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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a test at various heads of given reciprocating pump finds its efficiency

Reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump, which causes a fluid to move by trapping a fixed
amount of it then displacing that trapped volume in to the discharge pipe. The fluid enters a pumping
chamber via an inlet valve and is pushed out via a outlet valve by the action of the piston or diaphragm.
They are either single acting; independent suction and discharge strokes or double acting; suction and
discharge in both directions.

Reciprocating pumps are self priming and are suitable for very high heads at low flows. They deliver
reliable discharge flows and is often used for metering duties because of constancy of flow rate. The
flow rate is changed only by adjusting the rpm of the driver. These pumps deliver a highly pulsed flow. If
a smooth flow is required then the discharge flow system has to include additional features such as
accumulators. An automatic relief valve set at a safe pressure is used on the discharge side of all positive
displacement pumps.


The reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump, i.e., it operates on the principle of actual
displacement or pushing of liquid by a piston or plunger that executes a reciprocating motion in a closely
fitted cylinder. The liquid is alternately

• Drawn from the sump and filled into suction side of the cylinder.

• Led to the discharge side of the cylinder and emptied to the delivery pipe.
The piston or plunger gets its reciprocating motion (moves backward & Forward) by means of the crank
and connecting rod mechanism. In a double acting reciprocating pump suction and delivery strokes
occurs simultaneously. A pump gives comparatively a more uniform discharge than the single acting
pump, because of the continuity of suction and delivery strokes.

Discharge pressure = P in m

Head = H in m

Flow rate = Q m3/s

Input power = P watt

Water power (Po) = (ρgHQ) Watt

Efficiency (η) = (P/Po) x 100


The Reciprocating pump is of single acting type. The suction & delivery size are 1"x3/2" respectively.
Bore: 38 mm, Stroke: 48 mm.

1. Start the motor keeping the delivery valve fully open.

2. Note down the pressure gauge and vacuum gauge reading by adjusting the delivery valve to require
head say 0 meters. Now calculate the total head (H).

Pressure Head = Kg/cm² x 10 = meters.

Datum head = Distance between pressure and vacuum gauge in meters Total head (H) = Pressure Head
+ Vacuum Head + Datum Head

3. Note down the time required for the rise of 10cm (i.e. 0.1m) water in the collecting tank by using stop
watch. Calculate discharge using below formula.

Discharge:- The time taken to collect some ‘x’ cm of water in the collecting tank in m³/sec.

A = area of the collecting tank in m² (0.3m X 0.3m) h = rise of water level taken in meters (say 0.1m or
10cm) t = time taken for rise of water level to height ‘h’ in seconds.

4. Note down the time taken for ‘x’ revolutions of energy meter disk and calculate the Input power
Where, 0.70= Combined motor losses. 0.80 = Belt (or) transmission losses. X = No. of revolutions of
energy meter disc (say 5 Rev.) T = Time for Energy meter revolutions disc. in seconds C = Energy meter

5. Now calculate the output power

Where: W = Sp. Wt. of water (9810 N/m³) Q = Discharge H = Total Head

6. Repeat the steps from 2 to 5 for various heads by regulating the delivery valve.

Note: -- Maximum head should not exceed 2.5m (i.e. 2.5kg/sq. cm)

Table of readings:
Table of calculation:


1. Input power = k.w

2. Output Power = k.w

3. %η of pump =

Viva Voce Questions:

1 What is an air vessel?

Ans. An air vessel is a closed chamber containing compressed air in the top portion and liquid at the
bottom of the chamber.

2 What is negative slip in case of reciprocating pump?

Ans. If actual discharge is more than the theoretical discharge, the slip of the pump will become –ve. In
that case, the slip of the pump is known as negative slip.

It occurs when delivery pipe is short, suction pipe is long and pump is running at high speed.

3 What do you understand by single acting & double acting pump?

Ans. According to the water being in contact with one side or both sides of the piston:

If the water is in contact with one side of the piston, the pump is known as single acting. On the other
hand, if the water is in contact with both sides of the piston, the pump is called double acting.

4 What is the function of air vessel in a reciprocating pump?

Ans. An air vessel is fitted to the suction pipe and to the delivery pipe at a point close to the cylinder of
a single-acting reciprocating pump:

i)to obtain a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate, ii)to save a considerable amount of work in
overcoming the frictional resistance in the suction and delivery pipes, and iii)to run the pump at a high
speed without separation.

5 Define slip of a pump?

Ans. Slip of a pump is defined as the difference between the theoretical discharge and actual discharge
of the pump.
6 Define a reciprocating pump?

Ans. The mechanical energy is converted into hydraulic energy (or pressure energy) by sucking the
liquid into a cylinder in which a piston is reciprocating (moving backwards and forwards), which exerts
the thrust on the liquid and increases its hydraulic energy (pressure energy), the pump is known as
reciprocating pump.

7 What are the main parts of the reciprocating pump?

Ans. 1. A cylinder with a piston, piston rod, connecting rod and a crank, 2. Suction pipe, 3. Delivery pipe,
4. Suction valve, and 5. Delivery valve.

8 Define slip of reciprocating pump?

Ans. The difference of theoretical discharge and actual discharge is known as slip of the pump

9. How do you classify the reciprocating pumps? Ans. 1. According to the water being in contact with
one side or both sides of the piston, (i)Single acting pump (ii) Double acting pump 2. According to
the number of cylinders provided.

(i)Single cylinder pump (ii) Double cylinder pump (iii) Triple cylinder pump

10 What is the principle of working of a reciprocating pump?

Ans. In reciprocating pumps the mechanical action causes the fluid to move using one or more
oscillating pistons, plungers etc. It requires a system of suction and discharge valves to ensure that the
fluid moves in a positive direction.

11 Define indicator diagram?

Ans. The indicator diagram for a reciprocating pump is defined as the graph between the pressure head
in the cylinder and the distance travelled by piston from inner dead centre for one complete revolution
of the cranck.

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