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Víctor Ferney Zambrano Núñez


Juan Sebastián Gómez Ayala


Presentado a:

Javier Augusto Jaimes Delgado

Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga

Departamento de Humanidades

Filosofía Política


1. What is globalization?

Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s

economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services,

technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. Countries have built economic

partnerships to facilitate these movements over many centuries.

2. What are The United Nations?

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. It is currently composed

of 193 Member States. The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the purposes

and principles contained in its founding Charter.

There are six official languages of the UN. These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French,

Russian and Spanish.

 The main organs of the UN are:

 The General Assembly

 The Security Council

 The Economic and Social Council,

 The Trusteeship Council,

 The International Court of Justice, and

 The UN Secretariat

3. How globalization influence your daily life?

Globalization has modified people's lifestyles, in different aspects such as food, clothing,

fashion, consumption and entertainment. Many of our daily activities differ from those of our

parents and grandparents, but they seem more and more like people from other countries in the

world. The media have contributed to the massification of certain patterns of behavior, tastes or

ways of dressing, generating one of the characteristic features of today's society: Global mass


4. Write unless 5 negative effects of globalization

Disadvantages of globalization are:

 Foreign interventionism.

Among the problems that some see in the globalization process is a certain decrease in

national sovereignty. Because countries are so interrelated economically, socially, politically and

culturally, any deviation from the general guidelines is viewed with suspicion.

 Loss of national identity:

There are also those who see a danger of loss of national identity, since societies increasingly

resemble each other, with the same cultural tastes, fashions, etc.

 Decline of minority languages.

The problem of a language disappearing is not a minor one. Language is the greatest exponent

of a culture and its loss entails the disappearance of a unique and irreplaceable identity. For this

reason, a correct process of globalization must ensure that those essences that define the peoples

endure, as far as possible.

 Increase in unemployment in developed countries.

On the one hand, as jobs have disappeared, unemployment has increased in developed

countries and labor has become cheaper. On the other, jobs have become precarious and rights

that were part of the so-called welfare state have been lost.

 Concentration of capital in large multinationals.

One of the consequences of the previous point is that inequalities have grown. By increasing

their profits and their possibilities to compete, the large multinationals are the great winners of

this model of economic globalization.


 Peterson Institute for International Economics (2020). What Is Globalization? Retrieved

30 October 2020, from


 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia. (2012). Retrieved 30 October

2020, from

 Sassen, S. (2007). A sociology of globalization. Análisis político, 20(61), 3-27.

 Apd, R. (2018). Globalización: ventajas y desventajas en el mundo actual. APD España.

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