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1. Know the Division of Kingdoms or Ancient Government
 Common misconception of people that before the Spaniards we are all Muslims?
 No we are divided by different political systems dominant ones are the Lakanate, Rajanate and
Maguinoo form of system.
 These systems are from the indianize influence from Sri Vijaya and Maja Pahit empires of
Southeast Asia.
 Islamic state use different title from the indianize state. They use honorary title like Sultan
Tariq or Kalif.
 The lands that they dominated are the lands where oldest and grandious mosque in our
country are found like in Tawi, Sulu and Maguindanao.
 Tribal system where the greatest provider are often times nominated as a leader and not base
on their blood royalties. They live in a communal system where slavery is not practice and great
respect on the elders base on their deeds are practice.
 Known tribal groups are Negroid group Aeta, Agtha, Mangyan, Batac, etc.
 People of mountain province Igorot, Kay Kaney Kalinga, Ilongod Gadang, etc.

2. Ancient Naming Convention and Honorary Titles

 Knowing the ancient naming convention can make you trace relative information of people’s
genealogy and cultural practice of our ancient people.
 We will not fall on the Tallano Hoax or narrative.
 Also you can easily identify if the person in subject is if they are under the Islamic or Rajanate
state by checking their nobility title and type of naming convention that they use.
 Ancient names are more the honorary titles for the royals and the known acts of nobility for the
 Names of ancient people on our country are earned base on the reputation that they entailed
on their names that is where they get their last names.
 Common people and slaves often times do not have last names, it’s a clue for the radical claims
of any clans or family lines.

3. The Practices and Culture

a. Islamic and Rajanate systems have different practices. What more are the tribal minority
b. Where our other practices originated? Like circumcision? They say it was brought by Islamic
faith but even the Negroid race and Ifugaos who are much older race than the Malayan and
Indonesian race. Practice circumcision
c. Where does the mummification originated? Being practice thousand years ago?
d. Who are the people on our country classified as Pintados?
e. Are they the same from the painted warrior of Mountain Province?
f. Are Muslim allowed to be painted all over their body?

4. Digging up the Origination of our Heritage Like our Architecture, Literature, Land Scape,
Craftsmanship and Archaeology.
 Example: Rice Terraces is 2000 years Old this means that we have Civilization that would
stretch back from that point to 15th Century before the arrival of Spanish.
 Laguna Copper Plate proves that we know Advance knowledge of Implementing Laws on a
Formal Form of a Letter... it’s an equivalent of modern Quit Claim dating back 822 AD 1000
years Ago.
 Our writing system is it really originated on a Kawi Script which is consist of 27 characters
versus to our Baybayin System which is consist only of 17 simplified characters.
 That has a characteristic of an ancient form of language like Baustronophedon meaning you
can flipped the symbol to find the similarities on other ancient form of writting system and use
of allophones characters that are similar symbols like between the "r" and "l"
 Where did we get our metallurgy skills since our ancestors have advance knowledge on forging
metals of other metals like infusing metheor on our swords and daggers?
 Mixing gold with other metals to utilize our precious metals.

5. Our Ancient Geo Politics.

 Studying the foreign partnership that we have during our Pre-Colonial Era.
 Who are we trading with? Who are the foreigners that are settling on our country?
Do we have similar lifestyle or form of governance on our country?
 How vast is our territory before the great council was divided by the European Treaty like the
Treaty of Tordesillas and Zaragoza?
 Why have we been subjugated or conquered by the super power during the 15th century? If we
are just a liability?
 Expanding an empire or a territory is an investment what more if your expensive ships have
89% to sink or not able to return on your country if they only get limited sources of article
compare to the country that they already conquered with vast land territory like Mexico and
south America which is much closer to Europe?
 Why take the risk of conquering our country?

6. Looking for much reliable source other than checking in Wikipedia since the information on that
page often times are not reliable and lack of context.
 I have shared an eBook the Philippine island 1490 - 1898 the 300 year chronicles of Spanish
friars and governor to our country translated by B&R the holy grail of Philippine history.
 You can reference on this eBook on the announcement section.
 The pre-colonial history is our responsibility to be studied. Since our education system where
design or pattern from our colonial predecessors.
 This limits our thinking and always falling back on the achievements of our colonial
 These guidelines will taught us how to think and be more vigilant on finding out our origins.
 It’s time to be free and let us dig more on our pre-colonial history.

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