $2.8 million/year loss n.a. Red-billed Quelea, Report De Grazio et al. (1971);
millet, in one province Golden Sparrow, Pearson (1967); Ward
sorghum, ‘Starlings’, ‘Doves’, and Jones (1977) cited
maize ‘Weavers’ by De Grazio (1978)
Senegal, 1976–1977 Cereals 5% of total cereal production Sampling ‘Weavers’, Red-billed Journal article Bruggers and Ruelle
country (the equivalent of $4–5 million) (375 plots) Quelea, Golden (Protection (1981)
Sparrow Ecology)
Senegal, 2003–2007 Rice Annual crop losses during the wet Survey (n = 111) Red-billed Quelea, Journal article de Mey et al. (2012)
Senegal seasons of 2003–2007 were and damage Golden Sparrow (Journal of
River valley econometrically estimated at 3.4%, abatement Agricultural
10.2%, 11.5%, 30.3% and 13.4%, production Economics)
respectively, and 0.6%, 6.0%, function
10.7%, 51.4% and 12.1% according
Bird Damage to Rice

to surveyed farmers’ perceptions

Somalia 1975–1979 Rice, Damage averaged between Discussions and Village Weaver, Conference Bruggers (1980)
sorghum, 1% and 78% depending sampling Golden Palm proceedings
maize on crop and field location Weaver, Chestnut
Weaver, Red Bishop
South Africa 1953 Cereals $1.4 million loss of sorghum n.a. Red-billed Quelea Conference Hey (1964); Pearson (1967)
proceedings cited by De Grazio (1978)
Sudan n.a. Sorghum $0.9 million loss annually n.a. Red-billed Quelea Report Schmutterer (1969) cited
by De Grazio (1978)

Notes: Monetary values are in nominal terms. n.a. = not available.

No. panicles always refers to the total sample size, not the number of panicles per plot. bThis aggregate study uses results of some of the other studies presented in this table.
Used with permission from Wiley.

5/31/2013 12:42:02 PM
246 Y. de Mey and M. Demont

with bird-resistant characteristics. Religious Conclusion

techniques such as shamanism and fetishes are
also still widely adopted in Africa. Protective Birds, and especially Red-billed Quelea, inflict
methods include the use of repellents (chemical substantial losses on rice in Africa. Many factors
substances aimed at deterring birds), protecting influence the incidence of crop losses, some of
fields or nurseries with nets or wires, covering which can be controlled by farmers. Accurate
individual heads of ripening crops with grass or bird damage figures are important in order to
cloth, and manual bird-scaring efforts. The latter put the bird problem into perspective and pro-
may consist of a combination of auditory (e.g. vide useful information for future research, allo-
noise-making devices, whips, shouting), visual cation of research funding at the governmental
(scarecrows, flags, reflective tape) and physical level, and farm management decision making.
measures (e.g. throwing rocks or mud). The available evidence on physical crop losses is
In general, traditional protective methods somewhat out-dated and suggests an average
such as manual bird scaring, flags and scare- loss of 15–20% of total cereal production due to
crows can provide satisfactory protection on bird damage with substantial spatial and tempo-
small-scale, privately owned farms when bird ral heterogeneity.
numbers are low. However, when pest bird pres- Estimates of physical losses, however,
sure is elevated, these methods become ineffec- underestimate true economic losses as they do
tive (Ruelle and Bruggers, 1982; de Mey et al., not account for costs entailed by the supply-
2012). Also, on large-scale, governmental pro- response adjustments that farmers make when
duction schemes, these methods are impractical, faced with pests (Chambers et al., 2010). This is
costly and ineffective (Bruggers, 1980). This supported by farmer surveys in Senegal that sug-
suggests that the development of bird popula- gest that the mere presence of the avian risk is a
tions needs to be monitored and farmers need to block to intensification in irrigated rice cultiva-
be protected against the consequences of mas- tion (de Mey et al., 2012). Moreover, aside from
sive bird invasions through insurance systems direct economic impacts, bird damage also has
(PINORD, 2009). In particular, there is a need to substantial social consequences. On the one
link bird invasions to climatic factors that influ- hand, farmers who scare birds in the field are
ence the development of birds in Africa. Such socially separated from their family for a long
information can be used to create observatories time. On the other hand, traditional bird scaring
that monitor the diffusion of birds in order to is frequently undertaken by children who some-
prevent or anticipate massive bird invasions. times miss school in doing so, which jeopardizes
Large-scale, chemical control techniques to meeting key education objectives such as univer-
reduce population levels of pest birds to non-pest sal primary enrolment (de Mey et al., 2012).
levels are still widely adopted in many African Finally, a review of the adopted techniques
countries (Mullié et al., 1999). Literature suggest for controlling bird damage on rice in Africa sug-
these to be inefficient, however, because they do gests that mainly traditional, low-cost methods
not significantly lower populations due to the are used. These methods may be adequate under
pest birds’ high reproductive potential and high low pest pressure but under high pest pressure
mobility (Ward, 1979). The frequent inaccessi- they become ineffective. This suggests that
bility of areas in which birds reside also creates a research is needed on (i) developing alternative
barrier to efficient application of these chemi- bird-damage control measures that are low cost,
cals. In contrast, lethal control to locally reduce environmentally friendly and can be easily
pest bird numbers in the vicinity of important adopted by farmers; (ii) predicting massive bird
cereal production areas to give temporary relief invasions through observatories; and (iii) devel-
has been successfully applied. However, the suc- oping index-based insurance systems that can
cess of this approach varies regionally and by the protect farmers against avian risk. The ‘public
control method deployed (Bruggers and Jaeger, good’ nature of bird control – as if one farmer
1981). It is worth noting that these approaches scares birds from his field, these birds are merely
entail severe environmental hazards when avi- displaced to adjacent fields – justifies govern-
cides are applied (Mullié et al., 1999). ment intervention.

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Bird Damage to Rice 247


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