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IELTS Vocabulary - Topic Education

1. MAJOR (Ngành học)

Part 1
What do you study in your university? /What is your major? (Bạn học gì ở trường đại
học?/Ngành học của bạn là gì?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, honestly, I am a double- Double-major  (adj
Học song bằng
major student. (Example) Last summer, I graduated )
from Faculty of International Economics, Foreign Flying colors (n) Điểm cao
Trade University with flying colors and currently I
Senior  (n) Sinh viên năm cuối
am a senior studying English in Hanoi University.
 Part 2
Describe your most favorite subject. (Mô tả môn học bạn yêu thích nhất)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) The subject that is my all-time favorite is Sophomore  (n) Sinh viên năm 2
“Culture of countries in ASEAN”, which was taught Elective subject  (n) Môn tự chọn
since I was a sophomore in university. Have deeper Hiểu thêm về
(Reason) Although it was just an elective subject, I insight into (St) (v)  
was really into studying it since I could have deeper Presentations  (n) Bài thuyết trình
insight into ASEAN countries’ cultures and be Doing research
Nghiên cứu về cái gì
immersed in their vivid civilization. (Example) In class, into (St)  (v)
we discussed history, religion, tradition and lifestyle of Keen learner  (n) Người học tích cực
people in these countries. We also had a lot of group Dedicated
Giảng viên tận tâm
work and presentations to make this subject much teachers  (n)
more interesting to learn. We also used to read a lot
of books related to ASEAN countries’ cultures. Doing
research into culture has always intrigued me as I
have been a keen learner of culture.
Additionally, we were taught by dedicated
teachers  who helped us understand the lesson
Broaden my
quickly. Till now, I have still felt grateful for the Mở rộng kiến thức
lecturers who were so passionate with the lessons. thông thường
knowledge  (v)
This subject has brought me a feeling of satisfaction,
which I could hardly see in other subjects.
To sum up,  it has been a useful subject as thanks to
this, I find that I can broaden my common
knowledge  and have more confidence when I have
the chance to go to the countries in South East Asia.

 Part 3

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Do you think students should go to vocational training courses or university after

graduating from high school? (Bạn nghĩ rằng học sinh nên đi học các khóa đào tạo nghề
hay học đại học sau khi tốt nghiệp?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Honestly I think students should go to Vocational
Đào tạo nghề
university rather than vocational training courses. training  (n)
(Reason) To begin with, after graduation, they can Higher
Cao học
earn a university degree which is required by most education  (n)
recruiters nowadays. (Reason) Moreover, studying in
universities provide students with an opportunity to
pursue higher education, which means that they
Moving up the Thăng tiến trong
will have more qualifications and  (Example) this
career ladder  (v) công việc
may be likely to help them have many opportunities
of  moving up the career ladder  more easily in
Major (n) ngành học
Double-major  (adj) Học song bằng
Flying colors (n) Điểm cao
Senior  (n) Sinh viên năm cuối
Sophomore  (n) Sinh viên năm 2
Elective subject  (n) Môn tự chọn
Hiểu thêm về
Have deeper insight into (St) (v)
Presentation (n) Bài thuyết trình
Do  research into (St)  (v) Nghiên cứu về cái gì
Keen learner  (n) Người học tích cực
Dedicated teachers  (n) Giảng viên tận tâm
Broaden  one’s  common knowledge  (v) Mở rộng kiến thức thông thường
Vocational training  (n) Đào tạo nghề
Higher education  (n) Cao học
Move    up the career ladder  (v) Thăng tiến trong công việc

2. PEOPLE (Con người)

 Part 1
Do you prefer to be in a big size class or a small size one? (Bạn thích ở trong lớp có sĩ số
lớn hay sĩ số nhỏ?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, I would choose to be in a large size Large/small size
Lớp có sĩ số lớn/nhỏ
class, which may contain approximately 30 class  (n)
students. (Reason) I believe when I am in a big class, Study Môi trường học tập
my classmates and me can promote a better study environment  (n)
environment and we may probably hold interesting

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events together.

 Part 2
Describe the most inspiring person you have met so far in your university. (Mô tả một
người truyền cảm hứng nhất mà bạn từng gặp ở trường đại học của bạn)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, I would like to talk about the monitor Studious  (adj) Chăm chỉ
in my class, whose name is Hoai Linh. She is one of Attitude towards
Thái độ học tập
the most studious students I have ever known. studying  (n)
(Reason) I really admire Linh for several reasons. Compulsory/ Môn học bắt buộc/tự
Firstly, it is her attitude towards studying. elective subject  (n) chọn
(Example) Despite being extremely intelligent, she Learning
Tài liệu học tập
spends more time than anyone of us in the class to materials  (n)
study no matter it is a compulsory or Education
Nền tảng giáo dục
an elective subject. She is very hard-working and background  (n)
she is among the students who have the most Academic
Bảng điểm đại học
outstanding in-class performance. Sitting next to transcript  (n)
me, she often gives me tutorial lessons if I have any High distinction Bằng tốt nghiệp loại
difficulties in study. She also encourages me a lot degree  (n) xuất sắc
and even sends me her learning materials if I want Kiệt xuất, xuất sắc, xuất
Exceptional  (adj)
to have further understanding of the lesson. chúng
(Reason) Secondly, I can also consider that Linh has
an outstanding education background. (Example)
She can not only learn well but she also has broad
common knowledge – which is the reason why
her academic transcript has been excellent so far.
Once she told me that one of her goals would be to Reach new heights Đạt đến những đỉnh
achieve High distinction degree from this of knowledge  (v) cao tri thức mới
university and I think that it is absolutely possible
for such an exceptional student like her. I think that
Linh’s success in the future will just be a matter of
time as she always moves forward to reach new
heights of knowledge.

 Part 3
Should teamwork be encouraged at school? (Hoạt động nhóm có nên được khuyến khích
ở trường không?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) One hundred percent yes, since teamwork Characteristics  (n) Tính cách
can connect different characteristics to solve one Stimulate  (v) Kích thích, thôi thúc
issue. (Reason) Personally, I suppose that Mutual
Sự thấu hiểu lẫn nhau
teamwork stimulates creativity and mutual understanding  (n)
understanding. (Example) People in a team must Sense of Tinh thần trách nhiệm

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responsibility  (n)
set aside their egos to get on well with others and
most importantly, put the team’s goal in top
priority. Moreover, teammates can build trust and
Large/small size class  (n) Lớp có sĩ số lớn/nhỏ
Study environment  (n) Môi trường học tập
Studious  (adj) Chăm chỉ
Attitude towards studying  (n) Thái độ học tập
Compulsory/ elective subject  (n) Môn học bắt buộc/tự chọn
Learning materials  (n) Tài liệu học tập
Education background  (n) Nền tảng giáo dục
Academic transcript  (n) Bảng điểm đại học
High distinction degree  (n) Bằng tốt nghiệp loại xuất sắc
Exceptional  (adj) Kiệt xuất, xuất sắc, xuất chúng
Reach new heights of knowledge  (v) Đạt đến những đỉnh cao tri thức mới
Characteristic  (n) Tính cách
Stimulate  (v) Kích thích, thôi thúc
Mutual understanding  (n) Sự thấu hiểu lẫn nhau
Sense of responsibility  (n) Tinh thần trách nhiệm

IELTS Part 3 Topic: School

1. What courses/subjects you think will be added in your high school?

Rather than adding more courses, I think most of those we already have will become electives.
Students in my country are already studying too many subjects, most of which they have no
interest in. When I was in school, I had 13 mandatory subjects, and I can’t recall what I learned
in half of them.

2. What courses/subjects will be helpful in future work?

I think classes on foreign languages and intercultural communication will be useful. The world is
becoming more and more globalized, so being able to speak at least one foreign language will
help people find work in the job market. As for intercultural communication, knowledge about
cultural norms and the ways in which people think and interpret messages will prevent

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3. What do students do after school in your country?

Students in my country usually take extra classes after school, which are often taught by their
own teachers or private tutors. If students do not have classes, many of them hang out with
friends in the afternoon before going home to have dinner and do their homework.

4. Do you think students should choose subjects they like?

To a certain extent, yes. I think subjects like Math, Reading, and at least one Foreign Language
should be compulsory for all. Other subjects such as Arts and Music should be optional, as I
think few students intend to work in the creative industry or see it as a viable career path.

5. Can the students in your country choose their favorite subjects?

No. The subjects students learn are all dictated by the Ministry of Education. In my experience,
all students have at least one subject they detest. Many subjects students want to learn aren’t
even available.

6. According to you, what will school be like in the future?

I think the schools in the future will focus more on application of fundamental concepts to real-
world problems instead of plain rote learning. I also think – and hope – that there will be a
greater emphasis on the all-round development of the student as an individual.

7. What makes a good student?

Answer:  A student is a good student when she/he learns new things at every opportunity not
only what is taught in the classroom, but also what is taught by nature and his/her surroundings.
We would call a student a “good student” also when he/she asks many pertinent questions and
tries to find out their answers that ultimately lead him/her to find the “truth”. And finally,
obviously, ordinary people would judge a good student by the grades she/he gets in important
exams and tests.
Answer:  I think the first characteristic to make a good student is self-motivation. The student
has to be motivated and resilient to be able to keep up with the pursuit of knowledge. Second,
discipline is also a must to maintain a continuous process of taking in information effectively.
Finally, a great student needs listening skills. It means that they must be ready to listen openly
and actively.

8. What role should the teacher have in the classroom?

Answer:  The primary role of a teacher should be to teach his/her students the curricular lessons

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of the school. But, at the same time, a teacher should also act as a “mentor” or “role model” in
the classroom so that his/her students can learn many other important “lessons of life”, such as
the value of discipline, punctuality, hard works, honesty and respect for others, from him or her.
In fact, the role of a teacher in the classroom should also include teaching a student how to
become a decent and responsible member of society.  A good teacher doesn’t just teach what is
written in the books but also what is not “written” on the books sometimes.
Answer: Well, I think the functional role of teachers in a classroom should be a facilitator in
learning, rather than a king controlling learners' activities. It means that teachers should provide
knowledge for their students, show them how to process what they learn, then let learners make
their own way to deepen their understanding. Argumentative discussions and teamwork activities
are things that teachers should organize frequently in their class to get the students involved in an
active participation. 

9. Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?
Answer:   I wouldn’t really like to think that computers will and should replace teachers one day
in the classroom because students require “human touch” to behave and act like a “human” in the
real world unless, of course, we want our children to become like “human robot”.  A computer
can certainly teach students how to become “smart” in the classroom, but it won’t probably be
able to tell when to behave like one. A computer won’t certainly be able to teach many other
“real-world” human behaviours, emotions and moral disciplines to students in the classroom like
a human teacher.

Answer:   Oh, this is a very noticeable matter following the emergence of AI (Artificial
Intelligence) in education. Digitalization in classrooms has obviously brought about numerous
benefits for learners. Having said that, I believe teachers still remain their irreplaceable position
in teaching because human interactions more or less play an important role in learning. In
particular, computers simply cannot inspire us because this is an aspect of feelings and emotions
which goes beyond the approach of AI. Therefore, instructors are valuable in creating
inspirational experiences to encourage learner's motivation.   

10. How has teaching changed in your country in the last few decades?
Answer: In the past few decades, teachers used to rely mostly on chalk pencils, marker pens and
writing boards to teach students in the classrooms, but those teaching materials have been
replaced by computers, keyboards, projectors and wall screens. In these days, teachers and
students are much more connected to each other which were almost impossible even a decade
ago. In fact, with the tremendous advancement in the information and mobile technology,
learning through digital games and learning apps have become more and more popular these
days. Finally, both students and teachers are learning more and more new things and sharing
their information among each other since collecting data and information have become much
easier these days than it was about a few decades ago.

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Answer:   It is clear that the teaching methods in Vietnam have changed significantly. In the
past, teachers used to be the main source of knowledge, the leader and educator of their students.
Nowadays, although they are still considered to be a kind of leader in the classroom, they are
more of facilitators in learning. Another difference is represented by the technical support they
need to be able to use effectively, such as computers, projectors, adaptive software, etc. Instead
of teaching withchalk, they become IT managers of the classroom.

11. What is the difference between the way children learn and the way adults learn?
Answer: Children and adults learn in fundamentally different ways. Adults are self-learners and
decide what is important to be learned next while young students are dependent on adults
(teachers) for their next lessons, assignments and subjects. The children usually tend to accept
the information, presented to them, based on their face values, since they have no or very little
experience upon which to draw ( any conclusion) while the adults usually try to challenge
information and accept them only after validating them in the light of their beliefs and
experience. Finally, children are usually motivated to learn because of rewards or punishment,
but adults tend to learn because of their “interest”.

Answer:   I think that flexibility makes the difference in the learning ways of children and
grown-ups. Mature people tend to be fixed in their ways of thinking and living. Therefore, they
need longer time to imbibe new knowledge and concepts compared to children. On the other
hand, kids are more adaptable and able to change easily to take in information. In addition,
children use all five senses to adapt new things and they learn all the time in their daily life. By
contrast, adults learn mostly through their sight and hearing, and they separate study from living.
It means that they think knowledge is mainly from classes, not from their everyday life. 

12. How can a teacher make lessons for children more interesting?
Answer:  In my opinion, the best way to make the lessons interesting is to make them more and
more interactive by allowing the children to ask more and more questions no matter how “weird”
they sound. And, the more they are allowed to ask questions, the more “empowered” they feel in
the classroom to learn.

Answer:   I think to create activities which encourage children's active participation is the most
important thing teachers should do to make their lessons more exciting. For young children, it is
better to organize funny games to help students remember what they learn, such as hangman - a
nice game for spelling, or stop the bus - a cool game for vocabulary. For older children,
argumentative discussions and presentations would suit them better. Funny clips and music
videos are also very helpful for learning facilitation. 

Answer:   The lessons can be interesting also if the children are allowed to make their own
“choices” on what contents to learn and how to learn them. Teachers can make lessons
interesting for their children by creating contents are which are more “real-life” oriented such as

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allowing their students to do their math based on how much money they would like to spend in
buying their favourite ice creams and so on.

13. What do you think makes a good lesson?

Answer:   I think a good lesson is one that is interesting and engaging. By 'engaging' I mean that
the students should feel involved in the lesson; they should feel that they are learning something
new that is relevant to them. In my opinion, a lot depends on how the teacher delivers the content
of the lesson in a way that students like. My favourite teacher at university used to involve the
students by making us teach some of the lessons ourselves.

14. Do you think the traditional classroom will disappear in the future?

Answer:   I don't think it will disappear, but it might become less common. I think more people
will study independently, using different technologies rather than sitting in a classroom. Maybe
students will attend a lesson just once a week, and spend the rest of their time following online
courses or watching video lessons.

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